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Professor Simon Ward at the Eisteddfod

Eisteddfod 2018

18 September 2018

The Eisteddfod came to Cardiff Bay in 2018, and staff from the Medicines Discovery Institute took part in the celebration to share the Institute’s research.

Tafwyl Festival Exhibition

Raising awareness for drug discovery through the Welsh language

2 August 2018

Cardiff University scientists raised public awareness of medicines discovery through the medium of Welsh, attending an annual Welsh-language festival to share their research.

Picture of Professor Simon Ward and Professor John Atack

Turning leading research into novel medicines

2 November 2017

Cardiff University to host Medicines Discovery Institute

Scientist checking blood samples

Tracking the body’s mini-shuttles

28 September 2017

New method of tagging body's own transporters could lead to more effective treatments for life-threatening diseases

Syringe and pills on a table

Turning lipids research into new drugs

1 September 2017

Discovery leads to development of new drug for inflammatory diseases

Cardiff Nottingham and Padua Scientists manipulate the tumour environment to drive nanoparticle uptake into cancer cells

27 July 2017

EPSRC funded collaboration designs new targeting platforms for cancer cells