2022 Publications
- Johnson, P. ed. 2022. Copyright. Atkin's Encyclopaedia of Court Forms. London: LexisNexis.
- 2022. State of global environmental governance 2022. Project Report.[Online].International Institute for Sustainable Development. Available at: https://www.iisd.org/publications/report/state-global-environmental-governance-2022.
- Antonopoulos, I. et al., 2022. The governance of agriculture in post-Brexit UK. Routledge.
- Ainab, M. 2022. To what extent is the Horn African maritime security agenda locally owned?. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Allan, J. I. et al. 2022. Comparative fortunes of ecosystem services as an international governance concept. Global Policy 13 (1), pp.62-75. (10.1111/1758-5899.13036)
- Belov, M. et al., 2022. Imaginary of the rule of law as a force of societal transition: Central and East European lessons from European (dis)integration. In: Belov, M. ed. Rule of Law in Crisis: Constitutionalism in a State of Flux. Routledge Research in Public Law London: Routledge. , pp.67-88. (10.4324/9781003349501-6)
- Bently, L. et al., 2022. Intellectual property. Oxford University Press.
- Boucher, D. 2022. Introduction: Language and decoloniality in context. In: Boucher, D. ed. Language Culture and Decolonisation. Lynne Rienner Publishers. , pp.1-17.
- Boucher, D. and Vincent, A. 2022. British idealism: philosophy with a conscience. Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 28 (2), pp.35-64.
- Caddell, R. 2022. Strength in numbers? The nordic ministerial and parliamentary groupings as observers in the arctic council. In: Sellheim, N. and Menezes, D. eds. Non-state Actors in the Arctic Region. Spriner. , pp.133-152. (10.1007/978-3-031-12459-4_7)
- Caddell, R. 2022. The law of the sea and the exercise of free speech and protest rights. In: Matz-Luck, N. , Jensen, O. and Johansen, E. eds. The Law of the Sea: Normative Context and Interactions with other Legal Regimes. Routledge. , pp.202-225. (10.4324/9781003091196-9)
- Cahill-O'Callaghan, R. and Mulcahy, L. 2022. Where are the numbers? Challenging the barriers to quantitative socio-legal scholarship in the UK. Journal of Law and Society 49 (s1), pp.s105-s118. (10.1111/jols.12376)
- Carline, A. and Dehaghani, R. 2022. Domestic violence and abuse. In: Lamont, R. ed. Family Law. Oxford University Press
- Čavoški, A. et al., 2022. Conclusion. In: Čavoški, A. et al., The Governance of Agriculture in Post-Brexit UK: Earthscan Food and Agriculture. Routledge
- Chen, Y. and McDonough, P. 2022. Upholding disability rights in the Americas: the role of the Inter-American institutions. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 50 (3), pp.599-638.
- Conway, H. 2022. Challenges to implementing the UNFCCC Paris Agreement through Redd+ in Liberia: A critical analysis. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cranmer, F. and Sandberg, R. 2022. Regulating religious diversification: a legal perspective. In: Barker, E. and Singler, B. eds. Radical Changes in Minority Religions. London: Routledge. , pp.135.
- Davies, S. 2022. Modelling pregnancy: is a reconceptualisation of the maternal-foetal relationship the key to better understanding surrogacy and its regulation in India?. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Dehaghani, R. 2022. Interpreting and reframing the appropriate adult safeguard. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 42 (1), pp.187-206. (10.1093/ojls/gqab029)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2022. Criminal legal aid and access to justice: an empirical account of a reduction in resilience. International Journal of the Legal Profession 29 (1), pp.33-52. (10.1080/09695958.2020.1868474)
- Dobbs, M. and Petetin, L. 2022. Designing agricultural policies: contextual considerations. Documentation. Welsh Parliament - Senedd Research. Available at: https://research.senedd.wales/media/wopmxzu0/22-58-designing-agricultural-policies-contextual-considerations.pdf.
- Dobbs, M. and Petetin, L. 2022. Dylunio polisïau amaethyddol: ystyriaethau cyd-destunol. Documentation. Cardiff, Wales: Senedd Cymru, Ymchwil y Senedd. Available at: https://senedd.cymru/media/blhhsj4s/22-58-dylunio-polisiau-amaethyddol-ystyriaethau-cyd-destunol.pdf.
