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Get involved

Taking part in the study is easy and will help us to understand how to gather evidence about the effect of genes and environment on the mental wellbeing of young people in the future.

Photograph of two boys writing in school

Reasons to take part

It is estimated that 1 in 5 young people experience problems such as depression or anxiety. Mental health problems can impact young people’s education, relationships and wellbeing.

Photograph of a research assistant guiding three children on how to provide a saliva sample

How it works

If you and your child consent to take part, our team will take a DNA sample when we visit your school to deliver a DNA science workshop.

Photograph of a woman putting a barcode sticker on a test tube

What happens next

We would like your permission to link your child’s genetic information to information on mental wellbeing.

Woman using pink smart phone

Getting help

Find out who you can contact if you're concerned about your child's mental health.