Major Life Changing Decision Profile
The Major Life Changing Decision Profile (MLCDP) is designed to assist patients, clinicians and support services to better manage and minimise the impact of chronic disease by revealing information about affected goals and ambitions.
MLCDP data also provides structured insight into the life-long burden of chronic disease.
About the questionnaire
The MLCDP is a 32-question questionnaire. There are five domains (sections):
- education - three questions.
- job/career - nine questions.
- family/relationships - five questions.
- social - 10 questions.
- physical - five questions.
The questions were developed by interviewing patients with chronic (more than one year) conditions affecting the heart, lungs, joints, kidneys, skin and those who had diabetes. The MLCDP was validated in patients from the six specialties cardiology, nephrology, respiratory medicine, diabetes, rheumatology and dermatology.
The MLCDP is primarily designed for single use. This is because the time basis for the questions is the whole period during which the respondent has had the chronic health condition or disease.
The MLCDP is not designed to measure change following intervention. However, it could be used, for example once every five years, to determine whether any additional major life changing decisions have been affected.
Age range
The MLCDP is designed to be completed by any adult person with any chronic (more than one year) health condition or disease, aged 16 years or over.
Recall period
The MLCDP is designed to record any influences on, or changes to, major life changing decisions caused by having a chronic health condition or disease. When answering the questions, the person is asked to consider the period of their life since developing the condition.
Who can use it
Any adult who has suffered from, or is suffering from, any chronic health condition or disease can complete the questionnaire.
This questionnaire can be used in a range of settings by clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, with-profit organisations, students or researchers.
Depending on who you are and what you're using the questionnaire for, you may need to apply for licence and pay a fee.
Learn more about who can use this questionnaire and how to administer it.
Download the questionnaire

Major Life Changing Decisions Profile (MLCDP) - UK English version
This questionnaire is to assist patients, clinicians and support services to better manage and minimise the impact of chronic disease by revealing information about affected goals and ambitions.
If this document cannot be read by your assistive software, you can request an accessible version by emailing Please include the assistive tools you use and the format you require.
Different language versions
This zip file contains the questionnaires in Polish, along with the translation certificates. Find out more about our translation and linguistic validation process, and what to do if you'd like to create a new translation.
Major Life Changing Decisions Profile (MLCDP) - different language version
Download the questionnaire.
How to score it
The MLCDP can be interpreted in three different ways
Overall score: number of major life decisions affected by condition/disease
The MLCDP score is calculated by adding up the number of major life changing decisions that have been affected in any way, i.e. the number of questions to which the answer is anything other than 'No influence' or 'Not applicable'.
The minimum 'Simple' score is 0 = no major decisions affected.
The maximum 'Simple' score is 32 = 32 major decisions affected.
The total number of decisions affected is the most critical information in comparing the overall impact of having a disease on major life-changing decisions.
Graded response scoring system
This is an alternative method to score the MLCDP. Having graded score information may be of value to a clinician or other carer when counselling a patient.
The graded response scoring method uses the detailed information contained by answering each question using the grades:
No influence or not applicable | (score=0) |
Slight influence | (score=1) |
Moderate influence | (score=2) |
Strong influence | (score=3) |
Very strong influence | (score=4) |
As there are 32 questions, the total maximum score is 32x4 = 128
Domain (section) scores
Each of the five domains can be given a total score:
Education | (3 questions) | Maximum score = 3x4 = 12 |
Job/career | (9 questions) | Maximum score = 9x4 = 36 |
Family relationships | (5 questions) | Maximum score = 5x4 = 20 |
Social | (10 questions) | Maximum score = 10x4 = 40 |
Physical | (5 questions) | Maximum score = 5x4 = 20 |
Copyright and registration
The MLCDP is protected under copyright, so you must not change the format, wording or design of the questionnaire.
This copyright statement must always be reproduced at the end of every copy of the MLCDP.
The MLCDP is copyright world-wide and can only be reprinted with permission (except for routine clinical purposes). Every copy of the MLCDP, in whatever language, must reprint the copyright statement at the end of the MLCDP.
© Z U Bhatti, M S Salek, A Y Finlay, April 2011
Original publication
Bhatti ZU, Salek SS, Bolton CE, George L, Halcox JP, Jones SM, Ketchell IR, Moore RH, Sabit R, Piguet V, Finlay AY. The development and validation of the Major Life Changing Decision Profile (MLCDP). Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2013; May 8: 11 (1): 78 (epub).
Other key references
- Bhatti ZU, Salek MS, Finlay AY. Chronic diseases influence major life changing decisions: a new domain in quality of life research. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2011; 104: 241-250.
- Bhatti ZU, Salek S, Finlay AY. Concept of Major Life Changing Decisions in life course research. Chapter in: Cumulative Life Impairment by dermatological diseases. Editors: A Kimball, D Linder. Current Problems in Dermatology 2013; 44: 52-66.
- Bhatti ZU, Finlay AY, Bolton CE, George L, Halcox JP, Jones SM, Ketchell RI, Moore RH, Salek MS. Chronic disease influences over 40 major life changing decisions (MLCDs): a qualitative study in dermatology and general medicine. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2014; 28: 1344-1355.
- Wójcik E, Reszke R, Krajewski PK, Matusiak Ł, Madziarska K, Ali FM, Finlay AY, Szepietowski JC. Major life changing decision profile: Creation of the Polish language version.
Dermatol Ther. 2021 Jan;34(1):e14568.
Contact us
If you have any questions, or if you have feedback on our web pages, please get in touch.
General queries
Dr. Faraz Ali
Dermatology Quality of Life Administrator
Joy Hayes
Licencing, financial and contractual enquiries
Technology Transfer office
Authors of the MLCDP
- Professor Andrew Y Finlay
- Professor Sam Salek
- Dr Z U Bhatti
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