- Dougan, M. et al., 2022. Sleeping with an elephant: devolution and the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020. Law Quarterly Review 138 , pp.650-676.
- Doughty, J. 2022. Adoption and special guardianship. In: Lamont, R. ed. Family Law. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press. , pp.475-510.
- Doughty, J. 2022. Remote hearings in the Family Courts. Presented at: The future of remote hearings post-Covid Aberystwyth, UK 21 July 2022. Report: Remote Hearings Post Covid. Aberystwyth: Aberystwyth University. , pp.22-27.
- Doughty, J. and Rathus, Z. 2022. The international expansion of the parental alienation belief system through the UK and Australian experiences. In: Mercer, J. and Drew, M. eds. Challenging Parental Alienation: New Directions for Professionals and Parents. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. , pp.40-62.
- Drake, S. 2022. Op Ed: California dreamin?: Court of Justice confirms Air Passenger Regulation does not infringe state sovereignty over airspace by granting rights concerning connections operated entirely in third countries. [Online].EU Law Live. Available at: https://eulawlive.com/op-ed-california-dreamin-court-of-justice-confirms-air-passenger-regulation-does-not-infringe-state-sovereignty-over-airspace-by-granting-rights-concerning-connections-operated-ent/#.
- Drieschova, A. 2022. Representants and international orders. International Theory 14 (2), pp.233-262. (10.1017/S1752971921000154)
- Evans, R. 2022. Logics and legal forms: An empirical legal analysis of sports club decision-making. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Field, S. 2022. Making sense in cross-cultural research in criminal justice: some reflections on theory and method. In: Nelken, D. and Hamilton, C. eds. Research Handbook of Comparative Criminal Justice. Research Handbooks in Comparative Law Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- Grear, A. 2022. Flat ontology and differentiation: in defence of Bennett’s vital materialism, and some thoughts towards decolonial new materialisms for international law. In: Jones, E. and Aavidsson, M. eds. International Law and Posthuman Theory. Abingdon: Routledge
- Grear, A. 2022. Human rights and the environment: a tale of ambivalence and hope. In: Fisher, D. ed. Research Handbook on Fundamental Concepts of Environmental Law, Second Edition. Vol. 2, Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. , pp.123-140. (10.4337/9781839108327)
- Harrington, J. 2022. 'Bio-Imperialism. Disease, Terror and the Construction of National Fragility' by Gwen Shuni D'Arcangelis [Book Review]. New Genetics and Society 41 (2), pp.176-178. (10.1080/14636778.2021.1997579)
- Harrington, J. 2022. 'In my own village' chronotopes, governmentality and the changing regulation of traditional medicine in Kenya. In: Adelman, S. and Paliwala, A. eds. Beyond Law and Development: Resistance, Empowerment and Social Injustice. Routledge. , pp.257-277.
- Harrington, J. and Chatzinikola, A. 2022. State human rights obligations regarding the distribution of scarce health resources. Project Report.[Online].Open Society Justice Initiative. Available at: https://www.justiceinitiative.org/uploads/81147322-4409-4d89-be0f-c7cc5fa8f85c/state-human-rights-obligations-regarding-distribution-of-scarce-health-resources-20231031.pdf.
- Helm, R. , Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2022. Guilty plea decisions: moving beyond the autonomy myth. Modern Law Review 85 (1), pp.133-163. (10.1111/1468-2230.12676)
- Hofmann, M. et al., 2022. Space legislation of Luxembourg: a commentary. Aerospace Law and Policy Series Wolters Kluwer.
- Horsley, T. and Hunt, J. 2022. In praise of cooperation and consensus under the territorial constitution: the second report of the House of Lords common frameworks. [Online].UK Constitutional Law Association. Available at: https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2022/07/26/thomas-horsley-and-jo-hunt-in-praise-of-cooperation-and-consensus-under-the-territorial-constitution-the-second-report-of-the-house-of-lords-common-frameworks-scrutiny-committee/.
