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Research Collaboratives

LINC is one of six research collaboratives funded by UK Research & Innovation, in partnership with the National Institutes for Heath Research, who will improve our understanding of how different factors increase our risk of developing multiple long-term conditions as we age.

MMTRC examines the sequence and patterns of multimorbidity, as well as explore the problem of treatment coordination to ensure treatment for one condition does not cause difficulties in the treatment of another.

ADMISSION seeks to better understand the patterns and causes of multiple long-term conditions within hospital patients.

Mum-PreDiCT looks to improve our knowledge of why pregnant women are more likely to develop multiple long-term conditions and how maternity care and support can be improved.

GEMINI explores the links between long-term conditions which could pave the way for improving how these conditions are treated.

DEMISTIFI-Multimorbidity explores how genetic and environmental factors can influence the amount of damage common diseases do to internal organs.

Communities of Practice

Three communities of practice have also been established to support each collaborative by enabling researchers to develop new skills, learn from one another, and develop further research ideas to take forward when researching multiple long-term conditions: