2020 publications
- Parker, S. ed. 2020. Die Wedekinds in Amerika: Das Journal amoureux seines Vaters – übersetzt von Frank Wedekind. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
- Coss, P. et al. 2020. Episcopal power and personality in medieval Europe 900-1480. Medieval Church Studies Brepols Publishers.
- Altenberg, T. ed. 2020. Poesías completas de José María Heredia (edición crítica). Madrid and Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert.
- Beaney, R. and Young, S. eds. 2020. Question Journal. Issue 5. Exchange. AHRC.
- Pauer, E. and Meade, R. eds. 2020. Technical knowledge in early modern Japan. Renaissance Books.
- Khalifa, A. , Hanna, S. and El-Farahaty, H. eds. 2020. The Routledge handbook of Arabic translation. Routledge Handbooks Routledge.
- Hemmens, A. and Zacarias, G. eds. 2020. The situationist international: a critical handbook. London: Pluto Press. (10.2307/j.ctvzsmdw0)
- Burdett, C. and Polezzi, L. eds. 2020. Transnational Italian studies. Transnational Modern Languages Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
- Berger, S. , Feldner, H. and Passmore, K. eds. 2020. Writing history: Theory and practice. London: Bloomsbury.
- Altenberg, T. 2020. Cifuentes-Goodbody, Nicholas: The man who wrote Pancho Villa: Martín Luis Guzmán and the politics of life writing. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP. 2016. xiv + 208 pp. [Book Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 97 (5), pp.9-10. (10.1080/14753820.2020.1790974)
- Altenberg, T. 2020. Me duele ver la destrucción del Cuzco: Conversación con Luis Nieto Degregori. New Readings 17 (1), pp.20-47. (10.18573/newreadings.109)
- Arfon, E. 2020. The curriculum for Wales' plurilingual journey: from policy to practice. [Online].British Council Wales. Available at: https://wales.britishcouncil.org/en/blog/curriculum-wales%E2%80%99-plurilingual-journey-policy-practice.
- Asoni, E. 2020. Paramilitarism without paramilitaries: 'Tres Caínes' and the representation of paramilitarism on Colombian TV screens. New Readings 17 (2), pp.1-23. (10.18573/newreadings.112)
- Beaney, R. 2020. Considering oppositional practices in Arantxa Echevarría’s ‘Carmen y Lola’ (2018). [Online].modernlanguagesresearch.blogs: Institute of Modern Languages Research. Available at: https://modernlanguagesresearch.blogs.sas.ac.uk/2020/05/11/considering-oppositional-practices-in-arantxa-echevarrias-carmen-y-lola-2017/.
- Beaney, R. 2020. Los herederos de Ibáñez Serrador: El juego y el niño huérfano en el cine de terror español. In: Arribas, V. A. ed. La mirada pequeña. Narradores infantiles en la literatura y el cine. Shangrila. , pp.133-149.
- Beaney, R. 2020. Orphans at play in Cría cuervos (1976) and Estiu 1993 (2017): reconsidering the playspace. Forum for Modern Language Studies 56 (4), pp.367–388. (10.1093/fmls/cqaa047)
- Beaney, R. et al. 2020. (Re)creating modern languages: conversations about the curriculum in UK higher education. Project Report.[Online].Creative Multilingualism. Available at: https://www.creativeml.ox.ac.uk/blog/exploring-multilingualism/recreating-modern-languages-toolkit.
- Berendse, G. 2020. The gravitational pull of the Old World: Karl Wolfskehl's stagnated poetic oeuvre in New Zealand. In: Steinberg, S. and Grenville, A. eds. Refugees from Nazi-Occupied Europe in British Overseas Territories. Brill. , pp.231-245.
- Burdett, C. , Havely, N. and Polezzi, L. 2020. The transnational/translational in Italian studies. Italian Studies 75 (2), pp.223-236. (10.1080/00751634.2020.1744869)
- Burdett, C. and Polezzi, L. 2020. Transnational Italian studies: introduction. In: Burdett, C. and Polezzi, L. eds. Transnational Italian Studies. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. , pp.1-21.
- Cantarello, M. 2020. New Culprits, True Culprits: The Re-politicization of Mexican 'Organized Crime' in 'Crimen de estado' (2009) and 'Ingobernable' (2017–2018). New Readings 17 (2), pp.24-47. (10.18573/newreadings.113)
- Chabert, C. 2020. UNILANG workshop. Presented at: 21st AULC Annual Conference January 2020 Maynooth, Ireland 9-10 January 2020.
