2023 publications
- Davies, N. ed. 2023. This is my truth: Aneurin Bevan in tribune. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Abou-Ismail, R. et al., 2023. Double trouble: how sectarian and national narcissism relate differently to collective violence beliefs in Lebanon. Aggressive Behavior 49 (6), pp.669-678. (10.1002/ab.22104)
- Arnold, C. , Engst, B. and Gschwend, T. 2023. Scaling court decisions with citation networks. Journal of Law and Courts 11 (1), pp.25-44. (10.1086/717420)
- Bennett, H. 2023. Uncivil war: The British Army and the Troubles, 1966-1975. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Bennett, H. and Burke, E. 2023. The Aden Protectorate levies, counter-insurgency and the loyalist bargain in South Arabia, 1951-57. In: Thomas, M. and Curless, G. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Colonial Insurgencies and Counter-Insurgencies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.422-439.
- Boucher, D. 2023. Stoicism, Cicero and the relations among nations. In: Williams, H. et al., The Palgrave Handbook of International Political Theory. Palgrave. , pp.69-85. (10.1007/978-3-031-36111-1_4)
- Boucher, D. 2023. 'The Idea of History' revisited. Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 29 (1), pp.5-24.
- Copeland, P. and Minto, R. 2023. European networks, domestic governance and the second-order effects of Brexit. British Politics 18 , pp.501-518. (10.1057/s41293-020-00156-2)
- Dorey, P. 2023. Conciliation, co-operation, and consensus: The One Nation Conservative approach to industrial relations and Trade Unions, 1945-1990. Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique 28 (1) 10359. (10.4000/rfcb.10359)
- Dorey, P. 2023. Elected or selected? The continuing constitutional conundrum of House of Lords reform. The Political Quarterly 94 , pp.1-10. (10.1111/1467-923X.13298)
- Dorey, P. 2023. Preface. In: Dalingwater, L. and Prion, S. eds. Le Parti Conservateur Britannique au Pouvoir (2010-2020). Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. , pp.15-24.
- Dorey, P. 2023. Thatcherism: a short history. Agenda Publishing.
- Dorey, P. 2023. The backward march of Toryism.. [Online].Available at: https://www.chartist.org.uk/the-backward-march-of-toryism/?fbclid=IwAR1POL__l0MvFkKaCvT9pUblyDKvoFo7Hb4vTv4HZb8sE8bjFZXAAvHR8oQ.
- Dorey, P. 2023. Theresa May's mode of Conservatism; 'Soft' One Nation Toryism. In: Roe-Crines, A. S. and Jeffery, D. eds. Statecraft: Policies and Politics under Prime Minister Theresa May. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.219-238. (10.1007/978-3-031-32472-7_12)
- Dorey, P. 2023. Why Conservative MPs remain under Margaret Thatcher's spell, 10 years after her death. [Online].LSE: London School of Economics. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/why-conservative-mps-remain-under-margaret-thatchers-spell-10-years-after-her-death/.
- Dorey, P. 2023. Written evidence from Professor Pete Dorey, Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee Membership of the House of Lords inquiry.. London: Parliament UK
- Dorey, P. , Garnett, M. and Diamond, P. 2023. Exploring British politics 6th Edition. London, UK: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003325628)
- Egede, E. 2023. The International Seabed Authority and the Polar Regions. In: Tanaka, Y. , Johnstone, R. L. and Ulfbeck, V. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Polar Law. Abingdon, Oxon/New York: Routledge. , pp.342-355.
- Egede, E. 2023. UNCLOS 82: Africa's contributions to the development of modern law of the sea 40 years later. Marine Policy 148 105463. (10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105463)
- Evans, A. 2023. Birth pangs or a honeymoon from hell? The long annus horribilis for Welsh devolution, 1998?2000. Contemporary British History 37 (2), pp.192-215. (10.1080/13619462.2023.2167077)
- Evans, A. 2023. II Western and Southern Europe: Wales. In: Lewis, D. and Slater, W. eds. The Annual Register: World Events 2022. Vol. 264, Ann Arbor, United States of America: ProQuest. , pp.25-26.
- Evans, A. 2023. ‘There will be no shortage of Cabinet ministers taking part in the Scottish referendum campaign. The same is not true in Wales’: New Labour, old struggles, and the advent of Welsh devolution. Parliamentary History 42 (2), pp.255-273. (10.1111/1750-0206.12689)
- Hansen-Magnusson, H. 2023. Recreation & tourism (Economic Brief 4). Project Report.[Online].Just North. Available at: http://justnorth.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/JUSTNORTH_ECONOMICBRIEF-4_FINAL.pdf.
- Hansen-Magnusson, H. and Gehrke, C. 2023. Navigating towards justice and sustainability? Syncretic encounters and stakeholder-sourced solutions in Arctic cruise tourism governance. Polar Journal 13 (2), pp.216-239. (10.1080/2154896X.2023.2251225)
- Karkour, H. 2023. From the Twenty Years’ Crisis to the climate crisis: Reconsidering Carr’s thoughts on nationalism and global reform. Journal of International Political Theory , pp.1-18. (10.1177/17550882231168906)
- Lagana, G. 2023. The European dimension of the ‘talks process’ in Northern Ireland. Twentieth Century British History 34 (4), pp.611-633. (10.1093/tcbh/hwad032)
- Lagana, G. and McLoughlin, P. 2023. Exploring the Origins of EU Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland through the Role of John Hume and the European Parliament. Contemporary European History (10.1017/S0960777323000206)
- Minto, R. , Rowe, C. and Royles, E. 2023. Sub-states in transition: changing patterns of EU paradiplomacy in Scotland and Wales, 1992?2021. Territory, Politics, Governance (10.1080/21622671.2023.2203176)
- Phillips, J. B. and Plutzer, E. 2023. Reassessing the effects of emotions on turnout. The Journal of Politics 85 (3), pp.1094-1106. (10.1086/723816)
- Steward, I. P. et al., 2023. How to develop young physical activity leaders? A Delphi study. PLoS ONE 18 (9) e0286920. (10.1371/journal.pone.0286920)
- Stoeckel, F. et al., 2023. Correlates of support for international vaccine solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross-sectional survey evidence from Germany. PLoS ONE 18 (6) e0287257. (10.1371/journal.pone.0287257)
- Thompson, J. et al., 2023. Vaccine attributes and vaccine uptake in Hungary: evidence from a conjoint experiment. European Journal of Public Health 33 (3), pp.476–481. (10.1093/eurpub/ckad043)
- Thornton, S. and Kirkup, J. 2023. From Rab to Raab: the construction of the office of first secretary of state. Parliamentary Affairs 76 (1), pp.186-210. gsab038. (10.1093/pa/gsab038)
- Van Der Velde, R. 2023. Rivals in arms: the rise of UK-France defence relations in the twenty-first century [Book Review]. Modern & Contemporary France 31 (2), pp.303-304. (10.1080/09639489.2022.2116413)
- Vincent, A. 2023. Nationalism and intrastate diversities. In: Williams, H. et al. The Palgrave Handbook of International Poltiical Theory. Vol. 1, International Political Theory Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.403-422. (10.1007/978-3-031-36111-1_21)
- Williams, E. L. and Leahy, T. 2023. The ‘Unforgivable’?: Irish Republican Army (IRA) informers and dealing with Northern Ireland conflict legacy, 1969-2021. Intelligence and National Security 38 (3), pp.470-490. (10.1080/02684527.2022.2104000)
You can view all of our politics publications in the University's institutional repository.