- Hunt, J. 2022. Managing regulatory divergence between Wales and the rest of the UK post-Brexit. Technical Report.
- Ifan, G. and Sion, C. 2022. Wales' Fiscal Future / Dyfodol Cyllidol Cymru. Presented at: Plaid Cymru Conference 2022 Venue Cymru, Llandudno 22 October 2022.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Booksellers' bill 1774 legislating in the 18th century: a view from sir Henry Cavendish's parliamentary diary. Parliamentary History: Text & Studies Wiley.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2022), Vol 21(2), Copyright. Butterworths.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Intellectual Property. In: Lambert, P. ed. Gringras: The Laws of the Internet. 6th ed.. Bloomsbury Professional
- Johnson, P. 2022. Mandatory filtering is required of content-sharing platforms. Intellectual Property Forum 129 , pp.120-122.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Mr Patent goes to war! Industrial property and the breakdown of the international order during World War I. In: Morris, S. ed. Intellectual Property and the Law of Nations, 1860-1920. Brill
- Johnson, P. 2022. Patent law: the grace is on?. New Law Journal 172 (7982), pp.15-16.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Remote justice at the European patent office. Intellectual Property Forum (127), pp.102-107.
- Johnson, P. 2022. The Europeanisation of costs awards in intellectual property cases. Intellectual Property Forum 130 , pp.107-109.
- Johnson, P. , Roughton, A. and Cook, T. 2022. Roughton, Johnson and Cook on patents. 5th Edition. [Modern Law of Patents]. Butterworth.
- Jones, R. 2022. Criminology and criminal justice in post-devolution Wales. European Journal of Criminology 19 (4), pp.811-829. (10.1177/1477370820916447)
- Jones, R. , Hart, E. and Scott, D. 2022. Chorley ‘Super Prison’: The case against. Technical Report.
- Jones, R. and Wyn Jones, R. 2022. The criminal justice system in Wales: On the jagged edge. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Kalunga, F. 2022. Changing perspectives on chieftaincy in Zambia’s public law history. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Kimani-Murage, E. W. et al., 2022. COVID- 19 and human right to food: Lived experiences of the urban poor in Kenya with the impacts of government’s response measures: A participatory qualitative study. BMC Public Health 22 1399. (10.1186/s12889-022-13638-3)
- Latif, L. 2022. Zakat and the financing of public health in Kenya: An interdisciplinary analysis of human rights law, Islamic law and constitutional law. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Lester, N. 2022. Beyond greedy: Understanding the impact of the military’s response on the bereaved family following the death of the service person in the line of duty. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Lewis, R. 2022. Maritime humanitarian corridors in Ukraine (Part 1). [Online].Human Rights at Sea. Available at: https://www.humanrightsatsea.org/news/maritime-humanitarian-corridors-ukraine-part-1.
- Lewis, R. 2022. Maritime humanitarian corridors in Ukraine (Part 2). [Online].Human Rights at Sea. Available at: https://www.humanrightsatsea.org/news/maritime-humanitarian-corridors-ukraine-part-2.
- Lewis, R. 2022. UK House of Lords UNCLOS inquiry: a significant intervention. [Online].http://opiniojuris.org: Opinio Juris. Available at: http://opiniojuris.org/2022/03/17/uk-house-of-lords-unclos-inquiry-a-significant-intervention/.
- Manji, A. 2022. 'Foresting over family farms: the global context for green-grabbing in Wales'. [Online].Planet Magazine: The Welsh Internationalist. Available at: https://www.planetmagazine.org.uk/planet-online/246/ambreena-manji.
- Manji, A. 2022. Rereading burying SM as a 'social reproduction text'. African Studies 81 (2), pp.247-253. (10.1080/00020184.2022.2080430)
- Manji, A. 2022. The struggles of the Ngorongoro Maasai. [Online].https://roape.net: ROAPE. Available at: https://roape.net/2022/02/11/the-struggles-of-the-ngorongoro-maasai/.
