2017 publications
- Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. eds. 2017. Churchill and the Anglo-American special relationship. Routledge.
- Rozman, G. and Radchenko, S. eds. 2017. International relations and Asia's Northern Tier: Sino-Russia relations, North Korea, and Mongolia. Asan-Palgrave Macmillan Series Palgrave. (10.1007/978-981-10-3144-1)
- McGlinchey, S. , Walters, R. and Scheinpflug, C. eds. 2017. International relations theory. Bristol: E-International Relations Publishing.
- Eklundh, E. , Zevnik, A. and Guittet, E. eds. 2017. Politics of anxiety. London: Rowman and Littlefield International.
- Egede, E. and Igiehon, M. eds. 2017. The Bakassi dispute and the International Court of Justice: continuing challenges. Routledge.
- Allan, J. I. and Hadden, J. 2017. Exploring the framing power of NGOs in global climate politics. Environmental Politics 26 (4), pp.600-620. (10.1080/09644016.2017.1319017)
- Arnold, C. , Doyle, D. and Wiesehomeier, N. 2017. Presidents, policy compromise, and legislative success. Journal of Politics 79 (2), pp.380-395. (10.1086/688080)
- Basham, V. and Bulmer, S. 2017. Critical military studies as method: an approach to studying gender and the military. In: Duncanson, C. and Woodward, R. eds. Palgrave International Handbook of Gender and the Military. Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.59-72.
- Bennett, H. 2017. Escaping the Empire's shadow: British military thinking about insurgency on the eve of the Northern Ireland Troubles. In: Thomas, M. and Curless, G. eds. Decolonization and Conflict: Colonial Comparisons and Legacies. London and New York: Bloomsbury. , pp.229-246.
- Berling, T. V. and Bueger, C. 2017. Expertise in the age of post-factual politics: An outline of reflexive strategies. Geoforum 84 , pp.332-341. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.05.008)
- Biegus, O. and Bueger, C. 2017. Poachers, pirates and wildlife crime: improving coordination of the global response. South African Crime Quarterly 60 , pp.29-36. (10.17159/2413-3108/2017/v0n60a1724)
- Bonotti, M. 2017. Partisanship and political liberalism in diverse societies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bonotti, M. 2017. Political liberalism, linguistic diversity and equal treatment. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 38 (7), pp.584-594. (10.1080/01434632.2016.1192179)
- Bonotti, M. 2017. Religion, hate speech, and non-domination. Ethnicities 17 (2), pp.259-274. (10.1177/1468796817692626)
- Boucher, D. 2017. The depoliticisation of politics: crisis and critique in Oakeshott, Schmitt and Koselleck. In: O'Sullivan, N. ed. Oakeshott?s place in contemporary Western and non-Western thought. Imprint Academic. , pp.107-122.
- Bueger, C. 2017. Effective maritime domain awareness in the Western Indian Ocean. Project Report.[Online].Institute for Security Studies. Available at: https://issafrica.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/policy-brief104.pdf.
- Bueger, C. 2017. Experts in an adventure with pirates: a story of Somali piracy expertise. In: Leander, A. and Waever, O. eds. Assembling Exclusive Expertise: Conflict Resolution Knowledge in Practice. Routledge
- Bueger, C. 2017. Let's count beyond three: Understanding the conceptual and methodological terrain of international practice theories. [Online].Vol. 4 MarISQ Online. Available at: http://www.isanet.org/Publications/ISQ/Posts/ID/5478/Lets-count-beyond-three-Understanding-the-conceptual-and-methodological-terrain-of-international-practice-theories.
- Bueger, C. 2017. Practices, norms, and the theory of contestation. Polity 49 (1), pp.126-131. (10.1086/689977)
- Bueger, C. and Edmunds, T. 2017. Beyond seablindness. A new agenda for maritime security studies. International Affairs 93 (6), pp.1293-1311. (10.1093/ia/iix174)
- Bueger, C. and Stockbruegger, J. 2017. Actor-network theory: objects and actants, networks and narratives. In: McCarthy, D. R. ed. Technology and World Politics: An Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.42-59.
