Shaping the future of the Cardiff Capital Region
28 November 2014

Cardiff University's School of Planning and Geography is leading a project engaging with the development of the Cardiff city region following the Welsh Government's decision to establish the Cardiff Capital Region.
Watch Gillian explain the project in detail
The engagement project which is titled City Region Exchange and is led by Planning and Geography's Professor Gillian Bristow was recently launched at the Senedd by the Welsh Government's First Minister Carwyn Jones AM.
At the launch Professor Bristow described how the project aims to ensure Cardiff University's extensive knowledge base is utilised to help inform and shape the development of the region. She said, "Our project is intended to engage with key stakeholders and decision-makers in the Cardiff Capital Region and work with them to help inform and shape its development. In doing this, it is intended to build on, and strengthen the various roles played by the University in the Cardiff Capital Region, roles which include being a major employer, a provider of skilled graduates, and a source of business innovation. "
"City Region Exchange also provides us with an opportunity to use the University's research expertise and knowledge to strengthen the evidence base for those who are developing the Cardiff Capital Region and who are trying to ensure its potential benefits are fully realised and shared."
The project will act as a focal point for the University's engagement with the development of the Cardiff Capital Region. It will also seek to build partnerships and networks of knowledge sharing and information exchange across the region through a programme of events, workshops and research.
For more information contact either Professor Bristow or Dr Adrian Healy.