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Urban greening ‘not a panacea’ for dealing with extreme weather, study finds

26 January 2022

New research suggests strategies such as green roofs and vegetated parks will not be able to mitigate heat waves and flooding at the same time

Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in otters across England and Wales – new research

25 January 2022

Study led by Cardiff University Otter Project suggests ‘widespread pollution’ of British freshwaters

Top award for catalysis researcher

17 January 2022

Medal honours Sir John Meurig Thomas

Study reveals link between brain cell development and risk of schizophrenia

14 January 2022

Cardiff University study is ‘major step forward’ in hunt for developmental origins of psychiatric disorders

Face masks ‘make wearers look more attractive’, study suggests

13 January 2022

Cardiff University research finds wearers of medical masks rated most attractive

Quarter of home care workers in Wales sought mental health help during pandemic, study finds

20 December 2021

Early findings from Cardiff University research reveals impact of COVID-19 on health of care workers.

Trial for wound healing device

16 December 2021

Partnership with Huntleigh Healthcare

Gravitational wave scientists set their sights on dark matter

15 December 2021

Incredibly sensitive instruments used in landmark discoveries could help solve one of the biggest remaining mysteries in the Universe

New insights into impact of immune-suppressing treatments on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness

15 December 2021

Cardiff University-led study suggests certain multiple sclerosis drugs can affect COVID-19 vaccine

Cardiff Model tackles South African Gender Based Violence

14 December 2021

Joe Slovo Foundation backs Pretoria Plan