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Superfast broadband

Businesses that take advantage of superfast broadband are more profitable and successful, research shows

15 May 2018

Many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are gaining benefits by adopting superfast broadband

Europe Day

Researchers join University from around the world

9 May 2018

New EU-funded research projects announced by University on Europe Day

Putting on lotion

Bath additives ineffective for eczema

4 May 2018

One of the most widely used treatments for childhood eczema is not beneficial

Mosquito on human skin

Researchers identify “smell” given off by malaria-infected children

18 April 2018

New breakthrough could lead to non-invasive diagnoses and help develop system to lure mosquitoes away from human populations


Improved method of delivering anti-cancer drugs

17 April 2018

New drug delivery method could reduce nasty side effects for cancer patients

North Atlantic Circulation

Atlantic circulation weakest for over 1500 years

16 April 2018

Leading climate change models could be overestimating stability of ocean conveyer belt that warms the UK

Bornean Elephants

Degraded forest is vital for elephant conservation

16 April 2018

Three-dimensional forest mapping reveals that recovering rainforests play a vital role in the future of Bornean elephants

North Atlantic Circulation

Atlantic circulation weakest for over 1500 years

12 April 2018

Leading climate change models could be overestimating stability of ocean conveyer belt that warms the UK

Woman carrying baby

PCOS link to ADHD and autism spectrum disorder

10 April 2018

Large-scale study links polycystic ovary syndrome to mental health disorders

Image of a banteng

Protecting the Bornean banteng

5 April 2018

Large forest areas vital for Sabah’s most endangered large mammal