2022 publications
- Altenberg, T. and Corti, A. eds. 2022. Comics' mobility across time, space, and media [New Readings special issue]. New Readings Cardiff University Press.
- Allbeson, T. and Gorrara, C. 2022. Domestic archives of empire: photographing Burma and reconstructing British imperialism for the postwar moment. Journal of War and Culture Studies 15 (2), pp.233-259. (10.1080/17526272.2022.2065120)
- Allbeson, T. and Gorrara, C. 2022. Visual histories of postwar reconstruction: special issue introduction. Journal of War and Culture Studies 15 (2), pp.125-132. (10.1080/17526272.2022.2065121)
- Altalidi, B. 2022. The socio-digital manifestations of subtitling COVID-19-related clips on social media platforms in Saudi Arabia: The case of social media (fan)subtitling on Twitter.. The Journal of Internationalization and Localization 9 (2), pp.97-119. (10.1075/jial.00022.alt.)
- Altenberg, T. 2022. El cómic hispanohablante y su situación en el nuevo milenio. Hispanorama (176), pp.62-63.
- Altenberg, T. and Corti, A. 2022. Comics’ mobility across time, space, and media: introduction. New Readings 18 , pp.i-ix. (10.18573/newreadings.130)
- Arfon, E. 2022. Supporting progression in language learning: assessment in the Curriculum for Wales. Project Report.[Online].Welsh Government, GSR report number 29/2022. Available at: https://www.gov.wales/sites/default/files/statistics-and-research/2022-05/supporting-progression-in-language-learning-assessment-in-the-curriculum-for-wales_0.pdf.
- Barczyk-Wozniak, S. 2022. German ab initio in Languages for All programmes: student profiles and course design. In: Bavendiek, U. et al., Ab Initio Language Teaching in British Higher Education: The Case of German. London: UCL Press. , pp.19-33.
- Beaney, R. 2022. Orphans and the turn(s) to childhood in Spanish cinema: transitions and transformations. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Bennett, P. and Lambert, J. 2022. Up to code: Where next for professional translation ethics?. Linguist 61 (2), pp.26-27.
- Berendse, G. 2022. Surrealismus in der DDR. Kampfansage an den sozialistischen Realismus in ostdeutscher Literatur 1945-1990. Wallstein Verlag.
- Berger, S. et al., 2022. Memory cultures of war in European war museums. In: Berger, S. and Kansteiner, W. eds. Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.69-114. (10.1007/978-3-030-86055-4_4)
- Chi, T. , Chung, E. and Yeung, J. S. 2022. Introduction: comedies in East Asian media: laughing in bitter times. Archív Orientální Quarterly / Journal of African and Asian Studies 90 (3), pp.407-415. (10.47979/aror.j.90.3.407-415)
- Chianese, F. 2022. Italian items in domestic spaces Representing Italianness through objects in the fiction of Helen Barolini and Chiara Barzini. Translation and Interpreting Studies: The Journal of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association 17 (1), pp.134-153. (10.1075/tis.21018.chi)
- Chianese, F. 2022. Transmediality as a transcultural dialogue: Pasolini between the Other and the Self. Diacritica 44 (1), pp.69-92.
- Chianese, F. 2022. Una tragedia di linguaggio non corrisposto: language between family crisis and transnationalism in Viola Di Grado’s Settanta Acrilico Trenta Lana. Women Language Literature in Italy Donne Lingua Letteratura in Italia iv , pp.17-30. (10.19272/202213901002)
- Chung, E. 2022. Youtube vidding and participatory memories of Stephen Chow’s stardom in South Korea. Archív Orientální Quarterly / Journal of African and Asian Studies 90 (3), pp.531-564. (10.47979/aror.j.90.3.531-564)
- Clarke, D. , Parish, N. and Sené, A. 2022. Taking agonism online: creating a mass open online course to disseminate the findings of the UNREST project. In: Berger, S. and Kansteiner, W. eds. Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. , pp.179-202. (10.1007/978-3-030-86055-4_7)
- Cumming, G. , Van Der Velde, R. and Chafer, T. 2022. Understanding the public response: a strategic narrative perspective on France’s Sahelian operations. European Security 31 (4), pp.617-638. (10.1080/09662839.2022.2038568)
- Dowling, A. 2022. Catalonia: A new history. Routledge Studies in Modern European History Routledge. (10.4324/9781003218791)
- Dowling, A. 2022. Violències i re-nacionalitzacions en territoris ocupats (1920-1945): Catalunya in Francesc Vilanova Ed. In: Violències i re-nacionalitzacions en territoris ocupats (1920-1945). Barcelona: Memorial Democràtic. , pp.69-93.