- Chafer, T. and Cumming, G. D. 2020. France in the Sahel: a case of the reluctant multilateralist. The Conversation
- Chafer, T. , Cumming, G. D. and van der Velde, R. 2020. France’s interventions in Mali and the Sahel: a historical institutionalist perspective. Journal of Strategic Studies 43 (4), pp.482-507. (10.1080/01402390.2020.1733987)
- Chafer, T. , Cumming, G. D. and van der Velde, R. 2020. France's interventions in Mali and the Sahel: a historical institutionalist perspective. In: Recchia, S. and Tardy, T. eds. French Interventions in Africa: Reluctant Multilateralism. Abingdon and New York: Routledge
- Chafer, T. , Cumming, G. D. and van der Velde, R. 2020. France's interventions in Mali and the Sahel: A historical institutionalist perspective. In: Recchia, S. and Tardy, T. eds. French Interventions in Africa: Reluctant Multilateralism. Routledge. , pp.10-35.
- Chojnicka, J. 2020. Transition narratives on Polish transblogs: a discursive colonization approach. In: Wiedlack, K. et al., Queering Paradigms VIII: Queer-Feminist Solidarity and the East/West Divide. Vol. 10, Queering Paradigms Peter Lang
- Chung, E. and Wang, X. 2020. Exploring Chinese poetry using Adobe Spark Video. Modern Languages Open 1 40. (10.3828/mlo.v0i0.290)
- Clarke, D. 2020. Cultural diplomacy. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedias: International Studies. Oxford University Press(10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.543)
- Clarke, D. et al. 2020. The role of cultural practitioners in managing memories of disputed territories: a literature review.
- Clarke, D. and Duber, P. 2020. Polish cultural diplomacy and historical memory: the case of the museum of the second world war in Gdańsk. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 33 , pp.49-66. (10.1007/s10767-018-9294-x)
- Davies, M. K. 2020. The impossible, powerful spaces of BBC radio adaptation. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Dennis, C. , Julian-Jones, M. and Silvestri, A. 2020. Introduction. In: Episcopal Power and Personality in Medieval Europe 900-1480. Vol. 42, Medieval Church Studies Turnhout: Brepols Publishers
- Diamond, H. 2020. 1940: les Parisiens dans l'exode. Paris: Paris Musées.
- Dowling, A. 2020. Introduction. In: The Madness, by Narcís Oller. Translated by Douglas Suttle. London: Fum d'Estampa Press. , pp.7-17.
- Dowling, A. 2020. La Assemblea Nacional Catalana: las limitaciones estratégicas de un movimiento social sui generis. Historia del Presente 35 (1), pp.53-68.
- Ducoux, A. 2020. Writing under the influence: The fiction of the artist under contract in novels of organized crime from Italy and Mexico. New Readings 17 (2), pp.48-69. (10.18573/newreadings.114)
- Feldner, H. 2020. 文化创意的增殖 — 数字资本主义与知识共享间的文化经济. Research on Marxist Aesthetics 22 (1), pp.20-30.
- Gorrara, C. 2020. Recrafting the past: Graphic novels, the Third Generation and twenty-first century representations of the Holocaust. In: Lassner, P. and Aarons, V. eds. Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.575-592.
- Gorrara, C. et al. 2020. Multilingual perspectives: preparing for language learning in the new curriculum for Wales. Curriculum Journal 31 (2), pp.244-257. (10.1002/curj.11)
- Gorrara, C. et al. 2020. Persbectifau amlieithog: paratoi ar gyfer dysgu ieithoedd yn y cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru. Curriculum Journal 31 (2), pp.e70-e84. (10.1002/curj.46)
- Griffiths, K. 2020. Therese Raquin and the anxieties of adaptation. In: Lewis, A. and Arnold-de Simine, S. eds. Adapting the Canon: Mediation, Visualization, Interpretatio. Cambridge: Legenda
- Griffiths, K. 2020. Zola and the art of television: adaptation, recreation, translation. Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association.
- Griffiths, K. and Watts, A. 2020. The history of French literature on film. The History of World Literatures on Film London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Hammond, C. 2020. Stitching time: artisanal collaboration and slow fashion in post-disaster Haiti. Fashion Theory 24 (1), pp.33-57. (10.1080/1362704X.2018.1441001)
- Hammond, C. 2020. “The question was whether to die of hunger or coronavirus”: garment factories reopen in Haiti despite fears. [Online].haitisupportgroup.org: Available at: https://haitisupportgroup.org/garment-factories-reopen-haiti-covid19/.
