2015 publications
- Dover, R. , Goodman, M. S. and Hillebrand, C. eds. 2015. Routledge companion to intelligence studies. Routledge.
- Berling, T. V. and Bueger, C. eds. 2015. Security expertise: practices, power and responsibility. PRIO New Security Studies London: Routledge.
- Haddock, B. and Wakefield, J. eds. 2015. Thought thinking: the philosophy of Giovanni Gentile. Exeter: Imprint Academic.
- Alderton, N. 2015. The formation of the Welsh Liberal Party, 1966-67. Presented at: Political Studies Association Annual Conference Sheffield, UK 30 March - 1 April 2015.
- Basham, V. 2015. Waiting for war: soldiering, temporality and the gendered politics of boredom and joy in military spaces. In: Ahall, L. and Gregory, T. eds. Emotions, Politics and War. Interventions Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.128-140.
- Basham, V. , Belkin, A. and Gifkins, J. 2015. What is critical military studies?. Critical Military Studies 1 (1), pp.1-2. (10.1080/23337486.2015.1006879)
- Basham, V. M. 2015. Telling geopolitical tales: temporality, rationality, and the 'childish' in the ongoing war for the Falklands-Malvinas Islands. Critical Studies on Security 3 (1), pp.77-89. (10.1080/21624887.2015.1014698)
- Berling, T. V. and Bueger, C. 2015. Security expertise: an introduction. In: Berling, T. V. and Bueger, C. eds. Security Expertise: Practices, Power and Responsibility. PRIO New Security Studies Routledge. , pp.1-18.
- Bonotti, M. 2015. Deliberative perfectionism: why we can and should talk about the good. Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (7), pp.637-653. (10.1177/0191453715568920)
- Bonotti, M. 2015. Food policy, nutritionism, and public justification. Journal of Social Philosophy 46 (4), pp.402-417. (10.1111/josp.12129)
- Bonotti, M. 2015. Political liberalism, free speech and public reason. European Journal of Political Theory 14 (2), pp.180-208. (10.1177/1474885114538257)
- Bonotti, M. 2015. Russell Muirhead: The promise of Party in a polarized age [Book Review]. Res Publica 21 (3), pp.337-341. (10.1007/s11158-015-9283-0)
- Boucher, D. 2015. Hobbes's contribution to international thought, and the contribution of international thought to Hobbes. History of European Ideas 41 (1), pp.29-48.
- Boucher, D. 2015. Schmitt, Oakeshott and the Hobbessian legacy in the crisis of our times. In: Dyzenhaus, D. and Poole, T. eds. Law, Liberty and State: Oakeshott, Hayek and Schmitt on the Rule of Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.123-152.
- Boucher, D. 2015. The Scottish contribution to British idealism and the reception of Hegel. In: Graham, G. ed. Scottish Philosophy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. History Of Scottish Philosophy Oxford University Press. , pp.154-181.
- Brogi, E. et al., 2015. Monitoring media pluralism in Europe : testing and implementation of the media pluralism monitor 2014. Project Report.[Online].Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF). Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/monitoring-media-pluralism-europe-testing-and-implementation-media-pluralism-monitor-2014.
- Bueger, C. 2015. After piracy: towards an African maritime security architecture. In: Vrey, F. and Mandrup, T. eds. Towards Good Order at Sea: African Experiences. SUN Media. , pp.35-50.
- Bueger, C. 2015. Experimenting with global governance: learning lessons in the Contact Group on Piracy. In: Voss, J. and Freeman, R. eds. Knowing Governance: The Epistemic Construction of Political Order. Palgrave Studies in Science, Knowledge and Policy Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. , pp.87-104.
- Bueger, C. 2015. From dusk to dawn? Maritime domain awareness in Southeast Asia. Contemporary Southeast Asia 37 (2), pp.157-182.
