Contact us
You can contact Cardiff University Library Service in several ways.
You can call or email:
University Library Service
Use our Library Chat service to chat with library staff. The service is available from 09:00-21:00 Monday to Friday and 10:00-17:00 at weekends during semester time and 09:00-17:00 Monday to Friday during vacations.
Where we can offer chat beyond these hours, we will - check our status within the chat box to see if someone is available to help.
Connect with us online
You can connect with the University Library Service online via Instagram @cardiffunilib and Twitter @CardiffUniLib
We have a YouTube channel, Cardiff University Library, where you can find lots of useful videos about our services. You can also visit our blog for the latest news.
Share your feedback
We welcome your feedback about our services. You can fill in our online feedback form if you have a complaint, comment or compliment. If you want an immediate response, use the Library chat service or call us.
Find out more about how your feedback helps us achieve our commitment to customer service excellence.
We welcome your feedback about the library service.