College Lecture Series: GaN: A Revolution in Semiconductors'
21 December 2017

The College of Physical Sciences and Engineering invites you to the fourth lecture in our inaugural Lecture Series, delivered by Professor David Wallis from our School of Engineering.
Semiconductors such as Silicon are the corner stone of modern technology and over the last 60 years have transformed our lives. Gallium Nitride (GaN) is a new type of semiconductor that is enabling a revolution in the performance of such devices and delivering higher efficiency, higher power and new functionality. Therefore GaN devices are providing solutions to some of the most pressing challenges faced by humanity today, including global warming.
This presentation will describe some of the amazing properties of GaN and discuss some of the research activities that are making these devices a reality and enabling their amazing potential to be realised.
Join us
The Lecture takes place from 6-7pm in Cardiff University's Hadyn Ellis Building, Lecture Theatre 0.07, Maindy Road. Refreshments will be available from 5pm in the foyer of the Hadyn Ellis Building, and again after the Lecture.
Sign up
Tickets are free and available from Eventbrite.