2017 Publications
- Smith, S. et al. 2017. Ethical judgments: re-writing medical law. UK: Hart Publishing.
- Doe, N. and Sandberg, R. eds. 2017. Law and history. Critical Concepts in Law Abingdon: Routledge.
- Doe, N. and Sandberg, R. eds. 2017. Law and religion.. Critical Concepts in Law Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- 2017. Response to the Home Office PACE Consultation – 5 December 2017. Technical Report.
- Afionis, S. 2017. The European Union in international climate change negotiations. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Afionis, S. et al. 2017. Consumption-based carbon accounting: does it have a future?. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 8 (1) e438. (10.1002/wcc.438)
- Al-Ameen, H. 2017. On the value of counterfactual assessments in merger cases. Journal of Juridical Science 42 , pp.1-24. (10.18820/24150517/JJS42.v2.1)
- Al-Ameen, H. A. 2017. Image right clauses in football contracts: masterstroke for mutual success?. Intellectual Property Rights 5 (1) 185. (10.4172/2375-4516.1000185)
- Arsalidou, D. 2017. Corporate governance in the aftermath of the global financial crisis: Issues and action. Business Law Review 38 (2), pp.42-54.
- Arsalidou, D. 2017. Multiple actors, multiple weaknesses: addressing the inherent failures of the UK corporate governance system. In: Tchotourian, I. ed. Company Law and CSR: New Legal and Economic Challenges. Brussels: Bruylant
- Bell, S. et al., 2017. Environmental Law. Oxford University Press.
- Blanco, E. M. and Pontin, B. 2017. Litigating extraterritorial nuisances under English common law and UK statute. Transnational Environmental Law 6 (2), pp.285-308. (10.1017/S2047102516000303)
- Boukalas, C. 2017. L'anti-terrorisme Anglo-saxon: étatisme Autoritaire et Pré-emption du Futur. In: de Simoni, S. , Guillibert, P. and Krickerberg, M. eds. Critique de la Sécurité: Accumulation Capitaliste et Pacification Sociale. Translated from the original by M. Krickerberg A' Present Paris: Eterotopia. , pp.1-38.
- Boukalas, C. 2017. UK counterterrorism law, pre-emption, and politics: Toward “authoritarian legality”?. New Criminal Law Review 20 (3), pp.355-390. (10.1525/nclr.2017.20.3.355.)
- Brolan, C. E. et al., 2017. The right to health of non-nationals and displaced persons in the sustainable development goals era: challenges for equity in universal health care. International Journal for Equity in Health 16 (14)(10.1186/s12939-016-0500-z)
- Caddell, R. 2017. Annex VIII Special Arbitration. In: Proelss, A. ed. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary. CH Beck. , pp.2491-2511.
- Caddell, R. 2017. Uncharted waters: strategic environmental assessment in the UK offshore area. In: Jones, G. and Scotford, E. eds. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: A Plan for Success?. Hart. , pp.283-309.
- Carver, N. and Hambly, J. 2017. Brexit and unemployment: Where bureaucracy becomes brutal. [Online].Open Democracy. Available at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/natasha-carver-jessica-hambly/brexit-where-bureaucracy-becomes-brutal.
- Chambers, S. J. 2017. The impact of police and crime commissioners on community safety agendas in England and Wales: a comparative study of South Wales and Avon and Somerset, 2012–2016. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cram, F. 2017. Tales from the field: problems with police ethnography. Presented at: Theory and Method in Empirical Studies in Law Workshop University of Birmingham September 14, 2017.
- Davies, G. 2017. The legitimising role of judicial dialogue between the United Kingdom courts and the European Court of Human Rights. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Davis, K. et al., 2017. The declaration on human rights and climate change: a new legal tool for global policy change. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 8 (2), pp.217-253. (10.4337/jhre.2017.02.03)
- Dehaghani, R. 2017. Automatic authorisation: an exploration of the decision to detain in police custody. Criminal Law Review 3 , pp.187-202.