- Bueger, C. 2015. Learning from piracy: lessons for maritime security governance. Global Affairs 1 (1), pp.33-42. (10.1080/23340460.2015.960170)
- Bueger, C. 2015. Making things known: epistemic practice, the United Nations and the translation of piracy. International Political Sociology 9 (1), pp.1-18. (10.1111/ips.12073)
- Bueger, C. 2015. Migration crisis in the Mediterranean: a contact group is needed. [Online].Center for International Maritime Security. Available at: http://cimsec.org/migration-crisis-mediterranean-contact-group-needed/1566.
- Bueger, C. 2015. The rise of informal governance. Complementing or challenging the UN system?. [Online].MUN Planet. Available at: http://www.munplanet.com/articles/fridays-with-munplanet/the-rise-of-informal-governance-complementing-or-challenging-the-un-system.
- Bueger, C. 2015. What is maritime security?. Marine Policy 53 , pp.159-164. (10.1016/j.marpol.2014.12.005)
- Bueger, C. and Gadinger, F. 2015. Family issues: plurality and methodology in international practice theory. [Online].Vol. 17 DecInternational Studies Association. Available at: http://www.isanet.org/Publications/ISQ/Posts/ID/4962/Family-Issues-Plurality-and-Methodology-in-International-Practice-Theory.
- Bueger, C. and Gadinger, F. 2015. The play of international practice. International Studies Quarterly 59 (3), pp.449-460. (10.1111/isqu.12202)
- Ceva, E. and Bonotti, M. 2015. Introduction the political philosophy of food policies, part I: Justice, legitimacy, and rights. Journal of Social Philosophy 46 (4), pp.398-401. (10.1111/josp.12136)
- Cole, A. et al. 2015. States of convergence in territorial governance. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 45 (2), pp.297-321. (10.1093/publius/pjv001)
- Cole, A. and Pasquier, R. 2015. The Breton Model between convergence and capacity. Territory, Politics and Governance 3 (1), pp.51-72. (10.1080/21622671.2014.977816)
- Cole, A. and Stafford, I. 2015. Devolution and governance: Wales between capacity and constraint. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1057/9781137436719)
- Cole, M. and McAllister, L. 2015. Evaluating and theorising committee scrutiny: A UK comparative perspective. Local Government Studies 41 (2), pp.220-239. (10.1080/03003930.2014.904226)
- Cotter, L. 2015. Failure foreseeable and foreseen: an analysis of the limitations and failings of the British policy-making process; with reference to the 1991 Child Support Act. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Dezalay, S. 2015. David Bosco, Rough Justice: the International Criminal Court in a world of power politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014 [Book Review]. International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis
- Dezalay, S. 2015. Les juristes en Afrique: entre trajectoires d'État, sillons d'empire et mondialisation. Politique Africaine 138 , pp.5-23.
- Dezalay, S. and Karekwaivanane, G. 2015. Juristes, Faiseurs d'État. Politique Africaine Vol. 138Karthala.
- Dorey, P. 2015. A farewell to alms: Thatcherism's legacy of inequality. British Politics 10 (1), pp.79-98. (10.1057/bp.2014.24)
- Dorey, P. 2015. Charity Organisation Society. In: Odekon, M. A. ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty. SAGE Publications. , pp.196-198.
- Dorey, P. 2015. Conservatism. In: Odekon, M. A. ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty. SAGE Publications. , pp.283-286.
- Dorey, P. 2015. Policy responses in Britain and the economic crisis: the failure of social democracy?. In: Romano, S. and Punziano, G. eds. The European Social Model Adrift: Europe, Social Cohesion and the Economic Crisis. Aldershot: Ashgate
- Dorey, P. 2015. Social democracy. In: Odekon, M. A. ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty. SAGE Publications. , pp.1419-1421.
- Dorey, P. 2015. The Beveridge scheme. In: Odekon, M. A. ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty. SAGE Publications. , pp.119-121.
- Dorey, P. 2015. The blunders of our governments [Book Review]. West European Politics 38 (1), pp.252-254. (10.1080/01402382.2014.962827)
- Dorey, P. 2015. The Fabian Society. In: Odekon, M. A. ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty. SAGE Publications. , pp.541-543.