- Calderaro, A. 2017. Social media and politics. In: Outhwaite, W. and Turner, S. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology: Two Volume Set. Sage. , pp.781-796. (10.4135/9781526416513)
- Cole, A. 2017. French politics and society [3rd ed]. Routledge.
- Cole, A. and de Visscher, C. 2017. Les régions belges face à la crise économique: une recentralisation à distance pour la Wallonie ?. Revue internationale de politique comparée 23 (3), pp.301-325. (10.3917/ripc.233.0301)
- Cole, A. , Harguindeguy, J. B. and Coller, X. 2017. Why is the Spanish Second Chamber so hard to reform?. Parliamentary Affairs 70 (3), pp.530-547.
- Cole, A. and Harguindeguy, J. 2017. Resolving the social-democratic dilemma? Andalusia under pressure (2011-2015). International Journal of Iberian Studies 30 (1), pp.21-40. (10.1386/ijis.30.1.21_1)
- Cole, A. , Pasquier, R. and de Visscher, C. 2017. Les régions européennes face à la crise : une grille de lecture comparative. Revue internationale de politique comparée 23 (3), pp.285-300. (10.3917/ripc.233.0285)
- Cole, A. M. 2017. Dévolution (Royaume-Uni) – approche politique. In: Kada, N. et al., Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de la Décentralisation. Berger Levrault. , pp.428-432.
- Craig, C. 2017. When the whip comes down: Marxism, the Soviet experience, and the nuclear revolution. European Journal of International Security 2 (2), pp.223-239. (10.1017/eis.2017.4)
- Dezalay, S. 2017. African extractive economies and connected histories of globalization: a case study of the 'Africa' bar in Paris. SSRN (10.2139/ssrn.3004973)
- Dezalay, S. 2017. Building a political sociology of legal professions in Africa: stakes for an open research agenda. Social Science Research Network (10.2139/ssrn.3012719)
- Dezalay, S. 2017. Chapitre 1 : La Commission Européenne et les crises eléments de sociogenèse d'un Marché Européen de la Pacification. In: Bazin, A. and Tenenbaum, C. eds. L'Union européenne et la paix. Presses de Sciences Po(10.3917/scpo.bazin.2017.01.0017)
- Dezalay, S. 2017. Fatoumata Dembélé Diarra trajectory of a Malian magistrate and civil society advocate to the international criminal court. In: Dawuni, J. and Kuenyehia, A. eds. African Women Judges in International Courts. Unveiled narratives. Routledge. , pp.77-97.
- Dezalay, S. 2017. Isaac Forster. Galerie des internationalistes
- Dezalay, S. 2017. L’Afrique contre la Cour pénale internationale? Éléments de sociogenèse sur les possibles de la justice internationale. Politique Africaine 2 (146), pp.165-182. (10.3917/polaf.146.0165)
- Dezalay, S. 2017. Lawyers? Empire in the (African) colonial margins. International Journal of the Legal Profession 24 (1), pp.25-32. (10.1080/09695958.2016.1232198)
- Dezalay, S. 2017. Louis Ignacio-Pinto. Galerie des internationalistes
- Dezalay, S. 2017. The role of international NGOs in the emergence of the field of transitional justice: a case-study of the International Center for Transitional Justice. In: Lawther, C. , Moffett, L. and Jacobs, D. eds. Research Handbook on Transitional Justice. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Dezalay, S. 2017. Weakness as routine in the operations of the Intentional Criminal Court. International Criminal Law Review 17 (2), pp.281-301. (10.1163/15718123-01702004)
- Dezalay, S. and Dezalay, Y. 2017. Professionals of international justice: from the shadow of state diplomacy to the pull of the market for commercial arbitration. In: D'Aspremont, J. et al., International Law as a Profession. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.311-337.
- Dickson, F. 2017. Paradiplomacy and the state of the nation. A comparative analysis.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Dorey, P. 2017. A tale of two leadership campaigns. In: Thorsen, E. , Jackson, D. and Lilleker, D. eds. UK Election Analysis 2017:. Bournemouth: Bournemouth University/Political Studies Association. , pp.82-82.
