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Learning Hub

A virtual space supporting continual enhancement of the student learning experience.

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Our themes

We have identified five key 'themes' or areas of focus for the Learning Hub. These themes reflect key areas of activity and expertise across Cardiff University, and will evolve to reflect the ever changing nature of learning and teaching in Higher Education.

Designing for learning

Good curriculum design and programme development is fundamental for embedding good practice in learning and teaching. Investigate examples of how different learning approaches (e.g. technology enhanced learning, inquiry-based learning, distance learning) have been developed to support and demonstrate intended aims and objectives.

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Assessment for Learning

Assessment is a key aspect of the learning cycle. Explore good practice in assessment design that enables learners to monitor and reflect upon their progress and support future learning.

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Supporting your teaching

Whether flipping the classroom or facilitating group work, it is important to recognise the range of approaches available.  Learn more about the different methodologies and how they can been applied to enhance teaching practice.

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Supporting students

Providing students with a full range of high-quality academic, administrative and pastoral support is an essential part of the student experience. Discover how mechanisms such as Personal Tutoring and Student Mentoring support students to develop both academically and as individuals.

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Professional Development

Discover the range of activities available to develop pedagogic understanding and teaching practice, and how such activities can be captured and recognised.

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Most recommended

Small group teaching: Methods & Techniques

Dr Nathan Roberts

Published 02 Dec 2016 • 10 mins read

Different methods facilitate different kinds of student engagement and opportunities to learn.


Tag Small group teaching

Recommendation icon30 recommendations

Marking, grading and giving feedback

Published 23 Dec 2016 • 20 mins read

This set of materials is intended to provide guidance and support for those who are new to assessing and giving feedback and who are asked to implement an existing assessment process.


Tag Assessment Design | Providing feedback

Recommendation icon22 recommendations

Dignity and respect in the classroom

Dr Iain Mossman

Published 17 Feb 2017 • 20 mins read

This article provides strategies for structuring small group work, with a focus on addressing difficult or sensitive topics.


Tag Inclusive Curriculum | Small group teaching | Large group teaching

Recommendation icon15 recommendations

Interpreting and expressing learning outcomes in learning design

Christopher John

Published 17 Oct 2019 • 30 mins read

This resource is a tutorial, based on experience at Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, provides a grounding in learning outcome interpretation and expression using the ABC learning design method from University College London.


Tag Ways of learning | Learning journeys

Recommendation icon9 recommendations

Contribute to the Learning Hub

The Learning Hub is designed by academics for academics and we would encourage you to share anything that supports, enhances or prompts reflection on teaching and learning here at Cardiff University.

This is an opportunity to be an active part of the teaching community here at Cardiff, to share your expertise with your colleagues.

Recently added

This presentation from the 2021 Learning and Teaching Conference discusses how, in response to COVID-19, the School of Medicine (SoM) shifted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses into accessible bite-sized online provision aligned to civic mission, designed to support front line workers with demanding clinical workloads to still support completion of their CPD.


Tag Ways of learning | Learning journeys | Designing for distance learners | Self-reflection

Recommendation icon3 recommendations

Peer review of exemplar work

Dr Andrew Roberts

Published 02 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read

This presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference talks about how peer review of exemplar work allows students to compare their work to that of others and helps them to engage with the assessment criteria. Exemplar review was used as part of a module in Architecture where students were asked to grade and provide feedback on three pieces of work of varying standards from a previous cohort, whilst their own work was still in draft format. They then were asked to compare their reviews and marks with two other students to develop a consensus during an online session. The presentation will review how this was done and highlights the key learning points that arose.


Tag Ways of learning | Learning journeys | Designing for distance learners | Engaging with student feedback | Assessment Design | Managing assessments | Providing feedback

Recommendation icon1 recommendations

The challenges of transition to HE in a lock-down world: A MEDIC perspective

Emily Ireland and Hannah Logan

Published 02 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read

This presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference highlights the outcomes of two Undergraduate-led research studies investigating the lived experiences of Year 1 students in the School of Medicine during the locked-down academic year. Typically, the cohort of Medical Students is a tight and supportive learning community. This talk looks at the impact of the COVID lock-down on the development of social interactions, confidence, engagement with learning activities and the development of self-regulation.


Tag Ways of learning | Learning journeys | Designing for distance learners | Engaging with student feedback | Supporting placement learning

Recommendation icon1 recommendations

Reflecting on reflections

Dr Kate Gilliver

Published 02 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read

This presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference talks about what reflective writing as an assessment has revealed about the student experience of active learning in a pandemic.


Tag Ways of learning | Designing for distance learners | Engaging with student feedback | Assessment Design | Providing feedback | Supporting placement learning

Recommendation icon2 recommendations