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A herd of elephants beside water

Restoring tropical rainforests

7 August 2017

Underproductive oil palm plantations aid forest regrowth

Namibian school pupils outdoors

‘Life-changing’ for learners

4 August 2017

Namibian pupils to launch health campaign as part of Cardiff University initiative to raise their aspirations

Cardiff Racing Car on track

Formula Student team make history

24 July 2017

Cardiff University’s student racing team have won the annual Formula Student competition at Silverstone, becoming the first UK winners in the competition’s 19-year history

Team of researchers with treadmill

Novel approach to treating post-traumatic stress disorder

21 July 2017

Investigating effectiveness of new PTSD treatment

Jamie Maddison running through desert - Credit Matthew Traber.

Ultramarathon challenge for Cardiff graduate

11 July 2017

Former student to run 100 miles across Kazakh desert.

Student accepting award

Cardiff University student collects award on behalf of Malala

7 July 2017

Sophie Nuber accepts award on behalf of Nobel Peace Prize winner at G7 meeting of universities

Genes - green

Gene mutation can cause brain malformation in children

5 July 2017

Link between Dmrta2 gene and rare nervous system disorder

Group photo of CUBRIC fellows

Rising stars of microstructural MRI

3 July 2017

A hat trick of first class international fellows coming to CUBRIC

Jac Larner

Prestigious Fulbright Award for student

30 June 2017

Scholarship takes politics student to Michigan, the home of the American National Election Study

Banana trees shading mint on Uganda cropland

Developing sustainable agri-business

29 June 2017

Welsh scientific expertise to boost rural Ugandan farming