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When you arrive

Last updated: 10/08/2023 10:29

Things to know and do when you begin your student life.

Availability of reading lists will differ from course to course, and some may be available before you arrive, but you will need to check with your Academic School.

Moving into your residence

Moving into your residence

Includes specific arrival information, residences cards and insurance.

Student ID card

Student ID card

Once you have completed online enrolment you can collect your student ID card from a collection point on campus.

Your school induction

Your school induction

Information on your induction, welcome events and accessing your timetable.

Your digital and IT resources

Your digital and IT resources

Accessing the student intranet, connecting to the university IT network, online safety.

Receiving your funding

Receiving your funding

Understanding how and when you will receive your funding and avoiding delays.

Registering with a doctor

Registering with a doctor

How to register with a doctor and access other healthcare professionals.

Support for disabled students

Support for disabled students

Register with the Student Disability Service to ensure your access requirements are met.