14 March 2016
Dr Matthew Smith will attend the prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in June 2016.
11 March 2016
Findings published on the measurement of the force between magnetic monopoles.
7 March 2016
Creation of first practical silicon-based laser has the potential to transform communications, healthcare and energy systems
22 February 2016
University scientists play crucial role in securing new gravitational wave detector for India
11 February 2016
University scientists open a new window into the Universe as gravitational waves are detected for the first time
10 February 2016
The School of Physics and Astronomy has been awarded Juno Practitioner status by the Institute of Physics’
7 January 2016
The Chancellor George Osborne announces £50m for new Cardiff innovation centre.
9 November 2015
University researcher picks up inaugural communication award for engaging the public with astrophysics
2 October 2015
University researchers begin their search for tiny ripples in space
1 October 2015
New funding for University outreach project gives thousands of Welsh school children access to global high-tech telescope network.
27 August 2015
Cardiff University experts provide first direct evidence of galaxy ‘metamorphosis’
20 August 2015
Senior Science Adviser at European Space Agency discusses ‘most exciting space exploration mission in decades’
7 October 2014
Athena Swan status renewed for commitment to promoting gender equality
25 June 2014
Dr Hayley Gomez recognized for her contribution to science and technology.
20 June 2014
Cardiff staff shortlisted for inspiring students to reach for the stars.
23 May 2014
Welsh Government backed initiative reaches out to underserved schools to inspire a generation of scientists.
17 March 2014
Cardiff physicists part of international team.
3 March 2014
Events across the city to honour and celebrate the achievements of women.
21 January 2014
Techniques developed for astronomy benefit medicine.
13 January 2014
Cardiff led international space project receives outstanding achievement award.
It is a friendly, approachable School with a strong commitment to teaching excellence and world class research in physics and astronomy.