- Dehaghani, R. 2017. Challenging childhood: Vulnerability and age assessments. [Online].University of Oxford Faculty of Law. Available at: https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/research-subject-groups/centre-criminology/centreborder-criminologies/blog/2017/02/challenging.
- Dehaghani, R. 2017. Custody officers, Code C and constructing vulnerability: implications for policy and practice. Policing 11 (1), pp.74-86. (10.1093/police/paw024)
- Dehaghani, R. 2017. Identifying vulnerability. Criminal Law and Justice Weekly 181 (4)
- Dehaghani, R. 2017. ‘Vulnerable by law (but not by nature)’: examining perceptions of youth and childhood ‘vulnerability’ in the context of police custody. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 39 (4), pp.454-472. (10.1080/09649069.2017.1390279)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2017. “We’re vulnerable too”: an (alternative) analysis of vulnerability within English criminal legal aid and police custody. Oñati Socio-Legal Series 7 (6), pp.1199-1228.
- Doe, C. N. 2017. Natural law in an interfaith context: the Abrahamic religions. In: Doe, C. N. ed. Christianity and Natural Law: An Introduction. Cambridge Studies in Law and Christianity Cambridge University Press. , pp.184-204. (10.1017/9781316890615.011)
- Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. 2017. Religion law and religious law. In: Doe, C. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Religion.. Vol. 1, Critical Concepts in Law Routledge. , pp.1-21.
- Doe, N. 2017. Richard Hooker: Priest and Jurist. In: Hill, M. and Helmholz, R. H. eds. Great Christian Jurists in English History. Cambridge Studies in Law and Christianity Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.115-138. (10.1017/9781108125901.008)
- Doe, N. 2017. The category 'legal theology' and the study of Christian laws. Journal of Law and Religion 32 (1), pp.1-7. (10.1017/jlr.2017.13)
- Doe, N. 2017. The legal architecture of English cathedrals. Law and Religion Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315659268)
- Dorey, P. 2017. Towards exit from the EU: The Conservative Party's increasing Euroscepticism since the 1980s. Politics and Governance 5 (2), pp.27-40. (10.17645/pag.v5i2.873)
- Dorey, P. 2017. Why has 'stage two' of House of Lords Reform not been completed after 17 years?. [Online].Parliaments and Legislatures. Available at: https://parliamentsandlegislatures.wordpress.com/2017/01/11/why-has-stage-two-of-house-of-lords-reform-not-been-completed-after-17-years/.
- Doughty, J. 2017. F v F Commentary. In: Stalford, H. , Hollingsworth, K. and Gilmore, S. eds. Rewriting Children's Rights Judgments:From Academic Vision to New Practice. Oxford: Hart. , pp.229-236.
- Doughty, J. 2017. ‘It went into a bit of an abyss': why adopters need a guide to the law. Family Law 47 (4), pp.420-424.
- Doughty, J. , Meakings, S. and Shelton, K. 2017. The legal and administrative processes in adoption: views and experiences of newly formed adoptive families. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 39 (4), pp.473-490. (10.1080/09649069.2017.1390284)
- Doughty, J. , Twaite, A. and Magrath, P. 2017. Transparency through publication of family court judgments: An evaluation of the responses to, and effects of, judicial guidance on publishing family court judgments involving children and young people. Cardiff University.
- Drieschova, A. 2017. Peirce's semeiotics: a methodology for bridging the material-ideational divide in IR scholarship. International Theory 9 (1), pp.33-66. (10.1017/S1752971916000233)
- Eady, D. and Field, S. 2017. Truth-finding and the adversarial tradition: the experience of the Cardiff Law School Innocence Project. Criminal Law Review 2017 (4), pp.292-306.
