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Looking after yourself

Last updated: 10/08/2023 15:47

The transition to university life can bring lots of opportunities, which can be easy for some, and tougher for others.

Common experiences

  • homesickness as you settle into a new way of living and being away from home, and possibly culture shock if you are adapting to a new culture
  • difficulty adjusting to student life, as your routine will change to fit your new timetable
  • seeing changes to how you manage your lifestyle, such as how much you eat, consume alcohol, socialise or shop

Take care of yourself

  • be sure to socialise and grow your network of friends, by chatting to class mates, lecturers and neighbours, joining clubs and societies, taking part in events, volunteering and work experience opportunities
  • try to avoid becoming isolated, and stay in touch with family and friends
  • drink plenty of water and keep hydrated, particularly if you are drinking alcohol
  • try to eat a balanced diet and to avoid too much convenience food
  • get a good night’s sleep
  • exercise to help achieve and maintain good physical and mental health
  • bear in mind the Five Ways to Wellbeing if you want to work towards improving how you feel
  • ask for support if you need it - the university has a variety of services in addition to what your school will offer, who can support you with a range of concerns

If you are living in university residences you may find it helpful to speak to your Residence Life team in the first instance.

Further advice

If you experience problems during your time at university, no matter how big or small the issue, the Student Health and Wellbeing team are here to help you. Once you have enrolled, you will have access to the student intranet, where you can access evidence-based self-help resources and further information on all of the support available from the Student Health and Wellbeing team.

The Students’ Union provides a free, confidential and independent advice service for students at Cardiff University.

Student Health and Wellbeing