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Group of friends

Friendship among young people in Wales

19 November 2018

A good sense of humour is more important in a friend than being good looking, fashionable or popular, research with young people in Wales reveals

Greenland meteorite

Giant meteorite crater found beneath Greenland’s ice sheet

14 November 2018

Scientists uncover 31 km-wide meteorite impact crater hidden deep beneath the Hiawatha Glacier

Professor Simon Ward

Major investment to fund Fragile X Research

9 November 2018

Major research award to improve medication options for people with Fragile X syndrome

Coal mining plant in South Africa

Developing countries’ miners face “substantial risk inequality”

7 November 2018

Research into safety of workers

Cosmic fountain

Cosmic fountain offers clues to how galaxies evolve

6 November 2018

International team of scientists observe plumes of cold molecular gas sprayed out by a black hole a billion light-years from Earth

Truck on top of rubbish dump

Overwhelming public support for government action on unrecyclable packaging

5 November 2018

Survey reveals three quarters of people want the government to ensure products are recyclable and repairable

Data innovation

‘Embrace technology for a better Wales’

5 November 2018

Digital innovation review calls for evidence

Family walking in park

How to make good conversations a walk in the park

31 October 2018

Communication skills benefit from the great outdoors

Gender pay gap

Public sector gender pay gap

31 October 2018

Major study to explore reasons for salary differences

Holding hands

Child welfare inequalities in the UK

30 October 2018

Wales could take lessons from Northern Ireland, experts conclude