- Hennemann, M. 2020. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys Opernprojekte im kulturellen Kontext der deutschen Opern- und Librettogeschichte, 1820-1850. Wehrhahn.
- Hood, C. 2020. An anthropology of the machine: Tokyo’s commuter train network, by Michael Fisch, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018, 320 pp., ISBN 9780226558554 [Review]. Social Science Japan Journal 23 (2), pp.346-348. (10.1093/ssjj/jyaa004)
- Hood, C. 2020. Developing a model to explain modifications to public transportation accident memorials. Mortality 25 (4), pp.449-469. (10.1080/13576275.2019.1702009)
- Hood, C. 2020. Disaster narratives by design: Is Japan different?. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 38 (2), pp.176-200.
- Hood, C. 2020. Nakasone and JL123/Nakasone to Nikkō 123-bin. In: Toko, A. and Cho, eds. Nikkō 123-bin Tsuiraku Atsuryoku Kakuheiki Setsu-o Kutsugaesu. Tokyo: Kawade Shobō Shinsha. , pp.218-229.
- Hood, C. 2020. Tragic remembrance, global sorrow: book review of Aya Fujiwara and David R. Marples (eds.), Hiroshima-75: Nuclear Issues in Global Contexts [Book Review]. Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies 20 (2)
- Illingworth, J. 2020. "Elle n'a pas besoin qu'on la défende, seulement qu'on la comprenne": George Sand et les transcendantalistes américains. Cahiers George Sand 42 , pp.87-104.
- Kantara, A. 2020. Populism as mainstream politicians’ political style during the 2012 Greek election campaign. In: Kranert, M. ed. Discursive Approaches to Populism Across Disciplines: The return of Populists and the People. Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.405-431. (10.1007/978-3-030-55038-7_15)
- Khalifa, A. 2020. The hidden violence of retranslation: Mahfouz’s Awlād Ḥāratinā in English. Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 26 (2), pp.145-162. (10.1080/13556509.2020.1751472)
- Khalifa, A. , Hanna, S. and El-Farahaty, H. 2020. Introduction: The reality of Arabic translation and interpreting. In: Khalifa, A. , Hanna, S. and El-Farahaty, H. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation. Routledge Handbooks London and New York: Routledge. , pp.1-6.
- Lambert, J. 2020. Professional translator ethics. In: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Ethics. Routledge(10.4324/9781003127970-14/professional-translator-ethics-joseph-lambert)
- Langford, R. 2020. The Sole of Africa: Shoes in Borom Sarret (1963), La Noire de…/Black Girl (1966) and Hyènes/Hyenas (1992). In: Ezra, E. and Wheatley, C. eds. Shoe ReShoe Reels: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film els: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
- Laws, N. and Chojnicka, J. 2020. “A future to believe in”: introducing varieties of advocacy journalism. The examples sustainability and the Sanders campaign. Journalism Studies 21 (9), pp.1261-1283. (10.1080/1461670x.2020.1742773)
- Martinez, N. 2020. Reframing the Western in Bande Dessinée: Translation, adaptation, localization. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- McCabe, J. et al., 2020. Researching women's television history. In: Ross, K. et al., The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication. John Wiley & Sons(10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc241)
- Meade, R. 2020. Translating COVID-19 and Japan: a historical reflection on the social standing of scientists. [Online].teach311.org: Teach311 + TeachCOVID-19. Available at: https://www.teach311.org/2020/05/21/ruselle-meade/.
- Messina, M. 2020. 'Mezzogiorno di fuoco e sangue': Narratives of Organized Crime and Stereotypes of the South in Songs from Northern and Central Italy. New Readings 17 (2), pp.91-104. (10.18573/newreadings.116)
- Moore, K. and Lloyd, S. M. 2020. Reporting on poverty: news media narratives and third sector communications in Wales. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. (10.18573/book4)
- Munyard, S. F. 2020. Defying and defining the darkness: Translating French memories of the Holocaust. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Neale-Edwards, C. 2020. The Europeanisation of national systems of innovation: A comparison of the Czech Republic and Hungary. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Pakuła, Ł. and Chojnicka, J. 2020. When the obligation to be neutral becomes the right to discriminate: discursive struggles over LGBT+ rights at Polish universities. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada 59 (3), pp.1758-1783. (10.1590/010318138831011120201204)
- Peng, Y. 2020. Translating humour using subtitles(Chinese to English). PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Perez-Nieto, N. 2020. El mal querer de Rosalía en la clase de ELE: secuencia didáctica para el análisis de aspectos lingüísticos, culturales y de mediación en Pienso en tu mirá..
