2016 publications
- Dyson, K. and Maes, I. eds. 2016. Architects of the Euro: Intellectuals in the making of European Monetary Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198735915.001.0001)
- Cole, A. M. and Payre, R. eds. 2016. Cities as political objects: historical evolution, analytical categorisations and institutional challenges of metropolitanisation. Cities Series Edward Elgar.
- Abdelmonem, A. et al., 2016. The 'Taharrush' connection: xenophobia, Islamophobia, and sexual violence in Germany and beyond. Jadaliyya 2016 (Mar 1)
- Arceneaux, K. et al., 2016. The influence of news media on political elites: investigating strategic responsiveness in Congress. American Journal of Political Science 60 (1), pp.5-29. (10.1111/ajps.12171)
- Arnold, C. 2016. Empty promises and nonincorporation in Mercosur. International Interactions 43 (4), pp.643-667. (10.1080/03050629.2016.1206391)
- Atkinson, D. and Williford, G. 2016. Research note: “Should we stay or should we go? Exploring the outcomes of great power retrenchment”. Research and Politics 3 (4), pp.1-6. (10.1177/2053168016682888)
- Baker, C. et al., 2016. Encounters with the military: toward a feminist ethics of critique?. International Feminist Journal of Politics 18 (1), pp.140-154. (10.1080/14616742.2015.1106102)
- Basham, V. 2016. Gender and militaries: the importance of military masculinities for the conduct of state sanctioned violence. In: Sharoni, S. et al., Handbook on Gender and War. International Handbooks on Gender Edward Elgar. , pp.29-46.
- Basham, V. 2016. Gender, race, militarism and remembrance: the everyday geopolitics of the poppy. Gender, Place & Culture 23 (6), pp.883-896. (10.1080/0966369X.2015.1090406)
- Basham, V. M. 2016. Raising an army: the geopolitics of militarizing the lives of working-class boys in an age of austerity. International Political Sociology 10 (3), pp.258-274. (10.1093/ips/olw013)
- Bennett, H. 2016. 'Detainees are always one's Achilles heel': The struggle over the scrutiny of detention and interrogation in Aden, 1963-1967. War in History 23 (4), pp.457-488. (10.1177/0968344515592910)
- Benneyworth, I. 2016. Narco wars: an analysis of the militarisation of U.S. counter-narcotics policy in Colombia, Mexico and on the U.S. border. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Bonotti, M. 2016. Annamari Vitikainen (2015), the limits of liberal multiculturalism: towards an individuated approach to cultural diversity [book review]. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (5), pp.1325-1327. (10.1007/s10677-016-9698-5)
- Bonotti, M. 2016. Childhood obesity: ethical and policy issues [Book Review]. Global Discourse 6 (1-2), pp.283-291. (10.1080/23269995.2014.952076)
- Bonotti, M. 2016. Food labeling and free speech [in press]. In: Rawlinson, M. C. and Ward, C. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Ethics Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Routledge. , pp.127-137.
- Bonotti, M. 2016. Review of: Brian Leiter, Why tolerate religion? [Book Review]. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (3), pp.797-799. (10.1007/s10677-015-9654-9)
- Boucher, D. 2016. Barbarism and Barbarians. In: MacKenzie, J. M. ed. The Encyclopedia of Empire, First Edition. John Wiley and Sons. , pp.1-6. (10.1002/9781118455074.wbeoe143)
- Boucher, D. 2016. Invoking a world of ideas: theory and interpretation in the justification of colonialism. Theoria 63 (147), pp.6-24. (10.3167/th.2016.6314702)
- Boucher, D. 2016. The dangers of dependence: Sultan's conversation with his master Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). In: Lebow, R. N. , Schouten, P. and Suganami, H. eds. The Return of the Theorists: Dialogues with Great Thinkers in International Relations. Palgrave. , pp.91-98.
- Boucher, D. 2016. The limits of Distributive Justice: a brief exploration of restorative justice. In: Boisen, C. and Murray, M. C. eds. Distributive Justice: Debates in Social and Political Thought. Routledge. , pp.ix-xxvii.
- Boucher, D. 2016. The price of fame: Bob Dylan, the Beats and Dylan Thomas. Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations 20 (1), pp.75-90.
