Engaging with student feedback
About this topic
This topic provides insight into how engagement with student feedback is evolving beyond the previously popular “you said, we did” approach.
Many formal opportunities exist for students to provide feedback on learning and teaching practice.These include module evaluation, involvement in School based committees or projects, and the National Student Survey.
Complementary informal mechanisms such as in-class discussion and mid-module feedback are often also utilised to gain insight to student perception and progress.
Recommendations for good practice in this area of activity include:
- clearly communicating how feedback from students is acted on; or why it is not acted upon
- shared understanding of the different types of student partnership that exist (for example, recognition that some discussions/activities do not represent a 50-50 partnership)
- utilising an appropriate range of (formal and informal) mechanisms for collecting feedback, reviewing information, and reporting on any subsequent actions
- providing opportunity for students to engage in all aspects of the feedback-enhancement cycle (for example, allowing for co-creation of viable developments based on the feedback provided) thus avoiding the perception of a purely reactive, consumer-client based model of feedback.
Examples are presented of how working in genuine partnership with students is enhancing learning and teaching practice and developing the overall student experience.
Case Studies
Pod JOMEC Cymraeg
Sian Lloyd and Andrew Weeks
Published 23 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read
In this presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference the Pod JOMEC Cymraeg team discuss their series of podcasts and the process of producing and commissioning, developing digital skills and developing skills for the workplace
Ways of learning | Digital & Information Literacy | Enterprise & Employability | Engaging with student feedback |Reflecting on reflections
Dr Kate Gilliver
Published 21 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read
This presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference talks about what reflective writing as an assessment has revealed about the student experience of active learning in a pandemic.
Ways of learning | Designing for distance learners | Engaging with student feedback | Assessment design | Providing feedback | Supporting Placement Learning |Working with Welsh language Champions
Elliw Iwan
Published 23 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read
Mae'r cyflwyniad hwn o Gynhadledd Dysgu ac Addysgu 2021 yn esbonio sut y gweithiodd grŵp o Hyrwyddwyr Myfyrwyr gyda Mentimeter i gyfieithu ei ryngwyneb i'r Gymraeg.
Ways of learning | Engaging with student feedback | Facilitating group work |Active Learning: the student perspective
Sophie Timbers and Mo Hanafy
Published 19 Apr 2017 • 5 min read
What is "active learning,' how is it effective and what are the possible drawbacks?
Ways of learning | Engaging with student feedback |When placements can’t happen
Professor Jane Henderson, Katherine List and Charlotte Lester
Published 22 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read
This presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference describes how, in response to the cancellation of workplace experiences due to the pandemic, Charlotte Lester (CU-Alumni) worked with Jane Henderson (SHARE) to offer an alumni mentoring
Ways of learning | Designing for distance learners | Engaging with student feedback | Supporting Placement Learning |More than just quizzes and word-clouds?
Dr Craig Gurney and Jessica Clement
Published 16 Jan 2020 • 9 mins read
In this talk Dr Craig Gurney and Jessica Clement demonstrate the extent and variation in audience response tool usage at Cardiff University and reflect upon some frequently articulated issues in their adoption and use.
Ways of learning | Engaging with student feedback | Providing feedback |Cardiff Resources
Active Learning: the student perspective
Sophie Timbers and Mo Hanafy
Published 19 Apr 2017 • 5 min read
What is "active learning,' how is it effective and what are the possible drawbacks?
Ways of learning | Engaging with student feedback |Contribute to the Learning Hub
The Learning Hub is designed by academics for academics and we would encourage you to share anything that supports, enhances or prompts reflection on teaching and learning here at Cardiff University.
This is an opportunity to be an active part of the teaching community here at Cardiff, to share your expertise with your colleagues.