26 May 2015
A US expert in Compound Semiconductors (CS) is to lead a new Cardiff University CS research laboratory.
Medical and healthcare students across the UK report high levels of abuse and breaches of patient safety and dignity.
22 May 2015
Intervention by police within the first 24 hours of a terrorist event could be key to de-escalating and halting the spread of cyberhate, according to a new study by Cardiff University social and computer scientists.
Matthew W Barzun, US Ambassador to the UK, was warmly welcomed to Cardiff University's School of Law and Politics today.
21 May 2015
More than 2,500 non-language students at Cardiff University have learned a new language completely free of charge in the past year as part of a flagship scheme designed to increase international student mobility.
The power of culture is being harnessed to help tackle poverty in Wales as part of a pioneering project in which Cardiff University is a key partner.
20 May 2015
Experts from Cardiff University will tackle some of the most pressing issues facing society before audiences at a world-famous literature festival.
19 May 2015
University supercomputer to search for signals from upgraded gravitational wave detectors
University academics exhibit their research in annual event at the National Assembly
18 May 2015
A £30m flagship University research building has won a prestigious industry award for its design.