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Reasons to take part

It is estimated that 1 in 5 young people experience problems such as depression or anxiety. Mental health problems can impact young people’s education, relationships and wellbeing.

Help us learn why

We are trying to find out how genes and environment can play a role in young people being affected by these problems. Like all genetic studies, we need to collect DNA samples from many thousands of individuals to draw reliable conclusions. The Mental Wellbeing in Adolescence: Genes and Environment Study (MAGES) will examine how best to do this.

Although we will not give any feedback about your results personally, taking part will benefit young people in the future by improving our understanding about how genes and environment affect mental wellbeing in young people.

Science workshops

All children in Years 7 and 8 in participating secondary schools are invited to take part in a science workshop on DNA and genes, regardless of whether the children are taking part in MAGES or not.

However, by giving consent to provide DNA samples and link to wellbeing information you will help us gain a more complete picture of how genes and environment work together to affect children’s mental wellbeing.