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About this topic

Self-reflection is increasingly regarded as a fundamental aspect of professional practice driven - in part - by Schon’s (1983) widely accepted notion of the reflective practitioner.

The prominence of self-reflection in the practices of higher education teachers has been secured by the inclusion of CPD needs in the UKPSF.

Processes for self-reflection can be formal – for example, peer reviews undertaken as part of a PDR process can aid self reflection, or working in conjunction with a mentor. Alternatively informal approaches can also be very powerful: story-writing, the composition of haikus, drawing of cartoons, or making structures out of lego have all been recognised as effective reflective tools.

The format you adopt for self-reflection will depend on a number of factors; whether or not you have identified an area of practice you wish to explore, your thoughts on working collaboratively with others or the extent to which you are willing suspend structure. Some teachers find it helpful to have a starting point in mind when starting to reflect. Yet others, are happy to capture thoughts through more free thinking approaches.

In this section you will find a number of case-studies where colleagues their experience of self-reflection using a variety of methods and the benefits of developing such approaches.


Schön, D. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner. How professionals think in action, London: Temple Smith.

Case Studies

Welcome to LinkedIn Learning!

Bex Ferriday

Published 22 Jul 2021 • 7 mins read

This Pecha Kucha presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference provides a whistle-stop tour of LinkedIn Learning, shows how content can be curated for you, your students, or professional teams, and includes a look at the student


Professional Recognition | Pathways & Promotions | Peer Reviews | Self-reflection |

Recommendations icon7 recommendations

This presentation from the 2021 Learning and Teaching Conference discusses how, in response to COVID-19, the School of Medicine (SoM) shifted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses into accessible bite-sized online provision aligned to


Ways of learning | Learning journeys | Designing for distance learners | Self-reflection |

Recommendations icon3 recommendations

This presentation from the 2021 Learning and Teaching Conference discusses how, in response to COVID-19, the School of Medicine (SoM) shifted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses into accessible bite-sized online provision aligned to


Ways of learning | Learning journeys | Designing for distance learners | Self-reflection |

Recommendations icon3 recommendations

Contribute to the Learning Hub

The Learning Hub is designed by academics for academics and we would encourage you to share anything that supports, enhances or prompts reflection on teaching and learning here at Cardiff University.

This is an opportunity to be an active part of the teaching community here at Cardiff, to share your expertise with your colleagues.