2022 Publications
- Johnson, P. ed. 2022. Copyright. Atkin's Encyclopaedia of Court Forms. London: LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. ed. 2022. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2022), Vol 21(2), Copyright. Butterworths.
- 2022. State of global environmental governance 2022. Project Report.[Online].International Institute for Sustainable Development. Available at: https://www.iisd.org/publications/report/state-global-environmental-governance-2022.
- Antonopoulos, I. et al., 2022. The governance of agriculture in post-Brexit UK. Routledge.
- Ainab, M. 2022. To what extent is the Horn African maritime security agenda locally owned?. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Allan, J. I. et al. 2022. Comparative fortunes of ecosystem services as an international governance concept. Global Policy 13 (1), pp.62-75. (10.1111/1758-5899.13036)
- Belov, M. et al., 2022. Imaginary of the rule of law as a force of societal transition: Central and East European lessons from European (dis)integration. In: Belov, M. ed. Rule of Law in Crisis: Constitutionalism in a State of Flux. Routledge Research in Public Law London: Routledge. , pp.67-88. (10.4324/9781003349501-6)
- Bently, L. et al., 2022. Intellectual property. Oxford University Press.
- Boucher, D. 2022. Introduction: Language and decoloniality in context. In: Boucher, D. ed. Language Culture and Decolonisation. Lynne Rienner Publishers. , pp.1-17.
- Boucher, D. and Vincent, A. 2022. British idealism: philosophy with a conscience. Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 28 (2), pp.35-64.
- Caddell, R. 2022. Strength in numbers? The nordic ministerial and parliamentary groupings as observers in the arctic council. In: Sellheim, N. and Menezes, D. eds. Non-state Actors in the Arctic Region. Spriner. , pp.133-152. (10.1007/978-3-031-12459-4_7)
- Caddell, R. 2022. The law of the sea and the exercise of free speech and protest rights. In: Matz-Luck, N. , Jensen, O. and Johansen, E. eds. The Law of the Sea: Normative Context and Interactions with other Legal Regimes. Routledge. , pp.202-225. (10.4324/9781003091196-9)
- Cahill-O'Callaghan, R. and Mulcahy, L. 2022. Where are the numbers? Challenging the barriers to quantitative socio-legal scholarship in the UK. Journal of Law and Society 49 (s1), pp.s105-s118. (10.1111/jols.12376)
- Carline, A. and Dehaghani, R. 2022. Domestic violence and abuse. In: Lamont, R. ed. Family Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.260-318.
- Čavoški, A. et al., 2022. Conclusion. In: Antonopoulos, I. et al., The Governance of Agriculture in Post-Brexit UK. Earthscan Food and Agriculture Routledge. , pp.201-204.
- Chen, Y. and McDonough, P. 2022. Upholding disability rights in the Americas: the role of the Inter-American institutions. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 50 (3), pp.599-638.
- Christie, D. , Saintier, S. and Viven-Wilksch, J. 2022. Industry led standards, relational contracts and good faith: Are the UK and Australia setting the pace in (construction) contract Law?. Liverpool Law Review 43 , pp.287-310. (10.1007/s10991-022-09307-5)
- Conway, H. 2022. Challenges to implementing the UNFCCC Paris Agreement through Redd+ in Liberia: A critical analysis. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cranmer, F. and Sandberg, R. 2022. Regulating religious diversification: a legal perspective. In: Barker, E. and Singler, B. eds. Radical Changes in Minority Religions. London: Routledge. , pp.135.
- Crowe-Urbaniak, D. L. 2022. Case Report 'A marriage is a marriage': equal sharing in short, childless marriages. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 44 (1), pp.124-126. (10.1080/09649069.2022.2028405)
- Davies, S. 2022. Modelling pregnancy: is a reconceptualisation of the maternal-foetal relationship the key to better understanding surrogacy and its regulation in India?. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Dehaghani, R. 2022. Interpreting and reframing the appropriate adult safeguard. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 42 (1), pp.187-206. (10.1093/ojls/gqab029)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2022. Criminal legal aid and access to justice: an empirical account of a reduction in resilience. International Journal of the Legal Profession 29 (1), pp.33-52. (10.1080/09695958.2020.1868474)
- Dobbs, M. and Petetin, L. 2022. Designing agricultural policies: contextual considerations. Documentation. Welsh Parliament - Senedd Research. Available at: https://research.senedd.wales/media/wopmxzu0/22-58-designing-agricultural-policies-contextual-considerations.pdf.