- Dorey, P. 2017. Jeremy Corbyn confounds his critics: explaining the Labour party's remarkable resurgence in the 2017 election. British Politics 12 (3), pp.308-334. (10.1057/s41293-017-0058-4)
- Dorey, P. 2017. Snap election 2017: the historians' verdict. HistoryExtra 2017 (14 Jun)
- Dorey, P. 2017. Why has 'stage two' of House of Lords Reform not been completed after 17 years?. [Online].Parliaments and Legislatures. Available at: https://parliamentsandlegislatures.wordpress.com/2017/01/11/why-has-stage-two-of-house-of-lords-reform-not-been-completed-after-17-years/.
- Drieschova, A. 2017. Peirce's semeiotics: a methodology for bridging the material-ideational divide in IR scholarship. International Theory 9 (1), pp.33-66. (10.1017/S1752971916000233)
- Egede, E. 2017. A ‘new frontier’ for mining? Time for Africa's engagement with deep seabed mining.
- Egede, E. 2017. African blue economy and deep seabed mining. Presented at: Capacity Development Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa(UNECA) Policy Dialogue on Governance of resources and maritime activities for sustainable development in Africa Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire 21-23 June 2017.
- Egede, E. 2017. Africa's engagement with deep seabed mining. Presented at: The Deep Sea Mining Summit 2017 London, UK 22-23 May 2017.
- Egede, E. 2017. Africa's Lomé Charter on maritime security: what are the next steps?. [Online].Piracy-studies.org. Available at: http://piracy-studies.org/africas-lome-charter-on-maritime-security-what-are-the-next-steps/.
- Egede, E. 2017. Historic rights in African state practice. Presented at: 6th Zhejiang University, Guanghua Law School Annual Ocean Law and Governance International Conference Hangzhou, China 28-29 October 2017.
- Egede, E. 2017. Nigeria. In: Vrancken, P. and Tsamenyi, M. eds. The Law of the Sea: The African Union and its Member States. Kenwyn, South Africa: Juta & Company Ltd
- Egede, E. 2017. Opportunities for improvement of the AIM Strategy and other related African legal regimes to support the sustainable development and coordination of activities in the Africa’s maritime domain and Africa’s Blue Economy. Presented at: Marine Mineral Resources of Africa's Continental Shelf and Adjacent International Seabed Area - Prospects for Sustainable Development of the African Maritime Domain Kampala, Uganda 2-4 May 2017.
- Egede, E. 2017. The common heritage of mankind and its application in the new draft exploitation regulations. Presented at: Workshop for the African Group of Member States of the International Seabed Authority New York, USA 2-3 December 2017.
- Egede, E. , Busia, K. and de Souza, K. G. 2017. The African Mineral Development Centre and the prospects for improving African participation in the deep seabed mining regime. Presented at: 23rd Session of the International Seabed Authority Kingston, Jamaica 7-18 August 2017.
- Egede, E. E. 2017. The land and maritime boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea intervening) case: interrogating some ongoing law of the sea challenges. In: Egede, E. E. and Igiehon, M. O. eds. The Bakassi Dispute and the International Court of Justice: Continuing Challenges. Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.117-137.
- Eklundh, E. 2017. Catalonia crisis shows Spain’s constitution is no longer fit for purpose. The Conversation 2017 (26 Oct), pp.-.
- Eklundh, E. 2017. Populism, hegemony, and the phantasmatic sovereign: The ties between nationalism and left-wing populism. In: García Agustín, Ó. and Briziarelli, M. eds. Podemos and the New Political Cycle. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.123-146. (10.1007/978-3-319-63432-6_6)
- Gray, J. , Lindstadt, R. and Slapin, J. B. 2017. The dynamics of enlargement in international organisations. International Interactions 43 (4), pp.619-642. (10.1080/03050629.2017.1228039)
- Gruffydd Jones, B. 2017. Comradeship, committed and conscious: the anticolonial archive speaks to our times. In: el-Malik, S. S. and Kamola, I. A. eds. Politics of African Anticolonial Archive. Kilombo: International Relations and Colonial Questions Vol. 2.London: Rowman and Littlefield International. , pp.57-82.