- Edwards, S. 2022. MANDIE IVESON, Language Attitudes, National Identity and Migration in Catalonia: ‘What the Women Have to Say’. [Book Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 99 (5), pp.921-923. (10.1080/14753820.2022.2121472)
- Gorrara, C. 2022. Women's experiences of the second world war: exile, occupation and everyday life [book review]. Cultural and Social History 19/5 , pp.628-629. (10.1080/14780038.2022.2148611)
- Hood, C. 2022. Wings for the rising sun: a transnational history of Japanese aviation by Jürgen P. Melzer (2020, Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center) [Book Review]. The Journal of Japanese Studies 48 (1), pp.171-174. (10.1353/jjs.2022.0011)
- Hood, C. P. 2022. Book Review. Japan Forum (10.1080/09555803.2022.2140181)
- Hood, C. P. 2022. Les récits de catastrophe japonais du début du XXIe siècle : continuité et changement. Ebisu 59 , pp.95-123. (10.4000/ebisu.6809)
- Hood, C. P. 2022. Truth and limitations: Japanese media and disasters. In: Mithani, F. and Kirsch, G. eds. Handbook of Japanese Media and Popular Culture in Transition. Japan Documents Handbook Series Tokyo: MHM. , pp.17-31.
- Hornsby, M. et al., 2022. The ideological foundations of Breton and Lower Sorbian language revitalization through education and their consequences for new speakers. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25 (8), pp.2991-3004. (10.1080/13670050.2021.1999900)
- Illingworth, J. 2022. The cataleptic novel: living on with George Sand. Open Library of Humanities 8 (1)(10.16995/olh.7687)
- Illingworth, J. and Zohoré, L. 2022. Political cartooning in Côte d'Ivoire: interview with Lassane Zohoré. [Online].https://staffblogs.le.ac.uk/: University of Leicester Staff Blogs. Available at: https://staffblogs.le.ac.uk/covid-in-cartoons/2022/05/11/political-cartooning-in-cote-divoire-interview-with-lassane-zohore/.
- Jenkins, L. 2022. Opening the world during lockdown: multilingual and multicultural experiences for learners in Wales through mentoring. In: Turok-Squire, R. ed. COVID-19 and Education in the Global North. Palgrave Macmillan,. , pp.83-108. (10.1007/978-3-031-02469-6_4)
- Kantara, A. 2022. Manifestations of integrated hybridity in journalistic questioning during the 2012 elections in Greece. In: Feldman, O. ed. Adversarial Political Interviewing: Worldwide Perspectives During Polarised Times. Springer, Singpore. , pp.43-62. (10.1007/978-981-19-0576-6_3)
- Kantara, A. 2022. Naturalising populism as a collaborative interactional practice in broadcast media. In: Porsché, Y. , Scholz, R. and Singh, J. N. eds. Institutionality Studies of Discursive and Material (Re-)ordering. Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.277-299. (10.1007/978-3-030-96969-1_12)
- Kirsch, G. and Mithani, F. 2022. Introduction. In: Mithani, F. and Kirsch, G. eds. Handbook of Japanese Media and Popular Culture in Transition. Japan Documents Handbook Series Tokyo: MHM. , pp.xiii-xxvii. (10.1017/9789048559268.002)
- Klein, L. 2022. Unconscious discourses in translation. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Kottmann, N. , Mithani, F. and Scherer, E. 2022. Screening love: Relational practices in Japanese TV dramas produced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Japan Focus 20 (14(3)) 5722.
