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Recent publications
- Wang, X. and Li, D. eds. 2024. Applied Chinese Language Studies XIII Teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the new normal: cross-disciplinary theory and practice. United Kingdom: Sinolingua London Limited.
- García Pérez, R. , Navarro Juan, D. and Prout, R. eds. 2024. Normas y diferencias. Images of Disability / Imágenes de la diversidad funcional De Gruyter. (10.1515/9783111561462)
- Gant, M. , Edwards, S. and Rocha Relvas, S. eds. 2024. Peninsular identities, transatlantic crossings and Iberian networks. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
- Meade, R. , Shih, C. and Kim, K. H. eds. 2024. Routledge handbook of East Asian translation. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003251699)
- Alhajri, A. 2024. The shaping powers in rewriting popular fantasy: The theory of rewriting and Game of Thrones in the age of social media. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Almeida, N. et al., 2024. Silence and punish: Forgetting as an apparatus of torture. Deconstruction, solidarity, and popular education as modes of resistance. Prison Service Journal 272 , pp.50-58.
- Alqarni, A. 2024. The sociocultural dynamics of translating English self-help literature into Arabic in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Bourdieusian perspective. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Altalidi, B. 2024. The socio-digital dynamics of the subtitling field in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The rise of social media fansubbing and its digital paratexts on Twitter. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Arfon, E. et al. 2024. Developing the Welsh thesaurus through technology. [Online].Golwg 360 Cymru - Gwerddon Fach: Golwg Ltd.. Available at:
- Bell, L. and Whitfield, J. 2024. Narración y sanación: La sorografía y las nuevas formas feministas en la escritura de Leo Zavaleta. Altra Modernitá 32 , pp.195-227. (10.54103/2035-7680/27292)
- Bell, L. , Zamora, J. and Whitfield, J. 2024. Cartonera Literature in Jalisco Social Reintegration Centers, 2019-2022. Desacatos, Revista de Ciencias Sociales 75 (May-Au), pp.134-147.
- Bush, E. 2024. Rachel DiNitto, Fukushima fiction: The literary landscape of Japan’s triple disaster [Book review]. Japan Forum 36 (1), pp.126-128. (10.1080/09555803.2023.2230964)
- Campofreda, O. and Chianese, F. 2024. Portraying the Nomadic spirit of a transnational coming of age. Italian Studies 79 (1), pp.1-5. (10.1080/00751634.2024.2322315)
- Chianese, F. 2024. Angelenos? What's that? Young Italians in Los Angeles in the fiction of John Fante, Andrea De Carlo, and Chiara Barzini. Italian Studies 79 (1), pp.6-20. (10.1080/00751634.2024.2317615)
- Chung, E. 2024. Chinese remakes of South Korean films. In: Wang, Z. , Wilcox, E. and Yu, H. eds. Teaching Film from the People's Republic of China. Modern Language Association of America. , pp.241-254.
- Chung, E. 2024. Political capital and stardom in China: the transnational persona of Choo Ja-hyun. Celebrity Studies (10.1080/19392397.2024.2362714)
- Clarke, D. , Czyżewska-Poncyljusz, W. and Parish, N. 2024. Performance and peacebuilding between consensus and agonism: The Sejny chronicles and moush, sweet moush.. In: Horvath, C. and Rawski, T. eds. Pathways to Agonism: Theoretical and Practical Approaches to the Memories of Disputed Territories. Mobilizing Memories Leiden: Brill
- Constance, L. 2024. Preserving hibakusha memories: Ōishi Matashichi and the Daigo Fukuryū Maru Exhibition Hall. In: Hulsmann, K. and Kohn, S. eds. Articulations of the Nuclear: Postwar Japan under the Spell of the Atomic Age. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag. , pp.175-194.
- Constance, L. 2024. Yuko Shibata, Producing Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Literature, film, and transnational politics [Book Review]. Japan Forum 36 (3), pp.381-383. (10.1080/09555803.2024.2311424)
- Cortés Ortuño, J. 2024. Post-nitrate melancholy: Romance and coloniality in Chilean novels about the desert regions, 1930s-1970s. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cumming, G. 2024. Recognising leadership potential: looking beyond comparative perspectives on aid. In: Akande, A. ed. Leadership and Politics: New Perspectives In Business, Government and Society. Springer Nature
- Cumming, G. , Van Der Velde, R. and Chafer, T. 2024. Understanding the performance, survival and collapse of African ad hoc military coalitions. African Security 17 (1-2), pp.87-114. (10.1080/19392206.2024.2366721)
- Diamond, H. and Warmsley, C. 2024. Civil war as fratiricidal conflict? Re-examining the case of violence against women in Liberation France. In: Leira-Castinera, F. J. and Sakkas, J. eds. Patterns of Violence Behind the Lines in Europe’s Civil Wars. Palgrave Macmillan
- Dowling, A. 2024. De una cultura de destrucción a una cultura de dominación. La Maleta de Portbou 66 , pp.79-84.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2024. 批判理论与当代资本主义危机. J. Xu and M. Huang Shanghai: Orient Publishing.