- Dorey, P. 2015. The oratory of Margaret Thatcher. In: Hayton, R. and Crines, A. S. eds. Conservative Orators from Baldwin to Cameron. New Perspectives on the Right Manchester University Press
- Dorey, P. 2015. The rhetoric of neoliberalism in the politics of crisis: a reply to Andrew Scott Crines. Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought 5 (1), pp.130-134. (10.1080/23269995.2014.959390)
- Dorey, P. 2015. The Thatcher legacy - public sector reform. Observatoire de la Société Britannique 17 , pp.33-60.
- Dorey, P. 2015. Voter dealignment, disillusion and the implications for the May 2015 election. [Online].London: LSE Blog. Available at: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/voter-dealignment-disillusion-and-the-implications-for-the-may-2015-election/.
- Dorey, P. 2015. 'Well, Harold insists on having it! - The political struggle to establish The Open University, 1965-67. Contemporary British History 29 (2), pp.241-272. (10.1080/13619462.2014.981160)
- Dorey, P. and Denham, A. 2015. Labour's 2015 leadership contest. Democratic Audit UK 2015 (2 Oct)
- Dorey, P. and Garnett, M. 2015. 'The weaker-willed, the craven-hearted': the decline of One Nation Conservatism. Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought 5 (1), pp.69-91. (10.1080/23269995.2014.914823)
- Egede, E. 2015. Maritime security: a comparison of the African and Asian approaches. Presented at: Xiamen University- Cardiff University Maritime Security Workshop Xiamen, China 5 May 2015.
- Egede, E. 2015. Maritime security and oil bunkering in maritime zones within national jurisdiction: the Gulf of Guinea as a case study. Presented at: UBCEES Conference on Contemporary Opportunities and Challenges in Offshore Energy Exploitation University of Buckingham, UK 28 October 2015.
- Eklundh, E. 2015. New challenges for democracy: The continuing deadlocks between theory and practice. European Political Science 14 (3), pp.358-360. (10.1057/eps.2015.35)
- Eklundh, E. and Turnbull, N. 2015. Political sociology. In: Bevir, M. and Rhodes, R. A. W. eds. Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science. London: Routledge. , pp.298-308. (10.4324/9781315725314-30)
- Evans, A. 2015. An interlude of agreement? A reassessment of the Conference on Devolution's ‘consensus’ on powers. Contemporary British History 29 (4), pp.421-440. (10.1080/13619462.2015.1015421)
- Evans, A. B. 2015. A “lingering diminuendo”? The Conference on Devolution 1919-1920. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Evans, A. B. 2015. Back to the future? Warnings from history for a future UK constitutional convention. Political Quarterly 86 (1), pp.24-32. (10.1111/1467-923X.12135)
- Evans, A. B. 2015. The squeezed middle? The Liberal Democrats in Wales and Scotland: A post-coalition reassessment. Scottish Affairs 24 (2), pp.163-186. (10.3366/scot.2015.0065)
- Evans, D. 2015. Post-Devolution Welsh Identity in Porthcawl: an ethnographic analysis of class, place and everyday nationhood in 'British Wales'. PhD Thesis , Bangor University.