- Perez-Nieto, N. 2020. Entrevista a la profesora Nazaret Pérez-Nieto. TECLA 2020 (1)
- Perez-Nieto, N. 2020. Translation into Spanish assessment: new approaches to new challenges. Presented at: 4th Modern Languages Teaching Forum Virtual 2 December 2020.
- Perez-Nieto, N. and Llop-Naya, A. 2020. Impact of task-based projects for transition from university to placements abroad: the case of students of Spanish as a foreign language.. Presented at: InnoConf20 Virtual 18 September 2020. (10.14705/rpnet.2022.56.1379)
- Perez-Nieto, N. and Nebot, N. 2020. The Cardiff University buddy scheme: how to prepare outgoing students using the experience of the year abroad and final-year students. In: Salin, S. , Hall, D. and Hampton, C. eds. Perspectives on the year abroad: a selection of papers from YAC2018. Research-publishing.net.. , pp.42-52. (10.14705/rpnet.2020.39.1050)
- Phillips, A. 2020. 'Old Mafia' and 'New Mafia' in the Novels of Saverio Strati, 1957–1977. New Readings 17 (2), pp.70-90. (10.18573/newreadings.115)
- Piskorski, R. 2020. Derrida and textual animality: for a zoogrammatology of literature. Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-030-51732-8)
- Polezzi, L. 2020. Translation and transnational creative practices in Italian culture. In: Burdett, C. and Polezzi, L. eds. Transnational Italian Studies. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. , pp.25-46.
- Prout, R. 2020. Still waters run deep: Disability counter currents in La Piscina (2012).. In: Hartwig, S. ed. Inclusión, integración, diferenciación: la diversidad funcional en la literatura, el cine y las artes escénica. Berlin: Peter Lang. , pp.275-291.
- Prout, R. 2020. V for vivienda, V for viñeta: Housing policy and spaces for living in Spanish comics and graphic novels. Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies (10.1080/24741604.2020.1827611)
- Ramadhani Mussa, K. T. 2020. Orality and written culture in Italian migrant literature: the work of Yousif Jaralla. Italian Studies 75 (3), pp.365-378. (10.1080/00751634.2020.1775399)
- Sanjurjo, J. 2020. 'Without liberty there is no honour’, nor democracy. Cuba, slavery and abolitionism in nineteenth century Spain’s empire. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 26 (2), pp.137-148. (10.1080/14701847.2020.1789377)
- Sanjurjo, J. and Barcia, M. 2020. New approaches to the comparative abolition in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Atlantic Studies 17 (3), pp.297-301. (10.1080/14788810.2020.1760019)
- Sanz Mingo, C. 2020. Los "maquis", o la oposición guerrillera a la dictadura de Franco.
- Schweissinger, M. J. 2020. Gerhart Hauptmann und Hermann Bahr: Moderne zwischen Naturalismus und Expressionismus. In: Bruyn, W. D. , Ploetz, F. and Rohlfs, S. eds. Theodor Fontane, Gerhart Hauptmann und die vergessene Moderne. Quintus-Verlag. , pp.322-351.
- Schweissinger, M. J. 2020. Gerhart Hauptmanns späte Dramen Dorothea Angermann und vor Sonnenuntergang im Kontext des bürgerlichen und sozialen Trauerspiels. In: Białek, E. and Czarnecka, M. eds. Carl und Gerhart Hauptmann im ästhetischen Diskurs ihrer Zeit. Leipziger Universitatsverlag. , pp.258-279.
- Silvestri, A. M. 2020. Philippa Hoskin. 'Robert Grosseteste and the 13th-century diocese of Lincoln: an English bishop's pastoral vision'. [Book Review]. Journal of British Studies 59 (2)(10.1017/jbr.2019.276)
- Solli, K. 2020. The reporting of the EU in the print media and the development of Eurosceptic movements: A case study of Britain and Norway. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Tarantini, A. T. and Griffiths, C. 2020. Introduction to "Rome in Shakespeare’s Tragedies" by De Lorenzo: How Shakespearean material was appropriated by translators and scholars during the Fascist Period. Chronotopos - A Journal of Translation History 1 (2), pp.144-177. (10.25365/cts-2019-1-2-8)
- Terrón Barbosa, L. 2020. "Rupture": surréalisme révolutionnaire 1935. New Readings 17 (1), pp.48-55. (10.18573/newreadings.110)
- Tinelli, G. and Vighi, F. 2020. Cinico TV, or trouble in hell. In: Summerfield, G. ed. Sicily on Screen: Essays on the Representation of the Island and Its Culture. McFarland. , pp.100-117.