- Dobbs, M. and Petetin, L. 2022. Dylunio polisïau amaethyddol: ystyriaethau cyd-destunol. Documentation. Cardiff, Wales: Senedd Cymru, Ymchwil y Senedd. Available at: https://senedd.cymru/media/blhhsj4s/22-58-dylunio-polisiau-amaethyddol-ystyriaethau-cyd-destunol.pdf.
- Dougan, M. et al., 2022. Sleeping with an elephant: devolution and the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020. Law Quarterly Review 138 , pp.650-676.
- Doughty, J. 2022. Adoption and special guardianship. In: Lamont, R. ed. Family Law. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press. , pp.475-510.
- Doughty, J. 2022. Remote hearings in the Family Courts. Presented at: The future of remote hearings post-Covid Aberystwyth, UK 21 July 2022. Report: Remote Hearings Post Covid. Aberystwyth: Aberystwyth University. , pp.22-27.
- Doughty, J. and Rathus, Z. 2022. The international expansion of the parental alienation belief system through the UK and Australian experiences. In: Mercer, J. and Drew, M. eds. Challenging Parental Alienation: New Directions for Professionals and Parents. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. , pp.40-62.
- Drake, S. 2022. Op Ed: California dreamin?: Court of Justice confirms Air Passenger Regulation does not infringe state sovereignty over airspace by granting rights concerning connections operated entirely in third countries. [Online].EU Law Live. Available at: https://eulawlive.com/op-ed-california-dreamin-court-of-justice-confirms-air-passenger-regulation-does-not-infringe-state-sovereignty-over-airspace-by-granting-rights-concerning-connections-operated-ent/#.
- Drieschova, A. 2022. Representants and international orders. International Theory 14 (2), pp.233-262. (10.1017/S1752971921000154)
- Evans, R. 2022. Logics and legal forms: An empirical legal analysis of sports club decision-making. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Field, S. 2022. Making sense in cross-cultural research in criminal justice: some reflections on theory and method. In: Nelken, D. and Hamilton, C. eds. Research Handbook of Comparative Criminal Justice. Research Handbooks in Comparative Law Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. , pp.141-153. (10.4337/9781839106385.00017)
- Grear, A. 2022. Human rights and the environment: a tale of ambivalence and hope. In: Fisher, D. ed. Research Handbook on Fundamental Concepts of Environmental Law, Second Edition. Vol. 2, Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. , pp.123-140. (10.4337/9781839108327)
- Harrington, J. 2022. 'Bio-Imperialism. Disease, Terror and the Construction of National Fragility' by Gwen Shuni D'Arcangelis [Book Review]. New Genetics and Society 41 (2), pp.176-178. (10.1080/14636778.2021.1997579)
- Harrington, J. 2022. 'In my own village' chronotopes, governmentality and the changing regulation of traditional medicine in Kenya. In: Adelman, S. and Paliwala, A. eds. Beyond Law and Development: Resistance, Empowerment and Social Injustice. Routledge. , pp.257-277.
- Harrington, J. and Chatzinikola, A. 2022. State human rights obligations regarding the distribution of scarce health resources. Project Report.[Online].Open Society Justice Initiative. Available at: https://www.justiceinitiative.org/uploads/81147322-4409-4d89-be0f-c7cc5fa8f85c/state-human-rights-obligations-regarding-distribution-of-scarce-health-resources-20231031.pdf.
- Helm, R. , Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2022. Guilty plea decisions: moving beyond the autonomy myth. Modern Law Review 85 (1), pp.133-163. (10.1111/1468-2230.12676)
- Hofmann, M. et al., 2022. Space legislation of Luxembourg: a commentary. Aerospace Law and Policy Series Wolters Kluwer.
- Horsley, T. and Hunt, J. 2022. In praise of cooperation and consensus under the territorial constitution: the second report of the House of Lords common frameworks. [Online].UK Constitutional Law Association. Available at: https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2022/07/26/thomas-horsley-and-jo-hunt-in-praise-of-cooperation-and-consensus-under-the-territorial-constitution-the-second-report-of-the-house-of-lords-common-frameworks-scrutiny-committee/.