- Gao, Q. 2024. Videogame localisation: quality assessment from a storytelling perspective. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Gorrara, C. 2024. Memory unboxed: Reckoning with German memories of the Second World War in Nora Krug's Heimat: A German Family Album (2018). In: Bartolini, G. and Ford, J. eds. Mediating Historical Responsibility: Memories of Difficult Pasts in European Cultures. Media and Cultural Memory Vol. 40.De Gruyter. , pp.236-254. (10.1515/9783111013299-012)
- Gorrara, C. 2024. Tracing War: Transmitting stories of the Holocaust in twenty-first-century French comics for younger readers. In: Duffy, H. and Tynan, A. eds. Trauma, Ethics, Hermeneutics Essays in Honour of Colin Davis. Legenda. , pp.99-113.
- Gołuch, D. 2024. Thinking solidarity and translation together: Towards a new definition of solidarity. Translation & Interpreting 16 (2), pp.7-23. (10.12807/ti.116202.2024.a02)
- Hammond, C. 2024. Re/assembling the imaginary: Counter-narratives of Haiti’s transnational textile industry. Textile 22 (3), pp.547-560. (10.1080/14759756.2023.2242118)
- Hammond, C. 2024. Weaving stories of Wales, textiles and slavery through art. In: Crowther, L. ed. British Local History and the Black Atlantic. Warwick District Council. , pp.11-20.
- He, Y. 2024. Problems in the presentation of speech acts in Chinese textbooks: Towards a pragmatic perspective on Chinese pedagogy. Researching and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language 5 (1)
- Hodgin, N. 2024. ‘How far can you go?’: Everyday lives in the films of Kurt Tetzlaff. In: Allan, S. and Heiduschke, S. eds. Documenting Socialism: East German Documentary Cinema. New York: Berghahn Books. , pp.116-136. (10.3167/9781805396574)
- Hodgin, N. 2024. Construction, demolition, extirpation? The Palast der Republik and the conflicting desires of German unification. German Life and Letters 77 (2), pp.238-262. (10.1111/glal.12409)
- Hood, C. 2024. Depicting the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: History and continued significance. In: Köhn, S. and Hülsmann, K. eds. Articulations of the Nuclear: Postwar Japan under the Spell of the Atomic Age. Vol. 13, Kulturwissenschaftliche Japanstudien Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. , pp.105-125.
- Hood, C. 2024. Japan says ‘Western Pop’?:No thanks, don’t do it. Presented at: 24th BATJ Conference Cardiff, UK 9-10 September 2022. Vol. 24.The British Association for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language. , pp.41-51.
- Hood, C. 2024. Japan: The basics. 2nd Edition. London:: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003216704)
- Lambert, J. 2024. Codes and coffee houses. ITI Bulletin , pp.33-34.
- Lambert, J. and Walker, C. 2024. Thriving or surviving: Motivation, satisfaction, and existential sustainability in the translation profession. Mikael: The Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research 17 (1), pp.89-104. (10.61200/mikael.136209)
- Margrave, C. 2024. Adaptation to or of the environment? Examining the works of women writers of the First Republic and First Empire through an ecocritical lens. In: Martin, C. E. and Donato, C. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Transnational Women’s Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.583-600.
- Meade, R. 2024. Sarah Teasley (2022) Designing modern Japan [Book Review]. Japan Review 39 , pp.255-257.
- Meade, R. 2024. Science across the Meiji divide: vernacular literary genres as vectors of science in modern Japan. History of Science 62 (2), pp.227-251. (10.1177/00732753231170413)
- Molinaro, C. , Perez-Nieto, N. and Silvestri, A. 2024. Collaborative approaches to AI in foreign language education: Navigating ethical challenges together. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2024 Cardiff, UK 12 September 2024.
- Molinaro, C. , Perez-Nieto, N. and Silvestri, A. 2024. Exploring the dynamics of AI in foreign language education: Balancing challenges, opportunities, and ethical engagement. [Online].YouTube: Available at:
- Molinaro, C. , Perez-Nieto, N. and Silvestri, A. 2024. Language students’ engagement with GenAI tools to aid their learning. Presented at: 2nd AI in Education Conference Cardiff 12 July 2024.
- Moshan, M. S. et al., 2024. Sorority inside and outside as a means of survival and resistance: Experiences of women imprisoned in Mexico. Prison Service Journal 272 41.
- Mustafa, B. 2024. Cyberfeminist resistance against hegemonic and anti-feminist discourses: The case of Kuwait. International Feminist Journal of Politics 26 (4), pp.764-787. (10.1080/14616742.2024.2365690)
- Mustafa, B. 2024. Feminist activist ethnography through Arabic Twitter: fellowship as a method. Feminist Review 136 (1), pp.142-160. (10.1177/01417789231222932)
- Perez-Nieto, N. 2024. Andalucía X el mundo: Nazaret nos muestra la Catedral de Llandaff. Canal Sur Media. [Online].RTVA. Available at:
- Perez-Nieto, N. 2024. Hacia la creación de una nación multilingüe: Routes into Languages Cymru como proyecto propulsor para dar visibilidad y promover el estudio de lenguas en el país de Gales. TECLA. Revista de la Consejería de Educación en el Reino Unido (1), pp.14-19.
