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Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) briefing event

2 January 2018

Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) Briefing :  Modelling, Simulation, AI and Augmented Reality for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

The Welsh Government and the KTN invites you to this free event where you can learn more about the opportunities in this area, form collaborations, discuss the future developments in the field as well as find out how ideas and technologies from other fields can be incorporated.

Safety is often named as the most important trigger in the need for developing Connected and Automated Vehicles.

In this context, technologies and applications need testing, in a multitude of environments and situations. Beyond the real life testing, a high consideration needs to be given to virtual environments and simulations as a valuable complementary solution given their strengths:

  • Their versatility,
  • They can safely test dangerous, uncommon or unlikely scenarios,
  • They can create their own weather and climate,
  • They allow for the testing of a high number of scenarios and “driven miles” in a short time.

Furthermore, there will be pitching opportunities for those that would like to showcase their work and approach in order to facilitate better networking opportunities.

The event purpose is to bring together representatives of the Automotive, Modelling, Simulations, AI and Augmented Reality worlds.

For further information and to confirm your attendance at the event, please register here.

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