- Hunt, J. 2022. Managing regulatory divergence between Wales and the rest of the UK post-Brexit. Technical Report.
- Ifan, G. and Sion, C. 2022. Wales' Fiscal Future / Dyfodol Cyllidol Cymru. Presented at: Plaid Cymru Conference 2022 Venue Cymru, Llandudno 22 October 2022.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Booksellers' bill 1774 legislating in the 18th century: a view from sir Henry Cavendish's parliamentary diary. Parliamentary History: Text & Studies Wiley.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Intellectual Property. In: Lambert, P. ed. Gringras: The Laws of the Internet. 6th ed.. Bloomsbury Professional. , pp.[n/a].
- Johnson, P. 2022. Mandatory filtering is required of content-sharing platforms. Intellectual Property Forum 129 , pp.120-122.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Mr Patent goes to war! Industrial property and the breakdown of the international order during World War I. In: Morris, P. S. ed. Intellectual Property and the Law of Nations, 1860-1920. Legal History Library Vol. 58.Brill. , pp.150-179. (10.1163/9789004511439_006)
- Johnson, P. 2022. Patent law: the grace is on?. New Law Journal 172 (7982), pp.15-16.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Remote justice at the European patent office. Intellectual Property Forum (127), pp.102-107.
- Johnson, P. 2022. The Europeanisation of costs awards in intellectual property cases. Intellectual Property Forum 130 , pp.107-109.
- Johnson, P. , Roughton, A. and Cook, T. 2022. Roughton, Johnson and Cook on patents. 5th Edition. [Modern Law of Patents]. Butterworth.
- Jones, R. 2022. Criminology and criminal justice in post-devolution Wales. European Journal of Criminology 19 (4), pp.811-829. (10.1177/1477370820916447)
- Jones, R. , Hart, E. and Scott, D. 2022. Chorley ‘Super Prison’: The case against. Technical Report.
- Jones, R. and Wyn Jones, R. 2022. The criminal justice system in Wales: On the jagged edge. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Kalunga, F. 2022. Changing perspectives on chieftaincy in Zambia’s public law history. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Kimani-Murage, E. W. et al., 2022. COVID- 19 and human right to food: Lived experiences of the urban poor in Kenya with the impacts of government’s response measures: A participatory qualitative study. BMC Public Health 22 1399. (10.1186/s12889-022-13638-3)
- Latif, L. 2022. Zakat and the financing of public health in Kenya: An interdisciplinary analysis of human rights law, Islamic law and constitutional law. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Lester, N. 2022. Beyond greedy: Understanding the impact of the military’s response on the bereaved family following the death of the service person in the line of duty. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Lewis, R. 2022. Maritime humanitarian corridors in Ukraine (Part 1). [Online].Human Rights at Sea. Available at: https://www.humanrightsatsea.org/news/maritime-humanitarian-corridors-ukraine-part-1.
- Lewis, R. 2022. Maritime humanitarian corridors in Ukraine (Part 2). [Online].Human Rights at Sea. Available at: https://www.humanrightsatsea.org/news/maritime-humanitarian-corridors-ukraine-part-2.
- Lewis, R. 2022. UK House of Lords UNCLOS inquiry: a significant intervention. [Online].http://opiniojuris.org: Opinio Juris. Available at: http://opiniojuris.org/2022/03/17/uk-house-of-lords-unclos-inquiry-a-significant-intervention/.
- Lupton, S. and Stellakis, E. 2022. Shifting sands and fuzzy boundaries: evolving procurement options. In: RIBA, ed. RIBA Construction Contracts and Law Report 2022. Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).. , pp.33-34.
- Manji, A. 2022. 'Foresting over family farms: the global context for green-grabbing in Wales'. [Online].Planet Magazine: The Welsh Internationalist. Available at: https://www.planetmagazine.org.uk/planet-online/246/ambreena-manji.
- Manji, A. 2022. Rereading burying SM as a 'social reproduction text'. African Studies 81 (2), pp.247-253. (10.1080/00020184.2022.2080430)
- Manji, A. 2022. The struggles of the Ngorongoro Maasai. [Online].https://roape.net: ROAPE. Available at: https://roape.net/2022/02/11/the-struggles-of-the-ngorongoro-maasai/.