- Lambert, J. 2022. From stagnation to innovation: codes of ethics and the profession today. Presented at: CIUTI Conference 2021 Grenada, Spain 16-17 September 2021. Published in: Bourne, J. et al., Reflexiones sobre ética profesional de traductores e intérpretes y buenas prácticas. Comares
- Lambert, J. and Walker, C. 2022. Because we’re worth it: disentangling freelance translation, status, and rate-setting in the United Kingdom. Translation Spaces 11 (2), pp.277-302. (10.1075/ts.21030.lam)
- Louwagie, F. et al., 2022. Community-building through political cartoons in Kenya, South Africa and Côte d’Ivoire. LIAS Working Paper Series 8 , pp.1-16. (10.29311/lwps.202284092)
- Margrave, C. 2022. Eugenie Servières paints the Romantic Orientalism of Sophie Cottin. [Online].European Romanticisms in Association. Available at: https://www.euromanticism.org/eugenie-servieres-paints-the-romantic-orientalism-of-sophie-cottin/.
- Margrave, C. 2022. Malagasy ecopoetics. Journal of Romance Studies 22 (1), pp.73-104. (10.3828/jrs.2022.4)
- Margrave, C. 2022. Reading the absence: The shaping of male characters and their crises in the void. In: Parsons, J. E. and Heholt, R. eds. Women Writing Men, 1689-1869. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. , pp.56-74.
- Marinetti, C. 2022. Doubly invisible: Anna Larpent, Domestic Censorship, and the translation of performance cultures in Georgian Britain. Translation Studies 15 (3), pp.258-274. (10.1080/14781700.2022.2120064)
- Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. 2022. Introduction: Translation and performance cultures. Translation Studies 15 (3), pp.247-257. (10.1080/14781700.2022.2126386)
- Meade, R. 2022. Evolutionary theory and the limits of humanity at the southern reaches of Japan’s empire: Reading Earth’s Belly by Nishimura Makoto. Bodleian Library Record Journal 35 (1-2), pp.172-177. (10.3828/blr.2022.35.1-2.172)
- Meade, R. 2022. Morris Low (2020) Visualizing nuclear power in Japan: a trip to the reactor [Book Review]. Isis 113 (1), pp.209-210. (10.1086/717742)
- Meade, R. 2022. The translation of technical manuals from western languages in nineteenth-century Japan: a visual tour. In: Pauer, E. and Mathias, R. eds. Accessing Technical Education in Modern Japan. Vol. 1, Folkestone: Renaissance Books. , pp.1-18.
- Mithani, F. 2022. Intersections of difference: sex, gender and disability in Japanese visual media. In: Mithani, F. and Kirsch, G. eds. Handbook of Japanese Media and Popular Culture in Transition. Japan Documents Handbook Series Tokyo: MHM. , pp.171-185.
- Mithani, F. and Kirsch, G. 2022. Handbook of Japanese media and popular culture in transition. Japan Documents Handbook Series Tokyo: MHM.
- Morgan, R. 2022. Portraits of female power in Argentina: Encarnación Ezcurra and Eva Perón. [Online].History Journal. Available at: https://historyjournal.org.uk/2022/05/04/portraits-of-female-power-in-argentina-encarnacion-ezcurra-and-eva-peron/.
- Perez-Nieto, N. 2022. El uso de la traducción al español y su evaluación en el aprendizaje de lenguas: Victim or villain?. Presented at: Jornada didáctica de español en Cardiff: Spanish Day for Teachers Cardiff, UK 12 November 2022.
- Perez-Nieto, N. 2022. Engaging students with assessment: Boosting students' perceptions and confidence using peer assessment as a tool. Presented at: Learning and Teaching Academy: Exploring Group Assessment and Peer Assessment Virtual 23 November 2023.
- Perez-Nieto, N. 2022. Getting started with assessment design: a personal perspective. Presented at: Learning and Teaching Academy 2022: Getting Started with Assessment Design Workshop Virtual 16 February 2022.
