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Scientists call on more research to determine ‘tipping point’ of supervolcanoes

27 July 2021

In-depth review of 13 historical ‘supereruption’ events reveals no universal set of indicators of an impending volcanic eruption

Harnessing the oceans for energy

23 July 2021

Major £10m project aims to unlock untapped potential of ocean renewable energy fuels.

Nurse in scrubs administering COVID test

Study highlights ‘vital 30-day window’ for hospital inpatients to get COVID-19 jab

23 July 2021

Early findings helped to change Welsh vaccination policy to prioritise vulnerable patients during second wave

Scientists set their sights on new catalyst technology to help achieve net zero

22 July 2021

Academia and industry experts from the UK are exploring ways of converting carbon dioxide and waste into sustainable fuels and chemicals to meet net zero targets.

New study raises prospect of ‘fine-tuning’ immune response through individual T-cells

20 July 2021

Cardiff University findings could have important implications for vaccine design

Cardiff University awarded major funding to research long Covid

19 July 2021

New studies will look at role of immune system in long-term disease and rehabilitation

Share of people in Wales experiencing severe mental health issues more than doubled during pandemic, report finds

16 July 2021

“Significant resources” will be required for support services

More than one in five people ‘less likely to attend cancer screening post-pandemic’

16 July 2021

Cardiff University-led survey looked in detail at impact of COVID-19 on attitudes to screening

Autistic people experience barriers to ‘going green’

14 July 2021

Research suggests greater support is needed for autistic people to take climate action

Seafarers draw on vital support from port chaplains, research finds

9 July 2021

New film shares study on faith and welfare of seafarers working on cargo ships