- McGarry, D. 2022. A framing theory and discourse analytic study of the child labour policy debate: A framing-governmentality study of the historical relationship between the ILO and child labour policy. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Newman, D. 2022. Access to justice for vulnerable and energy-poor consumers: Just energy? Naomi Creutzfeldt, Chris Gill, Marine Cornelis and Rachel McPherson (Oxford: Hart, 2021) [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 49 (3), pp.629-632. (10.1111/jols.12374)
- Newman, D. 2022. Felice Batlan and Marianne Vasara-Aaltonen (eds) Histories of legal aid: A comparative and international perspective. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. [Book Revoew]. Amicus Curiae 4 (1)(10.14296/ac.v4i1.5499)
- Newman, D. and Dehaghani, R. 2022. Experiences of criminal justice: perspectives from Wales on a system in crisis. Bristol University Press.
- Noussia, K. et al., 2022. Appeals in arbitration: the modern function of Section 69 of the Arbitration Act 1996. In: Devenney, J. ed. Research Handbook on Transnational Commercial Law. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Noussia, K. et al., 2022. Bias of arbitrators: a critical analysis on the law post-Halliburton v. Chubb and a comparative approach. Journal of International Trade and Arbitration 2 (1), pp.31-92.
- O'Neill, R. and Wilks, R. 2022. Betting on deaf children's futures: how far are the Scottish and Welsh approaches ensuring the inclusion of BSL in deaf education?. Presented at: EdSign Lecture Series, DeafAction Edinburgh, UK 20 December 2022.
- O'Neill, R. and Wilks, R. 2022. Deaf Education and the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015: comparisons with the Welsh approach. Presented at: WISERD Annual Conference 2022 Swansea, UK 6-8 July 2022.
- Parry, M. 2022. Collisions and concussion in sport: time for a duty of care?. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Pearce, S. and Lagana, G. 2022. Challenging scalar fallacy in state-wide welfare studies: a UK sub-state comparison of civil society approaches to addressing youth unemployment. International Journal of Social Welfare (10.1111/ijsw.12572)
- Pereira, R. 2022. The Cartagena protocol on biosafety and the regulation of transboundary movement of living modified organisms. In: Benedict, M. and Scott, M. eds. Transgenic Insects: Techniques and Applications. CABI. , pp.533-551.
- Pereira, R. , Sjöstedt, B. and Krause, T. 2022. El medioambiente y los pueblos indígenas en el contexto del conflicto armado y el proceso de consolidación de la paz en Colombia: implicaciones para la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz y la justicia penal internacional. Technical Report.
- Petetin, L. 2022. Setting the path for UK and devolved agriculture. In: Antonopoulos, I. et al., The Governance of Agriculture in Post-Brexit UK. Routledge. , pp.40-62. (10.4324/9781003010852-3)
- Petetin, L. and Dobbs, M. 2022. Brexit and agriculture. Routledge.
- Pierce, O. 2022. Humanisation and the normative evolution of international society. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Priban, J. 2022. Od sociologie práva k ústavnímu pluralismu: Eugen Ehrlich a teorie společenského konstitucionalismu [From the sociology of law to the constitutional pluralism: Eugen Ehrlich and theory of societal constitutionalism]. Pravnik [The Lawyer] 161 (5), pp.396-410.
- Priban, J. 2022. Věčný návrat do střední Evropy [The eternal return to Central Europe]. In: Kubíček, T. ed. The Tragedy of the West: A Laboratory of the Twilight. [Únos Západu aneb laboratoř soumraku]. Brno: Moravská zemská knihovna. , pp.105-122.
- Renaudin, M. 2022. The English Floating charge and the reform of French personal property law: contribution to the conceptualisation of a French global security. Presented at: The LCF's 7th Annual Conference on the Commercial Contract in Scholarship and Law Reform 2022 London 21 October 2022.
- Sandberg, R. 2022. A sociological perspective on the internal laws of religion. Ancilla Iuris Special Issue: Comparing religious laws: Different approaches and methods. (10.26031/2022.084)
- Sandberg, R. 2022. Eweida v UK: Cross words and the reformulation of religious freedom. In: Barker, R. ed. Law and Religion in the Commonwealth: The Evolution of Case Law. Hart. , pp.49-64.
