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Taiwan Scene

Experience of language planning

16 August 2016

Taiwanese delegation visits School of Welsh to find out more about research on language planning

Mountain Chicken Frog

Lessons for conservation

11 August 2016

Deadly fungal disease causing catastrophic species decline of mountain chicken frog

VC Lunch

Cardiff uncovered for Chinese delegation

3 August 2016

President and Vice-Chancellor gives first-hand account of leading a Russell Group university


Strengthening collaboration with China

18 July 2016

School of Dentistry opens masters programmes to students from China Medical University


Healthier and greener cities

13 July 2016

New research to shape Malaysian cities

Developing links with China

Developing links with China

5 July 2016

Cardiff furthers strategic links with China though new professional development programme

Professor Colin Riordan with VC of University of Namibia

Transforming lives in southern Africa

27 May 2016

Vice-Chancellor of University of Namibia hails work of Phoenix Project

Professor Stuart Allan signs the new agreement with Associate Professor Dr Shahzad Ali of Bahauddin Zakariya University, Pakistan.

Building links with Pakistan

10 May 2016

Visiting Student Agreement signed

Chevening Scholars

Chevening Scholars welcomed to Cardiff University

9 March 2016

University strengthens links with future leaders.

international students

Cardiff’s ‘global outlook’ recognised

14 January 2016

Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings places Cardiff in top 200 for internationalisation