Da Vinci Awards quest for tomorrow’s big ideas
15 November 2017

Students and staff with big ideas that can change lives will pitch for instant funds in Cardiff University’s annual Da Vinci Awards.
Five winning presenters will walk away with up to £3,000 each, to help turn their research ideas into economic and social reality.
The Awards – on 21 November – showcase Cardiff University’s young innovation talent and help forge links between the University and private and public sector backers.
Last year’s winners included Liz Bagshaw, who has been working to develop low cost water quality sensors and is using the prize money to develop prototypes for testing in river catchments in Devon.
Many presenters come from research teams working across University Schools, and include staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students from all disciplines.
The event, open to the public, is designed to match fresh ideas to seed funding with a minimum amount of hassle.
“We’re thrilled to be marking our fifth annual Da Vinci Awards,” said Professor David Barrow, School of Engineering.
“This year, Ana Avaliana, from the Royal Academy of Engineering will be joining us to present the Awards, and also to pitch to the audience the Academy’s own Enterprise Hub Programme, which offer a great opportunity for future entrepreneurs. Whilst the event is driven by Engineering, we are really keen to diversify pitches and forge links with businesses and external organisations...”

"The event has grown year on year and is underpinned by one simple aim: to make fast, instant, paper-free funding available to both staff and students to encourage innovation from research."
The University is developing a £300m Innovation Campus which will help deliver economic and social prosperity in Wales by forging partnerships between Cardiff’s innovators and the wider world.
The Da Vinci Innovation and Impact Awards 2017 will start promptly at 17:30 on Tuesday 21 November at the KuKu Club, Park Plaza Hotel, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff.
Students, graduates and staff wishing to present should email Professor David Barrow to register their pitch idea on the last available time slots, before 17:00 Friday 17 November, and to get the FAQ details.
To collect or reserve a ticket, contact Aderyn Reid, Room S2.04, Cardiff School of Engineering, Queen’s Buildings, The Parade, Cardiff, CF24 3AA, +44 (0)29 2087 4930.