- Perez-Nieto, N. and Llop Naya, A. 2022. Task-based projects for transition from university to placements abroad: development of academic, sociocultural, and employability skills for students of Spanish as a foreign language.. In: Hampton, C. and Salin, S. eds. Innovative Language Teaching and Learning at university: Facilitating Transition from and to Higher Education. Research-publishing.net. , pp.121-132. (10.14705/rpnet.2022.56.1379)
- Perez-Nieto, N. and Munguia-Peacock, B. 2022. Propuesta de innovación docente de la novela Como agua para Chocolate en el aula de ELE: Análisis de los referentes culturales, sociales y sus personajes.. TECLA. Revista de la Consejería de Educación en el Reino Unido 4 (2022), pp.19-26. (10.4438/2660-5791-TECLA-2022-4)
- Prout, R. 2022. Made to measure: The Dress and the politics of sexual citizenship. Short Film Studies 12 (2), pp.173-182.
- Prout, R. 2022. Smouldering village beliefs: gender, disability, and the persistence of metaphor in critical interpretation and adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s ‘The Withered Arm’. In: Checa, J. ed. Representación de la diversidad funcional desde la perspectiva de género en las artes escénicas, audiovisuales, virtuales, y en la literatura. Vol. 5, Images of Disability. Literature, Scenic, Visual, and Virtual Arts / Imágenes de la diversidad funcional. Literatura, artes escénicas, visuales y virtuales Bern: Peter Lang. , pp.223-243.
- Sanz Mingo, C. 2022. Línguas estrangeiras modernas e o Reino Unido: o caso do País de Gales [Modern Foreign Languages and The United Kingdom: The Case of Wales]. Práticas Educativas, Memórias e Oralidades 4 (1) e48404. (10.47149/pemo.v4.e48404)
- Sanz Mingo, C. 2022. Sé quién eres (2000): amnesia, terrorismo y perdón. Revista Electrónica del Lenguaje 8 (1), pp.50-60.
- Sanz Mingo, C. A. 2022. La expresión de la esperanza. Punto y Coma 81 (1), pp.44-45.
- Schweissinger, M. 2022. Gerhart Hauptmann's Hamlet in Wittenberg as Shakespearean Transformation. In: Bladen, V. and Brailowsky, Y. eds. Hamlet in the Twenty-First Century. Belin. , pp.176-193.
- Stolac, D. , Hlavač, J. and Tarantini, A. T. 2022. Il Paesaggio Linguistico Fiumano. Università degli Studi di Fiume, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia.
- Vighi, F. 2022. A system on life support. [Online].The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-system-on-life-support/.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Capital with science: COVID-19 as a case of successful paranoia. In: Wallace, M. A. and Principe, C. V. eds. From Cogito to Covid: Rethinking Lacan’s “Science and Truth”. The Palgrave Lacan Series Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.137-160.
- Vighi, F. 2022. 'Dalla pandemia alla guerra: la crisi raccontata da Fabio Vighi'. [Online].bgs.news: Available at: http://www.buongiornosuedtirol.it/2022/03/esclusivo-dalla-pandemia-alla-guerra-la-crisi-raccontata-dal-professor-fabio-vighi-cardiff-university/.
- Vighi, F. 2022. From Covid-19 to Putin-22: who needs friends with enemies like these?. [Online].https://thephilosophicalsalon.com: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/from-covid-19-to-putin-22-who-needs-friends-with-enemies-like-these/.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Pause for thought: Money without value in a rapidly disintegrating world. [Online].The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/pause-for-thought-money-without-value-in-a-rapidly-disintegrating-world/.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Red pill or blue pill? Variants, inflation and the controlled demolition of society. [Online].thephilosophicalsalon.com: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/red-pill-or-blue-pill-variants-inflation-and-the-controlled-demolition-of-society/.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Unworkable. Delusions of an imploding civilization. SUNY series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature SUNY Press.
- Wren-Owens, L. 2022. World literature and littérature-monde en français: Tabucci in French and English translation. In: Rimini, T. ed. Calvino Tabucchi et le voyage de la traduction. Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence. , pp.161-179.
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