Cardiff University’s Main Building - Update - 3 May 2017
Correct as of 17:00 on 2 May 2017.
There has been an isolated fire in a fume cupboard in Cardiff University’s Main Building this afternoon 2 May. All staff and students were evacuated safely and we are in contact with relevant emergency services and University departments.
Main Building will remain inaccessible to staff, students and visitors for the remainder of today, apart from limited access for those that need to collect their belongings.
From tomorrow, 3 May, Main Building, including the Science Library, will be open as usual except for the Chemistry laboratories in rooms 1.85 to 1.89 on the first floor. The refectory (Main Building restaurant) will be closed until further notice.
Local communications to staff and students housed in Main Building will continue from those Schools and departments involved. Please contact your School office (students) or line manager (staff) if you have any specific queries.