Borrowing books
Library membership enables you to borrow and request books from our libraries.
To borrow books, bring them to the issue desk or self service machine along with your library card. If an item is not accessible from your library, you can request it.
You will be given a date when the books are due for return, however most of your books will renew automatically at the end of the loan period.
Automatic renewals
Most of your loans will be renewed automatically, provided they have not been requested by anyone else. You'll receive an email if your book has been requested so you know it won't renew. You can also check 'My Library Account' on LibrarySearch; any requested books will have a loan status of 'Recalled'.
You can renew books yourself in 'My Library Account': if the book isn't renewable, you won't have the option to renew that particular book. If a book doesn't renew, you will get a message on screen explaining why. You will be able to keep the book until the due date, you should then return it.
Recalled items must be returned by the due date to avoid your library account being blocked; this will prevent you from both borrowing any further items and your current loans from automatically renewing
You can request items which are already on loan using LibrarySearch. You can also place requests on items which are on the shelf in any Cardiff University library using LibrarySearch. Older, less-used items held in Library Stores (displayed on LibrarySearch with the location 'Talybont Research Reserve') can also be requested using LibrarySearch.
- check your LibrarySearch account regularly to find out when your requests are ready to collect
- requested items are held for a limited period and can be collected from the relevant library.
Books from NHS Wales hospital libraries
If you are a member of our libraries and wish to borrow a book from an NHS Wales hospital library, log in to LibrarySearch and request the book using the Inter-Library Loan Request link.
Returning books
- in front of the Arts and Social Studies Library, opposite the main entrance
- Health Library, near the main entrance of the Cochrane Building
- Trevithick Library, to the left of the Trevithick Building entrance
You can post books back to us at the following address:
Cardiff University
Arts and Social Studies Library
Colum Drive
CF10 3LB
Lost or stolen books
If any library items are lost or stolen from you, please contact the issuing library immediately. You will be liable for the replacement cost of any items which are lost or stolen from your possession.
Find out how you can visit our libraries and become a member to borrow books.