- McGarry, D. 2022. A framing theory and discourse analytic study of the child labour policy debate: A framing-governmentality study of the historical relationship between the ILO and child labour policy. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Newman, D. 2022. Access to justice for vulnerable and energy-poor consumers: Just energy? Naomi Creutzfeldt, Chris Gill, Marine Cornelis and Rachel McPherson (Oxford: Hart, 2021) [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 49 (3), pp.629-632. (10.1111/jols.12374)
- Newman, D. 2022. Felice Batlan and Marianne Vasara-Aaltonen (eds) Histories of legal aid: A comparative and international perspective. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. [Book Revoew]. Amicus Curiae 4 (1)(10.14296/ac.v4i1.5499)
- Newman, D. and Dehaghani, R. 2022. Experiences of criminal justice: perspectives from Wales on a system in crisis. Bristol University Press.
- Noussia, K. et al., 2022. Bias of arbitrators: a critical analysis on the law post-Halliburton v. Chubb and a comparative approach. Journal of International Trade and Arbitration 2 (1), pp.31-92.
- O'Neill, R. and Wilks, R. 2022. Betting on deaf children's futures: how far are the Scottish and Welsh approaches ensuring the inclusion of BSL in deaf education?. Presented at: EdSign Lecture Series, DeafAction Edinburgh, UK 20 December 2022.
- O'Neill, R. and Wilks, R. 2022. Deaf Education and the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015: comparisons with the Welsh approach. Presented at: WISERD Annual Conference 2022 Swansea, UK 6-8 July 2022.
- Parry, M. 2022. Collisions and concussion in sport: time for a duty of care?. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Pearce, S. and Lagana, G. 2022. Challenging scalar fallacy in state-wide welfare studies: a UK sub-state comparison of civil society approaches to addressing youth unemployment. International Journal of Social Welfare (10.1111/ijsw.12572)
- Pereira, R. 2022. The Cartagena protocol on biosafety and the regulation of transboundary movement of living modified organisms. In: Benedict, M. and Scott, M. eds. Transgenic Insects: Techniques and Applications. CABI. , pp.533-551.
- Pereira, R. , Sjöstedt, B. and Krause, T. 2022. El medioambiente y los pueblos indígenas en el contexto del conflicto armado y el proceso de consolidación de la paz en Colombia: implicaciones para la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz y la justicia penal internacional. Technical Report.
- Petetin, L. 2022. Setting the path for UK and devolved agriculture. In: Antonopoulos, I. et al., The Governance of Agriculture in Post-Brexit UK. Routledge
- Petetin, L. and Dobbs, M. 2022. Brexit and agriculture. Routledge.
- Pierce, O. 2022. Humanisation and the normative evolution of international society. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Priban, J. 2022. Od sociologie práva k ústavnímu pluralismu: Eugen Ehrlich a teorie společenského konstitucionalismu [From the sociology of law to the constitutional pluralism: Eugen Ehrlich and theory of societal constitutionalism]. Pravnik [The Lawyer] 161 (5), pp.396-410.
- Priban, J. 2022. Věčný návrat do střední Evropy [The eternal return to Central Europe]. In: Kubíček, T. ed. The Tragedy of the West: A Laboratory of the Twilight. [Únos Západu aneb laboratoř soumraku]. Brno: Moravská zemská knihovna. , pp.105-122.
- Renaudin, M. 2022. The consequences of Brexit for regulatory competition and the approximation of commercial law. In: Andenas, M. and Heidemann, M. eds. Quo Vadis Commercial Contract? Reflections on Sustainability, Ethics and Technology in the Emerging Law and Practice of Global Commerce. London Centre for Commercial and Financial Law Book Series Springer Nature
- Renaudin, M. 2022. The English Floating charge and the reform of French personal property law: contribution to the conceptualisation of a French global security. Presented at: The LCF's 7th Annual Conference on the Commercial Contract in Scholarship and Law Reform 2022 London 21 October 2022.
- Sandberg, R. 2022. A sociological perspective on the internal laws of religion. Ancilla Iuris Special Issue: Comparing religious laws: Different approaches and methods. (10.26031/2022.084)
- Sandberg, R. 2022. Eweida v UK: Cross words and the reformulation of religious freedom. In: Barker, R. ed. Law and Religion in the Commonwealth: The Evolution of Case Law. Hart. , pp.49-64.