- Boucher, D. and Boisen, C. 2016. The medieval and early modern legacy of rights: the rights to punish and to property. In: Bain, W. ed. Medieval Foundations of International Relations. London: Routledge. , pp.148-165. (10.4324/9781315758213-9)
- Boucher, D. and Boisen, C. 2016. The Medieval and early modern legacy of rights: The rights to punish and to property. In: Bain, W. ed. The Medieval Contribution to Thought in International Relations. Routledge. , pp.149-165.
- Bueger, C. 2016. Doing Europe: Agency and the European Union in the field of counter-piracy practice. European Security 25 (4), pp.407-422.
- Bueger, C. 2016. Practice. In: Guillaume, X. and Bilgin, P. eds. Routledge Handbook of International Political Sociology. Routledge Handbooks London: Routledge. , pp.324-334.
- Bueger, C. 2016. Security as practice. In: Cavelty, M. D. and Balzacq, T. eds. Routledge Handbook of Security Studies. Vol. 2nd ed, Routledge Handbooks London: Routledge. , pp.126-135.
- Bueger, C. and Gadinger, F. 2016. International practice theories. In: Jonas, M. and Littig, B. eds. Praxeological Political Analysis. Routledge Advances in Sociology Vol. 196.Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.87-106.
- Bueger, C. and Stockbruegger, J. 2016. Pirates, Drugs and Navies: Why the Western Indian Ocean needs a new security architecture. RUSI Journal 161 (5), pp.46-52. (10.1080/03071847.2016.1253375)
- Calderaro, A. 2016. Internet governance capacity building in post-authoritarian contexts. Telecom reform and human rights in Myanmar. SSRN (Social Science Research Network) , pp.1-26. (10.2139/ssrn.2686095)
- Calderaro, A. 2016. Myanmar connected? Internet governance capacity building in post-authoritarian contexts. Internet Policy Observatory 2016 (Mar 24)
- Ceva, E. and Bonotti, M. 2016. Introduction: the political philosophy of food policies, part II: democracy, freedom, and paternalism. Journal of Social Philosophy 47 (1), pp.7-9. (10.1111/josp.12143)
- Cole, A. M. 2016. 10 Mai 1981: la victoire de François Mitterrand. In: Jeanneney, J. and Guérout, J. eds. L'Histoire de France vue D'ailleurs. Editions des Arènes. , pp.584 -591.
- Compston, H. W. and Bailey, I. 2016. Climate policy strength compared: China, the US, the EU, India, Russia, and Japan. Climate Policy 16 (2), pp.145-162. (10.1080/14693062.2014.991908)
- Corbera, E. et al., 2016. Patterns of authorship in the IPCC Working Group III report. Nature Climate Change 6 , pp.94-99. (10.1038/nclimate2782)
- Craig, A. and Valeriano, B. 2016. Conceptualising cyber arms races. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict Tallinn, Estonia 1-3 June 2016. Proceedings of the 2016 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict. Vol. 8.NATO. , pp.141-158.
- Craig, A. J. S. and Valeriano, B. 2016. Reacting to Cyber Threats: Protection and Security in the Digital Age. Global Security and Intelligence Studies 1 (2), pp.21-41. (10.18278/gsis.1.2.3)
- Craig, C. 2016. Classical realism for the twenty-first century: responding to the challenge of globality. In: van Munster, R. and Sylvest, C. eds. Politics of globality since 1945: assembling the planet. Routledge. , pp.71-88.
- Craig, C. 2016. The nuclear revolution as theory. In: Booth, K. and Erskine, T. eds. International Relations Theory Today. Cambridge Press: Polity. , pp.139-152.
- Crines, A. S. , Heppell, T. and Dorey, P. 2016. The political rhetoric and oratory of Margaret Thatcher. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Dafydd, E. 2016. Career behaviour and the European Parliament: all roads lead through Brussels? [Book Review]. Acta Politica 51 (1), pp.122-124. (10.1057/ap.2015.20)
- Dezalay, S. 2016. Répondre aux crises. Gouvernement et action publique 2 (2), pp.31-50. (10.3917/gap.162.0031)
- Dezalay, S. 2016. The social and professional structure of international justice: from scholarly insiders to the pull of multinational corporate law firms. Social Science Research Network (10.2139/ssrn.2848962)
- Dorey, P. 2016. Comrades in conflict - the Labour Party and the Trade Unions since the 1960s. Presented at: Socialism, Socialists and the State in Western Europe in the 20th Century: Paris, France 7-9 December 2016.