- Hansen-Magnusson, H. 2017. Is there a dark side to Arctic cooperation?. [Online].World Policy Institute. Available at: https://worldpolicy.org/2017/09/28/is-there-a-dark-side-to-arctic-cooperation.
- Harguindeguy, J. B. and Cole, A. M. 2017. The survival of Spanish provincial governments in a quasi-federal polity: reframing the debate. International Journal of Public Administration 40 (3), pp.226-239. (10.1080/01900692.2015.1094090)
- Henderson, A. et al., 2017. How Brexit was made in England. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19 (4), pp.631-646. (10.1177/1369148117730542)
- Hillebrand, C. 2017. With or without you? The UK and information and intelligence sharing in the EU. Journal of Intelligence History 16 , pp.91-94. (10.1080/16161262.2017.1333690)
- Hillebrand, C. and Hughes, R. G. 2017. The quest for a theory of intelligence. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Security, Risk and Intelligence. London: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.1-24. (10.1057/978-1-137-53675-4_1)
- Hughes, H. and Paterson, M. 2017. Narrowing the climate field: the Symbolic power of authors in the IPCC's assessment of mitigation. Review of Policy Research 34 (6), pp.744-766. (10.1111/ropr.12255/)
- Kirkup, J. and Thornton, S. L. 2017. 'Everyone needs a Willie': The elusive position of deputy to the British prime minister. British Politics 12 (4), pp.492-520. (10.1057/bp.2015.42)
- Levi, R. , Dezalay, S. and Amiraslani, M. 2017. Prosecutorial strategies and opening statements: justifying international prosecutions from the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg through to the International Criminal Court. Comparativ: Journal for Global History and Comparative Social Science 26 (4), pp.58-73.
- Levi, R. , Dezalay, S. and Amiraslani, M. 2017. Prosecutorial strategies and opening statements: justifying international prosecutions from the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg through to the International Criminal Court. In: Christensen, M. J. and Levi, R. eds. International Practices of Criminal Justice: Social and Legal Perspectives. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.89-107.
- Lupu, N. , Selios, L. and Warner, Z. 2017. A new measure of congruence: The earth mover's distance. Political Analysis 25 (1), pp.95-113. (10.1017/pan.2017.2)
- Lupu, N. and Warner, Z. 2017. Mass-elite congruence and representation in Argentina. In: Joignant, A. , Morales, M. and Fuentes, C. eds. Malaise in Representation in Latin American Countries: Chile, Argentina, Uruguay. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.281-302.
- Marsh, S. 2017. Personal diplomacy at the summit. In: Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. eds. Churchill and the Anglo-American Special Relationship. Cold War History London: Routledge. , pp.116-141. (10.4324/9781315642673-7)
- Marsh, S. , Lorenzo-Dus, N. and Marchi, A. 2017. Churchill's inter-subjective special relationship: a corpus-assisted discourse approach. In: Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. eds. Churchill's and the Anglo-American Special Relationship. Routledge. , pp.171-201.
- McAllister, L. 2017. A Parliament that Works for Wales.
- McGlinchey, S. , Walters, R. and Gold, D. 2017. Getting started with international relations theory. In: McGlinchey, S. , Walters, R. and Scheinpflug, C. eds. International Relations Theory. Bristol: E-International Relations Publishing
- Minto, R. 2017. Wales and Brexit. In: The UK in a Changing Europe, ed. EU Referendum: One Year On. Political Studies Association. , pp.24-24.
- Mugabi, I. 2017. Followers and failures of the disability individual complaints in the same European Union (EU) family. Presented at: 13th Annual International Conference on Law 8 Valaoritou Street Kolonaki, 10671 Athens, Greece 11-14 July 2016. Published in: Frenkel, D. A. ed. Role of Law, Human Rights and Social Justice, Justice Systems, Commerce, and Law Curriculum: Selected Issues. 8 Valaoritou Street Kolonaki, 10671 Athens, Greece: The Athens Institute for Education and Research. , pp.74-104.