- Sandberg, R. 2022. Religion in schools: learning lessons from Wales. Anthem Studies in Law Reform Anthem Press.
- Sandberg, R. 2022. The unexpected benefit of hindsight: Reassessing the legal importance of the black death from the vantage point of the Covid pandemic. Law & Justice 188 , pp.38-50.
- Series, L. 2022. Deprivation of liberty in the shadows of the institution. Bristol University Press.
- Siliquini-Cinelli, L. 2022. Peter Benson, Justice in transactions: A theory of contract law [Book Review]. Edinburgh Law Review 26 (3), pp.478-480. (10.3366/elr.2022.0802)
- Sion, C. and Ifan, G. 2022. When ends don't meet: a cost-of-living update. Technical Report.
- Stokes, E. 2022. Futurescapes of Planning Law: Some Preliminary Thoughts on a Timely Encounter. In: Lee, M. and Abbot, C. eds. Taking English Planning Law Scholarship Seriously. UCL Press. , pp.157-179.
- Stokes, E. and Pontin, B. 2022. Historical-futures and future-futures in environmental law pedagogy: exploring ‘Futures Literacy’. International Journal of Law in Context 18 (SI4), pp.440-449. (10.1017/S1744552322000404)
- Tarrant, A. 2022. Independent living as a counter-narrative: a work of resistance and repair. International Journal of Disability and Social Justice 2 (1), pp.48-73.
- Tarrant, A. and Goodall, C. 2022. Welcome break? Holidays and recreation as eligible needs under the care act 2014. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 44 , pp.544-546. (10.1080/09649069.2022.2136707)
- Thompson, S. 2022. Behind Casanova's charter: Edith Summerskill, divorce and the deserted wife. In: Probert, R. , Monk, D. and Miles, J. eds. Fifty Years of the Divorce Reform Act. Hart Publishing/Bloomsbury Publishing
- Thompson, S. 2022. Quiet revolutionaries: The married women's association and family law. Hart Publishing/Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Thompson, S. 2022. The untold story of a mid-20th century group of women fighting for equality in marriage – and why it matters today. The Conversation 2022 (12 Sep)
- Van Rooy, C. 2022. Expertise and legitimacy in models of regulatory cooperation lessons from the transatlantic experience. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Varvastian, S. 2022. Factors determining the viability of rights claims in climate change litigation. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Walters, R. 2022. Varieties of gender wash: Towards a framework for critiquing corporate social responsibility in feminist IPE. Review of International Political Economy 29 (5), pp.1577-1600. (10.1080/09692290.2021.1935295)
- Wilks, R. 2022. Developing Deaf jurisprudence: the role of interpreters and translators. In: Stone, C. et al., Routledge Handbook of Sign Language Translation and Interpreting. London: Routledge. , pp.249-266.
- Wilks, R. 2022. Developing Deaf legal theory. Presented at: Language and Law Seminars, University of Birmingham Birmingham, UK 10 November 2022.
- Wilks, R. and O'Neill, R. 2022. Deaf Education in Scotland and Wales: Attitudes to British Sign Language in deaf education compared to Gaelic and Welsh.
- Willmington, E. 2022. Production of ignorance and co-production of resistance: Britain’s Hostile Environment. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Wincott, D. 2022. The Anglo-British state, Welsh devolution and the Covid-19 pandemic in England and Wales: territorial riddles, mysterious boundaries and enigmatic identities. In: Molinari, V. and Beylier, P. eds. COVID-19 in Europe and North America: Policy Responses and Multi-Level Governance. Oldenburg: De Gruyter
- Wincott, D. , Murray, C. and Davies, G. 2022. The Anglo-British Imaginary and the rebuilding of the territorial constitution after Brexit - unitary state or union state?. Territory, Politics, Governance 10 (5), pp.696-713. (10.1080/21622671.2021.1921613)
- Yanti Sulistiawati, L. et al., 2022. Environmental courts and tribunals: A guide for policymakers. Technical Report.
- Zalewski, M. 2022. Theorizing sexual violence in global politics: improvising with feminist theory. Review of International Studies 48 (1), pp.129-148. (10.1017/S0260210521000449)
You can view all of our law publications in the University's institutional repository.