- Dorey, P. 2016. How big is the challenge for Jeremy Corbyn to win a General Election?. [Online].The Question. Available at: http://theqstn.com/questions/172507/how-big-is-the-challenge-for-jeremy-corbyn-to-win-a-general-election.
- Dorey, P. 2016. Policies under Cameron: modernisation abandoned. In: Peele, G. and Francis, J. eds. David Cameron and Conservative renewal: the limits of modernisation?. New Perspectives on the Right Manchester: Manchester University Press. , pp.58-81. (10.7228/manchester/9781784991531.003.0004)
- Dorey, P. 2016. ‘Should I stay or should I go?’: James Callaghan’s decision not to call an autumn 1978 general election. British Politics 11 (1), pp.95-118. (10.1057/bp.2015.9)
- Dorey, P. 2016. Social and sexual liberation. In: Crines, A. S. and Hickson, K. eds. Harold Wilson: The Unprincipled Prime Minister?. London: Biteback. , pp.165-184.
- Dorey, P. 2016. Weakening the trade unions, one step at a time: the Thatcher governments' strategy for the reform of trade union law, 1979-1984. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 37 , pp.169-200. (10.3828/hsir.2016.37.6)
- Dorey, P. and Denham, A. 2016. Entirely as expected? Jeremy Corbyn's re-election as Labour Party leader. [Online].London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/labour-2016-voting-data/.
- Dorey, P. and Denham, A. 2016. "The longest suicide vote in history": The Labour Party Leadership election of 2015. British Politics 11 (3), pp.259-282. (10.1057/s41293-016-0001-0)
- Dorey, P. and Garnett, M. 2016. The British Coalition Government, 2010-2015: A marriage of inconvenience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1057/978-1-137-02377-3)
- Dudau, A. , Fischbacher-Smith, D. and McAllister, L. 2016. The unsung heroes of welfare collaboration: complexities around individuals' contribution to effective inter-agency working in LSCBs. Public Management Review 18 (10), pp.1536-1558. (10.1080/14719037.2016.1148190)
- Edmunds, T. et al., 2016. Editorial and mission statement. European Journal of International Security 1 (1), pp.1-4. (10.1017/eis.2016.3)
- Egede, E. 2016. Africa and deep seabed mining in the area. Presented at: Africa Union Commission(AUC) Conference on Maritime Governance for Sustainable Development Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 25 July 2016.
- Egede, E. 2016. Institutional gaps in the 2050 Africa's Integrated Maritime Strategy. Iilwandle Zethu: Journal of Ocean Law and Governance in Africa 2016 (1), pp.1-27.
- Egede, E. 2016. Military uses of the seabed. Among others, the Seabed Arms Control Treaty. Presented at: University of Oslo, Faculty of Law - Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law Workshop on New uses and abuses of the seabed - legal challenges. Oslo, Norway 3 June 2016.
- Egede, E. 2016. The area: sponsoring states of convenience and developing states. Presented at: 3rd Hamburg International Environmental Conference 2016 - A Sea Change for Sustainable Ocean Resource Governance Hamburg, Germany 15 - 16 April 2016.
- Egede, E. and Egede, H. 2016. The force of the community in the Niger Delta of Nigeria: propositions for new oil and gas legal and contractual arrangements. Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 25 (1), pp.45-88.
- Eklundh, E. 2016. El soberano fantasmático: Las implicaciones políticas de la apropiación de Laclau por parte de Podemos. Relaciones Internacionales 31 , pp.111-136.
