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Campus life

Surveillance cameras

University to host major event on society and surveillance after the Snowden leaks

2 June 2015

A major conference on 18th and 19th June 2015 in Cardiff will bring together journalists, international researchers, privacy advocates and technology developers to discuss state-media-citizen relations in the aftermath of the Snowden leaks.

US Ambassador to the United Kingdom stands with 2 staff members in front of banners

US Ambassador to the UK visits Cardiff University

22 May 2015

Matthew W Barzun, US Ambassador to the UK, was warmly welcomed to Cardiff University's School of Law and Politics today.

Senedd Building in Cardiff Bay

Cardiff researchers take science to the Senedd

19 May 2015

University academics exhibit their research in annual event at the National Assembly

Exterior of the Hadyn Ellis Building

Landmark research building wins design award

18 May 2015

A £30m flagship University research building has won a prestigious industry award for its design.

Building of new Cubric block, construction site

Major milestone for new £44m brain imaging centre

30 April 2015

A new £44m Cardiff University brain research imaging centre (CUBRIC) that will lead Europe in helping scientists understand the causes of brain conditions  has reached a major milestone in its construction.

Swimmer at Varsity in pool competing

Welsh Varsity 2015

20 April 2015

Team Cardiff set to take on Swansea and support Stonewall's #rainbowlaces campaign

VC and Guests in Catalysis lab

New £500,000 lab to train tomorrow’s chemists

17 April 2015

A high-tech science hub dedicated to training world leaders in catalysis is to open at Cardiff University.

Baroness Randerson

Baroness Randerson outlines vision for equality in speech at University

27 March 2015

As part of a series of events throughout March to promote and celebrate equality of opportunity, Baroness Randerson used a speech at the University to outline her vision for delivering equality for women in the economy.

AHSS Library after refurbishment

Costa-nominated writer returns to celebrate library revamp

23 March 2015

A creative writing graduate who was shortlisted for a celebrated literary prize is returning to the University for a special event.

Brightly coloured variety of fruits and vegetables

University helps Cardiff become one of UK’s first sustainable food cities

18 March 2015

Cardiff has become one of the first cities in the UK to be officially recognised for promoting sustainable food, as part of a wide-ranging partnership which included the University.