17 February 2015
New research suggests that patients recovering from bowel cancer surgery may be at a higher risk of relapse if their blood shows an immune response to a particular protein, called carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA).
University academics joined politicians and practitioners to discuss the future of policing in Wales at the Welsh Labour conference.
16 February 2015
Clearest picture yet of cancer’s immune response paves way for more accurate vaccines.
13 February 2015
Could patients’ urine predict killer condition before it strikes?
Care Minister witnesses Cardiff University’s ground-breaking contribution to mental health research.
12 February 2015
Cardiff researchers develop 'smart' cameras that guide police before anyone gets hurt.
Leaders’ speeches kick off.
Professor Peter Wells pioneered medical ultrasound scanning.
6 February 2015
Expert panel examines ‘welfare myth of them and us’.
British Heart Foundation support for University cardiac research reaches £10M since 2007.