- Sandberg, R. 2022. Religion in schools: learning lessons from Wales. Anthem Studies in Law Reform Anthem Press.
- Sandberg, R. 2022. The unexpected benefit of hindsight: Reassessing the legal importance of the black death from the vantage point of the Covid pandemic. Law & Justice 188 , pp.38-50.
- Series, L. 2022. Deprivation of liberty in the shadows of the institution. Bristol University Press.
- Siliquini-Cinelli, L. 2022. Peter Benson, Justice in transactions: A theory of contract law [Book Review]. Edinburgh Law Review 26 (3), pp.478-480. (10.3366/elr.2022.0802)
- Sion, C. and Ifan, G. 2022. When ends don't meet: a cost-of-living update. Technical Report.
- Stokes, E. 2022. Futurescapes of planning law: Some preliminary thoughts on a timely encounter. In: Lee, M. and Abbot, C. eds. Taking English Planning Law Scholarship Seriously. UCL Press. , pp.157-179. (10.14324/111.9781800082885)
- Stokes, E. and Pontin, B. 2022. Historical-futures and future-futures in environmental law pedagogy: exploring ‘Futures Literacy’. International Journal of Law in Context 18 (SI4), pp.440-449. (10.1017/S1744552322000404)
- Tarrant, A. 2022. Independent living as a counter-narrative: a work of resistance and repair. International Journal of Disability and Social Justice 2 (1), pp.48-73.
- Tarrant, A. and Goodall, C. 2022. Welcome break? Holidays and recreation as eligible needs under the care act 2014. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 44 , pp.544-546. (10.1080/09649069.2022.2136707)
- Thompson, S. 2022. Behind Casanova's charter: Edith Summerskill, divorce and the deserted wife. In: Miles, J. , Monk, D. and Probert, R. eds. Fifty Years of the Divorce Reform Act. Hart Publishing
- Thompson, S. 2022. Quiet revolutionaries: The married women's association and family law. Hart Publishing/Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Thompson, S. 2022. The untold story of a mid-20th century group of women fighting for equality in marriage – and why it matters today. The Conversation 2022 (12 Sep)
- Van Rooy, C. 2022. Expertise and legitimacy in models of regulatory cooperation lessons from the transatlantic experience. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Varvastian, S. 2022. Factors determining the viability of rights claims in climate change litigation. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Walters, R. 2022. Varieties of gender wash: Towards a framework for critiquing corporate social responsibility in feminist IPE. Review of International Political Economy 29 (5), pp.1577-1600. (10.1080/09692290.2021.1935295)
- Wilks, R. 2022. Developing Deaf jurisprudence: the role of interpreters and translators. In: Stone, C. et al., Routledge Handbook of Sign Language Translation and Interpreting. London: Routledge. , pp.249-266.
- Wilks, R. 2022. Developing Deaf legal theory. Presented at: Language and Law Seminars, University of Birmingham Birmingham, UK 10 November 2022.
- Wilks, R. and O'Neill, R. 2022. Deaf Education in Scotland and Wales: Attitudes to British Sign Language in deaf education compared to Gaelic and Welsh.
- Willmington, E. 2022. Production of ignorance and co-production of resistance: Britain’s Hostile Environment. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Wincott, D. 2022. The Anglo-British state, Welsh devolution and the Covid-19 pandemic in England and Wales: territorial riddles, mysterious boundaries and enigmatic identities. In: Molinari, V. and Beylier, P. eds. COVID-19 in Europe and North America: Policy Responses and Multi-Level Governance. Oldenburg: De Gruyter. , pp.211-236. (10.1515/9783110745085-010)
- Wincott, D. , Murray, C. and Davies, G. 2022. The Anglo-British Imaginary and the rebuilding of the territorial constitution after Brexit - unitary state or union state?. Territory, Politics, Governance 10 (5), pp.696-713. (10.1080/21622671.2021.1921613)
- Yanti Sulistiawati, L. et al., 2022. Environmental courts and tribunals: A guide for policymakers. Technical Report.
- Zalewski, M. 2022. Theorizing sexual violence in global politics: improvising with feminist theory. Review of International Studies 48 (1), pp.129-148. (10.1017/S0260210521000449)
You can view all of our law publications in the University's institutional repository.