- Evans, A. 2016. ‘Too old a country … too long accustomed to regard her life as one and indivisible’: England and the Speaker’s Conference on Devolution. Contemporary British History 31 (3), pp.366-383. (10.1080/13619462.2016.1245620)
- Evans, A. B. 2016. A lingering diminuendo? The conference on devolution,1919–20. Parliamentary History 35 (3), pp.315-335. (10.1111/1750-0206.12238)
- Evans, A. B. 2016. Wales as nation or region? The Conference on Devolution's Judiciary sub-committee, 1919–20. Welsh History Review 28 (1), pp.146-173. (10.16922/whr.28.1.6)
- Harrington, A. I. 2016. Power, violence, and nuclear weapons. Critical Studies on Security 4 (1), pp.91-112. (10.1080/21624887.2016.1177784)
- Heinz, D. 2016. Coordination in budget policy after the second federal reform: beyond unity and diversity. German Politics 25 (2), pp.286-300. (10.1080/09644008.2016.1165211)
- Hughes, H. 2016. The global environment. In: Guillaume, X. and Bilgin, P. eds. Routledge Handbook of International Political Sociology. London: Routledge. , pp.136-144.
- Johnston, R. et al., 2016. Constituency campaigning and canvassing for support at the 2011 National Assembly of Wales election. Politics 36 (1), pp.49-62. (10.1111/1467-9256.12098)
- Levi, R. , Hagan, J. and Dezalay, S. 2016. International courts in atypical political environments: the interplay of prosecutorial strategy, evidence and court authority in international criminal law. Law and Contemporary Problems 79 (1), pp.289-314.
- Marchi, A. and Marsh, S. 2016. Churchill, Fulton and the Anglo-American special relationship: setting the agenda?. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 14 (4), pp.365-382. (10.1080/14794012.2016.1230258)
- Marsh, S. 2016. The United States, Iran and the oil weapon. In: Lifset, R. ed. American Energy Policy in the 1970s. University of Oklahoma Press. , pp.93-122.
- Mugabi, I. K. 2016. Armed conflicts as impediments to enforcing the State centric nature of human rights obligations. Case study of the convention on rights of persons with disabilities. SSRN Electronic Journal:Public International Law: Human Rights eJournal , pp.1-11. (10.2139/ssrn.2776744)
- Mugabi, I. K. 2016. Distinguishing the territories controlled by Armenia from those of Armenians: decision in Chiragov and Others v. Armenia of 16 June 2015. SSRN Electronic Journal: Public International Law: Human Rights eJournal , pp.1-7. (10.2139/ssrn.2723927)
- Navarria, G. 2016. China: the Party, the Internet, and power as shared weakness. Global Change, Peace and Security 29 (1), pp.1-20. (10.1080/14781158.2016.1225709)
- Navarria, G. 2016. To censor or not to censor: Roots, current trends and the long-term consequences of the Chinese Communist Party's fear of the Internet. Communication, Politics and Culture 49 (2), pp.82-100.
- Peled, Y. and Bonotti, M. 2016. Tongue-tied: Rawls, political philosophy and metalinguistic awareness. American Political Science Review 110 (4), pp.798-811. (10.1017/S0003055416000393)
- Poole, E. G. , Ifan, G. and Jones, R. W. 2016. Government expenditure and revenue Wales 2016. Technical Report.
- Radchenko, S. 2016. The Soviet Union and the Cold War arms race. In: Mahnken, T. , Maiolo, J. and Stevenson, D. eds. Arms Races in International Politics: From the 19th to the 21st Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.158-175. (DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198735267.003.0008)
- Riley, D. D. 2016. UK-US relations and the South Asian crisis, 1971. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Roberts, P. and Sutch, P. 2016. The global commons and international distributive justice. In: Boisen, C. and Murray, M. C. eds. Distributive Justice Debates In Political and Social Thoughts: Perspectives on Finding a Fair Share. Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought New York and Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.230-250.
- Thornton, S. L. 2016. Lessons from New Delhi. [Online].Sheffield: Crick Centre, Sheffield University. Available at: http://www.crickcentre.org/blog/lessons-from-new-delhi/.
- Williams, G. 2016. Bailouts, bankruptcy and the bonfire of the QUANGOs: the track record of economic development programmes in the South Wales Valleys and Detroit. MPhil Thesis , Cardiff University.
You can view all of our politics publications in the University's institutional repository.