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Stock image of meat

Social media messages help reduce meat consumption

9 December 2020

New study shows success of direct messages sent via Facebook chat on reducing the amount of red and processed meat in our diets

Genetic face map picture

Scientists reveal genetic map of the human face

7 December 2020

‘Exciting findings’ will improve understanding of facial development

Stock image of face masks

Reusing face masks: are microwaves the answer?

4 December 2020

Novel approaches could allow respirators and surgical masks to be reused when stocks are low, drastically improving the amount of resources available to healthcare workers

SEDIGISM survey image

Scientists peer into the 3D structure of the Milky Way

3 December 2020

Survey of the sky pushes the boundaries of what we know about the structure of our galaxy

Stock image of newborn baby being weighed

Small and large birth weight linked to genetics of mother and baby – except in tiniest babies, study suggests

2 December 2020

New research by Cardiff University and the University of Exeter suggests genetics is ‘key’ to birth weight of newborn babies

Stock image of people holding hands

New study highlights ‘exceptional challenges’ of bereavement during COVID-19 pandemic

27 November 2020

UK-wide survey of bereaved people carried out by Cardiff and Bristol universities

Atomic resolution image of metal oxide catalyst and elemental mapping

Award drives collaboration across Research Hub

17 November 2020

Electron microscopy expands capability

CLIMB sequencing

Computing system for COVID-19 sequencing analysis wins major award

17 November 2020

Cardiff University’s Professor Tom Connor was technical architect of CLIMB

CS wafer

Cardiff joins £6.1m programme to transform silicon chips

13 November 2020

UKRI-EPSRC funded project to create silicon optical integrated circuits

Stock image of woman working at a desk at home

Disabled people could have greater accessibility to the legal profession due to rise in flexible working

12 November 2020

COVID-19 has normalised working from home, report shows