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Patient and public involvement and engagement activities

Engagement activities
Members of the public enjoying one of our many engagement activities.

Working with schools

Across the school an enormous amount of engagement work is aimed at inspiring school children across Wales to think about careers in science and medicine. Some of this activity is coordinated centrally through our Science in Health programme and some of it is research-focused and led. In addition to this, staff respond to ad hoc invitations from local schools and groups to carry out tailored engagement activity.

Since 2017 we have been running a 'MEDIC Ambassador' scheme for our medical students and alumni who wish to engage with schoolchildren. We now have a pool of over 150 Ambassadors across the student year groups who have a real passion for medicine and inspiring the next generation of doctors and healthcare professionals.

If your school is interested in engaging with us please complete our online request form.

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Schools we work with

Involving the public and patients

In order to ensure that our research programmes are current, relevant and meet the needs of our changing society, we work to embed a culture of involving the public and patients in shaping and influencing research.

This additional insight and expertise will help to inform research outputs. Involving the public in research can add value and bring about unexpected benefits. Evidence shows that it makes the research more relevant and reliable and therefore more likely to impact positively on patients.

Video focusing on why public involvement in research is so important.

Building engagement partnerships

We are keen to develop and maintain strong engagement partnerships with our many stakeholders, which realise beneficial outputs for both the School, the local community and beyond.

Influencing, broadening and informing

Through the development of evidence-based research, we engage with a wide variety of policy stakeholders to improve understanding, implementation and uptake of research outputs.

In order to broaden and inform public attitude on health and social care, we also run a monthly public lecture series between November and March. These lectures aim to open up areas of concern in healthcare and present new research on health issues.

Engagement case studies

We have researchers right across the school involved in all types of engagement activities to support their work.

Children involved in the video making workshop

Case study: Dr Pauline Ashfield-Watt

Across her research Pauline is interested in improving people’s awareness, understanding and engagement with health as part of their daily routine.

Dr Ian Humphreys working with children from St Brides Major Primary School in Bridgend.

Case study: Dr Ian Humphreys

Ian's laboratory uses in vivo models of viral infection in combination with clinical samples to help us understand the mechanisms that regulate antiviral immunity.

Grace showcasing her research to members of the public

Case study: Dr Grace McCutchan

Grace’s research aims to develop ways to encourage people to go to their GP quickly with symptoms of cancer.

Oncolytic viruses

Case study: Dr Alan Parker

Research in Alan’s lab focusses on developing so called 'oncolytic viruses' to fight cancer.