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Females in finance

22 November 2017

Business woman adressing female audience

Opportunities for women with ambitions of a career in finance was the focus of a recent networking event at Cardiff Business School.

The event, organised by the Finance and Trading Society, welcomed a panel of women working in the financial services to share their career experiences with female students from across the University.

In an inspiring discussion, panellists Rachel Speed, HSBC, Alison James, Lloyds Banking Group and Francesca Melardi-Anderson, PWC outlined initiatives offered in their organisations and elsewhere in the financial services sector to encourage women into business careers.

Strengthening the pipeline of talent

In addition to presentations on PWC’s opportunities for Females of the Future and HSBC’s upcoming Discover a career in Banking event, the students heard about Lloyds Banking Group’s Women of the Future ambassadors programme.

The Lloyds initiative connects award-winning women with school sixth-formers, providing the students with mentors and role models to strengthen the pipeline of talent among Britain’s young women.

Ocean O’Hara, a student in the School of Psychology and Diversity Director for the University’s Finance and Trading Society, said: “Events like these are a fantastic way to discover what businesses are doing to pave the way for young women, like myself, who aspire to a career in the business service sector...”

“It was encouraging to see so much discussion about the varied backgrounds that bring people to the finance sector, and the wide range of avenues available once there.”

Ocean O'Hara Undergraduate in the School of Psychology and Diversity Director for the University’s Finance and Trading Society

“I want to thank Rachel, Alison and Francesca for sharing their knowledge and experience with us today.”

Hosted in the Postgraduate Teaching Centre, the event was followed by a Q&A, networking and refreshments.

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