2021 publications
- Millar, S. R. et al. 2021. Football and popular culture: singing out from the stands. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Carr, J. et al., 2021. Football, politics and identity. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Cenciarelli, C. ed. 2021. The Oxford handbook of cinematic listening. Oxford Handbooks Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Beard, D. 2021. Musicology's crises of identity. In: Radovanovic, B. et al., Shaping the Present through the Future: Musicology, Ethnomusicology, and Contemporaneity. Institute of Musicology SASA. , pp.13-36.
- Bickerton, D. 2021. Into the rare: for two clarinets.
- Bickerton, D. 2021. Sinuous grace: for solo piano.
- Bickerton, D. 2021. "the women danced but the king was afraid" (2021) for baroque violin and cello.
- Bray, F. 2021. Vocal composition from a singer’s point of view. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cenciarelli, C. 2021. iPod listening as an I-voice: solitary listeners and imagined interlocutors across cinema and personal stereos. In: Cenciarelli, C. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Cinematic Listening. Oxford Handbooks Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.669-689. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190853617.013.35)
- Cenciarelli, C. 2021. The possibilities of cinematic listening - an introduction. In: Cenciarelli, C. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Cinematic Listening. Oxford University Press. , pp.1-26. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190853617.013.1)
- Chapin, K. 2021. The emergence of musical romanticism. In: Taylor, B. ed. The Cambridge Companion to Music and Romanticism. Cambridge Companions to Music Cambridge University Press. , pp.17-34. (10.1017/9781108647342.004)
- Faria Gomes, P. 2021. Partita. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2021. Suite J. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2021. The Ways of Time. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Fokkens, R. 2021. Bhekizizwe. Composers Edition.
- Fokkens, R. 2021. Pier Music. {Multiple performances (including live stream of premiere on Youtube) and Printed Score}
- Gemolo, M. 2021. Affect is no crime – Technical and aesthetic perspectives on the contemporary traverso repertoire. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Gentili, B. 2021. The birth of 'modern' vocalism: The paradigmatic case of Enrico Caruso. Journal of the Royal Musical Association 146 (2), pp.425-453. (10.1017/rma.2021.11)
- Gentili, B. 2021. The changing aesthetics of vocal registration in the age of versimo. Music and Letters 102 , pp.54-79. (10.1093/ml/gcaa029)
- Gentili, B. 2021. The modern soprano: Performing the Donna Nova in Early Twentieth-Century Italy. Papers of the British School at Rome 89 , pp.365-366. (10.1017/S0068246221000179)
- Hamilton, K. 2021. Kenneth Hamilton plays Liszt, volume 1: Death and Transfiguration. [Audio CD] 2021-11-26
- Hamilton, K. 2021. Romantic piano encores: Grainger, Godowsky, Mendelssohn and more. [Audio CD and Online Recording] 2021-05-28
- Jones, N. 2021. Composing Cymru: Welsh identity and British art music since 1945. Presented at: John Bird Research Lectures 2021-22 School of Music, Cardiff University 13 October 2021.
- Jones, N. 2021. Incantations: early chamber works of Peter Maxwell Davies. [ Performed at Unmasking Max: Peter Maxwell Davies Study Day, School of Music, Cardiff University 4 December 2021].
- Jones, N. 2021. Peter Maxwell Davies’s The Doctor of Myddfai: Using the sketches and other primary source material to unveil the creative process. Presented at: Peter Maxwell Davies Research Network Friday Forum Online 12 November 2021.
- Millar, S. and Chatzipanagiotidou, E. 2021. From Belfast to the Somme (and back again): loyalist paramilitaries, political song, and reverberations of violence. Ethnomusicology Forum 30 (2), pp.246-265. (10.1080/17411912.2020.1865178)
- Millar, S. R. et al. 2021. Football and popular culture [Introduction]. In: Football and Popular Culture: Singing Out from the Stands. Routledge. , pp.1-8.
- O'Connell, J. 2021. Sir William Jones: Welsh Orientalist and comparative Musicologist. In: Morgan, W. J. , Bowie, F. and O'Connell, J. eds. Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present. The Royal Anthropological Institute's Country Series Sean Kingston Publishing. , pp.56-79.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2021. Free radical: music, violence and radicalism. Journal of Popular Music Studies 33 (1), pp.155-162. (10.1525/jpms.2021.33.1.155)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2021. Conflict after conflict: music in the memorialisation of the Gallipoli Campaign. Ethnomusicology Forum 30 (2), pp.283-301. (10.1080/17411912.2021.1957700)
- Rowden, C. 2021. Catholicism and moral philosophy in nineteenth-century France. In: Dufetel, N. ed. Religious Music in Ninteenth-Century France. Turnhout: Brepols
- Sierra, A. 2021. Bird Symphony.
- Villepastour, A. V. 2021. The legacy of Ortiz’s Yorubization of Lucumí: translation as transculturation. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 11 (1), pp.153-173. (10.1086/714380)
Browse our publications from previous years through Cardiff University's institutional repository.