- Radchenko, S. 2017. Lost chance for peace: The 1945 CCP-Kuomintang peace talks revisited. Journal of Cold War Studies 19 (2), pp.84-114. (10.1162/JCWS_a_00742)
- Radchenko, S. 2017. 'Red on white': Kim Il Sung, Park Chung Hee, and the failure of Korea's Reunification, 1971-1973. Cold War History 17 (3), pp.259-277. (10.1080/14682745.2016.1265508)
- Radchenko, S. 2017. The rise and fall of the Sino-Soviet alliance 1949-1989. In: Naimark, N. , Pons, S. and Quinn-Judge, S. eds. The Cambridge History of Communism. Volume 2: The Socialist Camp and World Power 1941–1960s. Vol. 2, The Cambridge History of Communism Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.243-268. (10.1017/9781316459850.011)
- Radchenko, S. 2017. Turkmenistan: Grasping for legitimacy. Journal of Democracy 28 (3), pp.168-172. (10.1353/jod.2017.0054)
- Radchenko, S. 2017. Untrusting and untrusted: Mao's China at a crossroads, 1969. In: Klimke, M. , Kreis, R. and Ostermann, C. F. eds. Trust, but Verify: the Politics of Uncertainty and the Transformation of the Cold War Order, 1969-1991. Cold War International History Project Series Washington, D.C.; Stanford, California: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Stanford University Press. , pp.17-41. (10.11126/stanford/9780804798099.003.0002)
- Radchenko, S. and Jargalsaikhan, M. 2017. Mongolia in the 2016-17 electoral cycle: the blessings of patronage. Asian Survey 57 (6), pp.1032-1057. (10.1525/AS.2017.57.6.1032)
- Scully, R. and Larner, J. 2017. A successful defence: the 2016 National Assembly for Wales election. Parliamentary Affairs 70 (3), pp.507-529. (10.1093/pa/gsw033)
- Shukri, S. 2017. Security community-building in the Mediterranean Sea: The roles of NATO and European Union in managing maritime challenges. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Smismans, S. and Minto, R. 2017. Are integrated impact assessments the way forward for mainstreaming in the European Union?. Regulation and Governance 11 (3), pp.231-251. (10.1111/rego.12119)
- Stafford, I. 2017. Devolution in Wales: between economic constraint and political opportunity. Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee 23 (3), pp.401-424. (10.3917/ripc.233.0401)
- Taylor, H. 2017. Rawls' Difference Principle: a test for social justice in contemporary social policy. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Tholens, S. 2017. Border management in an era of ‘statebuilding lite’: security assistance and Lebanon’s hybrid sovereignty. International Affairs 93 (4), pp.865-882. (10.1093/ia/iix069)
- Tholens, S. 2017. Bosnia’s paralysed peace [Book Review]. International Affairs 93 (1), pp.217-218. (10.1093/ia/iiw049)
- Thornton, S. and Kirkup, J. 2017. Was Damian Green really the Deputy Prime Minister?. [Online].LSE. Available at: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/62576-2/.
- Thornton, S. and Kirkup, J. 2017. Why Theresa May should appoint a deputy prime minister. The Conversation
- Thornton, S. and Sharr, A. 2017. John Betjeman, policy entrepreneur. Environmental Law and Management 29 (4), pp.158-168.
- Thornton, S. L. 2017. "Even Big Ben has outlived its use": Cedric Price and the Pop-Up Parliament. [Online].Crick Centre, Sheffield University. Available at: http://www.crickcentre.org/blog/pop-up-parliament/.
- Tomiak, K. 2017. To train a watchdog. Media development, statebuilding and measurement in South Sudan. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Weldes, J. and Wynne-Hughes, E. 2017. Beyond binaries with feminist secureconomy. Progress in Political Economy
You can view all of our politics publications in the University's institutional repository.