- Vighi, F. 2020. Covid-19 as symptom: notes on the production of a virus.. MR Online
- Vighi, F. 2020. 'E' il virus economico, stupido!' Naturalizzazione della crisi e ritorni al futuro del capitalismo zombie. Il rasoio di Occam
- Vighi, F. 2020. El genio fuera de la botella: Lacan y la soledad del capitalismo global. Demarcaciones. Revista latinoamericana de estudios althusserianos. 8 , pp.45-70.
- Vighi, F. 2020. Homo Pandemicus: COVID ideology and panic consumption. Crisis and Critique 7 (3), pp.447-459.
- Vighi, F. 2020. Homo Pandemicus: ideologia COVID e nuove frontiere del consumo. [Online].Sinistrainrete.info: Filosofia in Movimento. Available at: https://sinistrainrete.info/teoria/18970-fabio-vighi-homo-pandemicus.html.
- Vighi, F. 2020. La causa assente: tempo e lavoro all'epoca del coronavirus. MicroMega
- Vighi, F. 2020. The absent cause: time, work and value in the age of coronavirus. [Online].The Philosophical Salon: Los Angeles Review of Books.
- Wang, X. 2020. Chronotopes and heritage authenticity: The case of the Tujia in China. In: Kroon, S. and Swanenberg, J. eds. Chronotopic Identity Work: Sociolinguistic Analyses of Cultural and Linguistic Phenomena in Time and Space. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. , pp.105-127.
- Wang, X. and Varis, P. 2020. Superdiversità su internet un caso dalla Cina. [Online].Milan: Kabul Magazine. Available at: https://www.kabulmagazine.com/superdiversita-internet-caso-dalla-cina/.
- Wang, X. and Wu, X. 2020. WeChat-mediated simulation and the learning of business chinese. Modern Languages Open 1 (42), pp.1-13. (10.3828/mlo.v0i0.300)
- Watt, S. 2020. Thompson, Céline and Tavernier: An Historical Echo Chamber of Western Imperial Ideology. New Readings 17 (2), pp.105-123. (10.18573/newreadings.117)
- Webster, P. 2020. A poisoned chalice? Crown, church and reputation in the in careers of King John's bishops. In: Coss, P. et al., Episcopal Power and Personality in Medieval Europe, 900-1480. Medieval Church Studies Vol. 42.Turnhout: Brepols. , pp.285-303.
- Whitfield, J. 2020. Anarcha-feminism, prison and utopia: the abolitionist politics of Alison Spedding’s De cuando en cuando Saturnina (2004) and La segunda vez como farsa (2008). In: Kelly, M. and Westall, C. eds. Prison Writing and the Literary World: Imprisonment, Institutionality and Questions of Literary Practice. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature London: Routledge
- Whitfield, J. 2020. Communicating beyond the human: posthumanism, neo-shamanism and Ciro Guerra’s El abrazo de la serpiente. In: Bollington, L. and Merchant, P. eds. Latin American Culture and the Limits of the Human. Gainesville: University of Florida Press. , pp.177-202.
- Whitfield, J. 2020. Forms of dissidence: 'Celestino antes del alba' and 'El mundo alucinante' by Reinaldo Arenas. New Readings 17 (1), pp.1-19. (10.18573/newreadings.111)
- Whitfield, J. and Altenberg, T. 2020. Fictions of organized crime: introduction. New Readings 17 (2), pp.i-vi. (10.18573/newreadings.118)
- Wren-Owens, L. 2020. Multilingual encounters in the contact zone. The transnational film adaptations of Tabucchi’s Dama de Porto Pim and Nocturne indien. Italian Studies 75 (4), pp.487-501. (10.1080/00751634.2020.1820820)
- Wren-Owens, L. 2020. Translating Pessoa: agency, creativity, refraction. Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 26 (4), pp.380-393. (10.1080/13556509.2020.1904723)
- Zhuang, J. C. and He, Y. 2020. Managing multiple identities: A new perspective on compliment responses in Chinese. East Asian Pragmatics 5 (1), pp.9-39. (10.1558/eap.38489)
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