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Life after university – where can a modern languages degree take you?

A foyer full of people standing and chatting. Most people are facing away from the camera.

Whether you’re studying a modern languages degree or considering starting one in future, you might have given some thought to your future career and wondered what industry could you enter with a modern languages degree?

At a recent employer meet and greet at the School of Modern Languages, employers from different organisations talked to students about the benefits of studying modern languages and the types of careers available to them once they had graduated.

Educators Wales

One of the organisers at the meet and greet was Educators Wales, a Welsh Government funded project that promotes careers in the education sector. A degree in modern languages will stand you in great stead if you’d like to enter the world of teaching. Tune in as Lydia from Educators Wales explains more about the different teaching roles available to graduates and the qualities they’re looking for in future educators.

The Royal Air Force

Teaching and translation may be careers that are more traditionally associated with studying a modern languages degree, but they aren’t the only careers available to you. The Royal Air Force, RAF, have some fantastic opportunities for language graduates. In the clip, David Prowse, who’s a Careers Engagement Officer with the RAF, explains more about those opportunities.


Another career that a modern languages degree could lead to is within the recruitment sector. Conexus is a Cardiff based staffing agency which works across Europe and the rest of the world. They have many different roles on offer where candidates could use their language skills. James Anscomb is the Operations Director for Conexus.

These are just some of the careers that a degree in modern languages can lead you to have. Other fields include travel and tourism, finance, publishing, engineering, technology, the civil service and sport, both in the UK and abroad. Whatever your future ambitions, a modern languages or translation degree can help you achieve them, and the staff at the School of Modern Languages will be with you every step of the way to offer help and support.