- Pickering, K. 2024. In defense of circular time: Cycles of feminist activism in Argentina and Brazil. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 50 (3)
- Polezzi, L. 2024. Translation and mediation. In: Dendrinos, B. ed. Mediation as Negotiation of Meanings, Plurilingualism and Language Education. Routledge Research in Language Education Routledge(10.4324/9781003032069-9)
- Prout, R. 2024. No laughing matter? Comedy soft spots, hard kernels and the epistemology of disability in The Red Chapel. In: Hartwig, S. ed. Representaciones cómicas de la diversidad funcional: entre inclusión y exclusión. BWG Austria
- Prout, R. 2024. ‘Vengo deshecho del duro bregar’: dudas, discapacidad y deterioro en Monsignor Quixote. In: Checa, J. , Conte, D. and Aventín Fontana, A. eds. Imágenes de la vejez. Berlin: Peter Lang
- Schweissinger, M. J. 2024. Goethe's early historical dramas. Humanities 13 (3) 67. (10.3390/h13030067)
- Shao, W. 2024. Interact from your mobile devices: The technology enhanced classroom. In: Fayram, J. , Austen, S. and Phillips, H. eds. Online Teaching and Learning in a Changing Pedagogic and Linguistic Landscape. Developing Online Language Pedagogies London: Castledown Publishers. , pp.132-150.
- Silvestri, A. 2024. Bonizo of Sutri: Portrait in a Landscape. By John A. Dempsey. [Book Review]. Catholic Historical Review 110 (1), pp.142-144. (10.1353/cat.2024.a921715)
- Vighi, F. 2024. A Chiara: Self-discovery as radical alienation. The European Psychoanalytic Film Festival Online Magazine epff12
- Vighi, F. 2024. COVID- 19 and the emergency loop of implosive capitalism. In: Lange, E. L. and Shullenberger, G. eds. COVID-19 and the Left: The Tyranny of Fear. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.95-114. (10.4324/9781003390183-9)
- Vighi, F. 2024. Emergency capitalism financial hubris, economic collapse and systemic manipulation. [Emergency capitalism financial hubris, economic collapse and systemic manipulation]. Sublation Media.
- Vighi, F. 2024. La fiducia nelle istituzioni e i dividendi di guerra. [Online].La Fionda: Marcovaldo di Simone Luciani. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. Macabre liturgie di fine impero. La Fionda 2024 (19 Jul)
- Vighi, F. 2024. Manipolazione e barbarie: la deriva totalitaria del capitalismo ultra-finanziario. In: Marini, L. and Rodríguez-Blanco, V. eds. La transizione totalitaria: demolizione (in)controllata della civiltà globale. Edizioni La Vela
- Vighi, F. 2024. Our zone of interest: the noise of permanent warfare. [Online].The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. The enemy and the libidinal economy of the apocalypse. [Online].The Philosophical Salon: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. Trust in institutions and the war dividend. [Online].The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. Una profecía cumplida: Colapso sistémico y pandemia simulada. Amor y Rabia 80 , pp.41-49.
- Vighi, F. 2024. Who's Winning?. [Online].The Philosophical Salon: Available at:
- Vighi, F. and Bollinger, L. 2024. El Estado es el ángel guardián del capital financiero? [Interview]. Amor y Rabia 80 , pp.36-38.
- Walker, C. , Ivins, C. and Lambert, J. 2024. Freelance translator rates: The value of experience. Project Report.University of Leeds.
- Walker, C. , Ivins, C. and Lambert, J. 2024. Freelance translator rates: The value of ITI membership. Project Report.University of Leeds.
- Walker, C. and Lambert, J. 2024. Show me the money: Bringing pay, rate-setting, and financial sustainability into the translation classroom. In: Ward, M. , Eugeni, C. and Walker, C. eds. Teaching Translation: Contexts, Modes and Technologies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.27-52.
- Wang, X. and Hird, D. 2024. Editorial. New Perspectives on Languages 1 (1), pp.1-14. (10.56395/npl.v1i1.50)
- Watkins, L. 2024. Automation, capitalism, universal basic income, and the ethically responsible state. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Whitfield, J. 2024. Feminicidal masculinities: Cultural contestations of gender violence in Ciudad Juárez. In: Thakkar, A. , Baker, B. and Harris, C. eds. Border Masculinities. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.213-233. (10.1007/978-3-031-68050-2_11)
- Whitfield, J. and Bell, L. 2024. Love & law: The aura of prison writing in Mexico, from the 1800s to the present. Status Quaestionis 26 , pp.523-565.
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