- Gruffydd Jones, B. 2015. From rupture to revolution: race, culture and the practice of anti-colonial thought. African Identities 13 (1), pp.4-17. (10.1080/14725843.2015.1048064)
- Gruffydd Jones, B. 2015. Le Malentendu International: remembering international relations with Jean-Marie Teno. Alternatives 40 (2), pp.133-155. (10.1177/0304375415590913)
- Hughes, H. 2015. Bourdieu and the IPCC's symbolic power. Global Environmental Politics 15 (4), pp.85-104. (10.1162/GLEP_a_00323)
- Kayser, M. A. and Lindstadt, R. 2015. A cross-national measure of electoral competitiveness. Political Analysis 23 (2), pp.242-253. (10.1093/pan/mpv001)
- Kirkup, J. 2015. The Lib-Lab Pact: a Parliamentary agreement 1977-78. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1057/9781137527691)
- Kwek, D. H. B. 2015. Power and the multitude: A Spinozist view. Political Theory 43 (2), pp.155-184. (10.1177/0090591714537080)
- Kwek, D. H. B. and Seyfert, R. 2015. Affekt. Macht. Dinge: Die Aufteilung sozialer Sensorien in heterologischen Gesellschaften. In: Göbel, H. K. and Prinz, S. eds. Die Sinnlichkeit des Sozialen: Wahrnehmung und materielle Kultur. Sozialtheorie De Gruyter. , pp.123-146. (10.14361/9783839425565-005)
- Leahy, T. 2015. The influence of informers and agents on Provisional Irish Republican Army military strategy and British counter-insurgency strategy, 1976-94. Twentieth Century British History 26 (1), pp.122-146. (10.1093/tcbh/hwu026)
- Lima, J. and Dezalay, S. 2015. La «cause» de la justice de transition dans le Burundi de l'après-conflit. Critique Internationale 67 (2), pp.51-65. (10.3917/crii.067.0051)
- Liu, J. 2015. The practical philosophy of T. H. Green: an idealistic conception of liberal politics. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Mugabi, I. 2015. The rules of actusreaus and mens rea in International criminal law ought to the support victims of human rights violations through liability of combatants. Us-China Law Review 12 (6), pp.498-505. (10.17265/1548-6605/2015.06.003)
- Radchenko, S. 2015. Gorbachev in Europe and Asia. In: Luthi, L. M. ed. The Regional Cold Wars in Europe, East Asia, and the Middle East: Crucial Periods and Turning Points. Cold War International History Project Series Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Centre Press with Stanford University Press. , pp.274-294.
- Scully, R. and Wyn Jones, R. 2015. The public legitimacy of the National Assembly for Wales. Journal of Legislative Studies 21 (4), pp.515-533. (10.1080/13572334.2015.1059591)
- Starbuck, I. 2015. Animal advocacy in a pluralist society. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Tholens, S. 2015. European integration and transformation in the Western Balkans: Europeanisation or business as usual? [Book Review]. East European Politics 31 (1), pp.122-127. (10.1080/21599165.2014.938155)
- Tholens, S. and Groß, L. 2015. Diffusion, contestation and localisation in post-war states: 20 years of Western Balkans reconstruction. Journal of International Relations and Development 18 (3), pp.249-264. (10.1057/jird.2015.21)
- Thornton, S. L. 2015. Gothic glory and pop-up parliaments: could past visions help rescue the crumbling Palace of Westminster?. The Conversation 2015 (29 Jun)
- Thornton, S. L. 2015. Promoting Information Literacy and information research. In: Ishiyama, J. , Miller, W. J. and Simon, E. eds. Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations. Edward Elgar. , pp.121-131.
- Vincent, A. 2015. Gentile, Education and Mind. In: Haddock, B. and Wakefield, J. eds. Thought Thinking: The Philosophy of Giovanni Gentile. Exeter: Imprint Academic. , pp.105-136.
- Vincent, A. 2015. The ideological context of impact. Political Studies Review 13 (4), pp.474-484. (10.1111/1478-9302.12095)
- Wakefield, J. R. M. 2015. Giovanni Gentile and the state of contemporary constructivism: A study of actual idealist moral theory. Exeter: Imprint Academic.
- Wakefield, J. R. M. 2015. Giovanni Gentile as moral philosopher. In: Haddock, B. and Wakefield, J. R. M. eds. Thought Thinking: The Philosophy of Giovanni Gentile. Exeter: Imprint Academic. , pp.73-103.
- Wynne-Hughes, E. 2015. Governing through garbage-city tourism: producing international neoliberal subjects. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 17 (6), pp.839-852. (10.1080/1369801X.2014.998264)
- Wynne-Hughes, E. 2015. Happiness as enterprise [Book Review]. Social Semiotics 25 (1), pp.113-115. (10.1080/10350330.2014.964003)
You can view all of our politics publications in the University's institutional repository.