Recent politics publications
- Allan, J. I. and Bhandary, R. R. 2024. What's on the agenda? UN climate change negotiation agendas since 1995. Climate Policy 24 (2), pp.153-163. (10.1080/14693062.2022.2120453)
- Barnfield, M. et al., 2024. The effects of forecasts on the accuracy and precision of expectations. Public Opinion Quarterly
- Basham, V. M. 2024. Everyday modalities of militarization: beyond unidirectional, state-centric, and simplistic accounts of state violence. Critical Military Studies 10 (2), pp.142-146. (10.1080/23337486.2022.2070692)
- Becklake, S. and Wynne-Hughes, E. 2024. The touristic transformation of postcolonial states: human zoos, global tourism competition, and the emergence of zoo-managing states. Tourism Geographies 26 (5), pp.778-795. (10.1080/14616688.2023.2231410)
- Craig, C. 2024. Did the Bush Administration mean well?. Journal of Strategic Studies 47 (2), pp.316-324. (10.1080/01402390.2023.2236869)
- Dorey, P. 2024. The conservative right’s ‘war against woke’: fighting the latest ‘enemies within’. In: Bonnet, A. and Kilty, R. eds. Towards a Very British Version of the “Culture Wars” Populism, Social Fractures and Political Communication. Routledge. , pp.98-117. (10.4324/9781032627199-6)
- Dorey, P. 2024. The weakening of the Blue Wall. In: Jackson, D. et al., UK General Election Analysis 2024: Media, Voters and the Campaign. Bournemouth University and The Political Studies Association. , pp.64-65.
- Dorey, P. 2024. Will the Tory party implode?. Chartist (Magazine) 329 , pp.18-19.
- Eklundh, E. 2024. Is there a left-wing illiberalism?. In: Laruelle, M. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Illiberalism. Oxford University Press(10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197639108.013.8)
- Eklundh, E. 2024. Populism and emotions. In: Stavrakakis, Y. and Katsambekis, G. eds. Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Eklundh, E. , Stengel, F. and Wojczewski, T. 2024. Left populism and foreign policy: Bernie Sanders and Podemos. International Affairs 100 (5), pp.1899-1918. (10.1093/ia/iiae137)
- Eklundh, E. , Stengel, F. and Wojczewski, T. 2024. Why there is no "populist" foreign policy. [Online].London School of Economics. Available at:
- Evans, A. 2024. Welsh devolution 1999-2021: constitutional instability amidst institutionalized conservatism?. Parliaments, Estates and Representation 44 (2), pp.208-226. (10.1080/02606755.2023.2295073)
- Gehrke, C. and Hansen-Magnusson, H. 2024. Tales from the frontier of sustainable global connectivity: a typology of Arctic tourism workers. Journal of Arctic Tourism 2 (1), pp.1-14. (10.33112/arctour.2.1)
- Hansen-Magnusson, H. 2024. Environmental responsibility: Oceans and the Polar Regions. In: Williams, H. et al., The Palgrave Handbook of International Political Theory: Volume II. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. , pp.n/a. (10.1007/978-3-031-52243-7_5)
- Hansen-Magnusson, H. and Gehrke, C. 2024. Re-thinking global governance as fuzzy: multi-scalar boundaries of responsibility in the Arctic. Global Society (10.1080/13600826.2024.2373077)
- Hansen-Magnusson, H. and Gehrke, C. 2024. The Arctic as a boundary object: who negotiates Arctic governance?. International Affairs
- Hansen-Magnusson, H. and Gehrke, C. 2024. The web of Arctic governance fora? More than just the council. In: Conde, E. and Wood-Donnelly, C. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Arctic Governance. Abingdon and New York: Routledge
- Ismail, R. A. et al., 2024. Authoritarianism and social dominance as differential predictors of collective violence beliefs. Psychology of Violence (10.1037/vio0000580)
- Karkour, H. 2024. History of the future: Classical realism and Trump. [Online].E-International Relations: Available at:
- Kelly, J. 2024. Logics of War in the Era of Reform and Opening. In: Myers, L. ed. Analyzing China's Domestic and Foreign Policies. Wilson Center
- Larner, J. and Thorp, J. R. 2024. Vulnerability Appeals in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from a National Survey Experiment. Journal of Experimental Political Science (10.1017/XPS.2024.14)
- Luke, S. et al. 2024. Editorial: Data-driven campaigning in a comparative context—toward a 4th era of political communication?. Media and Communication 12 , pp.1-8. (10.17645/mac.9227)
- Marsh, S. and Hendershot, R. 2024. Renewing the Cold War narrative of “special” Anglo-American relations. Commemoration, performance, and the American bicentennial. Journal of Cold War Studies 26 (1), pp.196-246. (10.1162/jcws_a_01196)
- Morin, J. , Allan, J. and Jinnah, S. 2024. The survival of the weakest: the echo of the Rio Summit principles in environmental treaties. Environmental Politics 33 (3), pp.486-507. (10.1080/09644016.2023.2236505)
- Phillips, J. B. 2024. Affective polarization and habits of political participation. Electoral Studies 87 102733. (10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102733)
- Richards, H. K. 2024. “Backlash of the ‘betrayed’ squaddies” : The framing of veteran anti-investigation activism on British news websites. Critical Military Studies 10 (3), pp.354-371. (10.1080/23337486.2023.2283642)
- Wollast, R. et al., 2024. Russians' attitudes towards the war in Ukraine. European Journal of Social Psychology (10.1002/ejsp.3118)
- Wyn Jones, R. 2024. Putting Wales first: The political thought of Plaid Cymru. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
You can view all of our politics publications in the University's institutional repository.