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Physics and Astronomy

Last updated: 29/08/2024 12:27

Enrolment and induction information for the School of Physics and Astronomy.

You will need to complete online enrolment before you arrive in Cardiff.

We are looking forward to welcoming you back or for the first time to our School. Please find the induction times below.

Induction dates


*Note that lab/computing induction will take place in smaller groups, these groups will be allocated at our welcome event.

Monday 23 September 202412:30 - 15:00N/4.07Welcome and induction talks
 15:00 - 15:30N/06-07Break with refreshments
 15:30 - 17:00N/4.07Induction talks 
Tuesday 24 September 202410:00 - 12:00N/1.30      Enrolment and module choice help drop in session
Wednesday 25 September 202410:00 - 12:00 EDI Student Module - Year 1 students
 12:30 - 14:00N/1.34Group 1 - Lab, Computing Year 1. Physics Laboratory
 13:30 - 15:00N/1.34Group 2 - Lab, computing Year 1 Physics Laboratory 
 14:30 - 16:00N/1.34Group 3 - Lab, computing Year 1 Physics Laboratory
 15:30 - 17:00N/1.34Group 4 - Lab, computing Year 1 Physics Laboratory
Tuesday 24 September 202413:00 - 14:00N/4.07Induction
Thursday 26 September 202410:00 - 16:30C/2.04Induction plus 'launch pad' event
Tuesday 24 September 202415:00 - 16:00N/3.28Induction
Wednesday 25 September 202410:00 - 11:00N/3.28Welcome and induction presentation
 11:00 - 11:30 Refreshment break
 11:30 - 12:00 Group 1 - Tour of MSc Facilities
Group 2 - Library tour and induction
Group 3 - Chat with former MSc students
 12:00 - 12:30 Group 1 - Chat with former MSc students
Group 2 - Tour of MSc Facilities
Group 3 Library tour and induction
 12:30 - 13:00 Group 1 - Library tour and induction
Group 2 - Chat with former MSc students
Group 3 - Tour of MSc Facilities
Thursday 26 September 202411:30 - 12:00N/4.07Safety induction
Friday 27 September 202410.00 -  12.00N/4.07Induction (Part 2)

Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research

PGR inductionThursday 26 September 202410:00 - 16:30N/3.28
PGR conferenceFriday 27 September 202413:00 - 16:30N/3.28

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing

CDT inductionTuesday 24 September 202410:00-16:30WX/3.07 - 3.14