- Evans, S. H. 2017. Semi detached? The development of divergence in social housing regulation between Wales and England. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Favretto, N. et al., 2017. Policy and diplomacy in the production of second generation ethanol in Brazil: international relations with the EU, the USA and Africa. In: Buckeridge, M. S. and De Souza, A. P. eds. Advances of Basic Science for Second Generation Bioethanol from Sugarcane. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. , pp.197-212. (10.1007/978-3-319-49826-3_11)
- Fogleman, V. 2017. Surviving without nature: Inside the Equal Access to Justice Act: Environmental litigation and the crippling battle over America’s lands, endangered species, and critical habitats. By LOWELL E BAIER [Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016, 648 pp,ISBN 978-1-4422-5744-3, Hardback [Review Essay]. Journal of Environmental Law 29 (3), pp.565-578. (10.1093/jel/eqx025)
- Gray, J. , Lindstadt, R. and Slapin, J. B. 2017. The dynamics of enlargement in international organisations. International Interactions 43 (4), pp.619-642. (10.1080/03050629.2017.1228039)
- Grear, A. 2017. ‘Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene’: Re-encountering environmental law and its ‘subject’ with Haraway and New Materialism. In: Kotze, L. ed. Re-Imagining Environmental Law and Governance for the Anthropocene. Oxford: Hart Publishing
- Grear, A. 2017. Foregrounding vulnerability: materiality’s porous affectability as a methodological platform. In: Philippoloulos-Mihalopoulos, A. and Brookes, V. eds. Handbook of Research Methods in Environmental Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. , pp.3-28.
- Greenwood, H. 2017. Exploring the UK innocence movement: tension, reconfiguration and theorisation. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Griffiths, K. 2017. From 'form' to function and back again: a comparative analysis of form-based and function-based recognition of adult relationships in law.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Gruffydd Jones, B. 2017. Comradeship, committed and conscious: the anticolonial archive speaks to our times. In: el-Malik, S. S. and Kamola, I. A. eds. Politics of African Anticolonial Archive. Kilombo: International Relations and Colonial Questions Vol. 2.London: Rowman and Littlefield International. , pp.57-82.
- Harrington, A. , Gheorghe, E. and Loukianova, A. 2017. What arguments motivate citizens to demand nuclear disarmament. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 73 (4), pp.255-263. (10.1080/00963402.2017.1338039)
- Hayes, L. J. B. 2017. Stories of care: a labour of law. Gender and class at work. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1057/978-1-137-49260-9)
- Hayes, L. 2017. Paid care work, gendered labour law and the vulnerability of community. In: Fineman, M. A. and Fineman, J. W. eds. Vulnerability and the Legal Organization of Work. Gender in Law,Culture, and Society London: Routledge(10.4324/9781315518572-8)
- Hayes, L. 2017. 8 good reasons why adult social care needs sectoral collective bargaining.
- Hayes, L. 2017. Tackling worker exploitation in low-waged work. In: Brexit and Fair Movement of People: Securing Wales' Future. Cardiff: Welsh Government. , pp.79-112.
- Hayes, L. and Charlesworth, S. 2017. Fragmentation's frontline. gender-based violence in homecare.. Presented at: ESRC Strategic network on unacceptable work: global dialogue / local innovation Durham University, Durham, UK 14-15th September 2017.
- Hayes, L. and Moore, S. 2017. Care in a time of austerity: the electronic monitoring of Homecare workers' time. Gender Work and Organization 24 (4), pp.329-344. (10.1111/gwao.12164)
- Hayes, L. and Moore, S. 2017. The electronic monitoring of care work - the redefinition of working time. In: Moore, P. , Upchurch, M. and Whittaker, X. eds. Humans and Machines At Work. Monitoring, Surveillance and Autonmation in Contemporary Capitalism. Palgrave Macmillan
- Henderson, A. et al., 2017. How Brexit was made in England. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19 (4), pp.631-646. (10.1177/1369148117730542)
- Henley, A. and Lang, M. 2017. Self-employment in Wales: micro-business activity or the rise of the gig economy?. Welsh Economic Review 25 , pp.9-17. (10.18573/j.2017.10194)
- Hennig, M. and Caddell, R. 2017. On thin ice? Arctic indigenous communities, the European Union and the sustainable use of marine mammals. In: Liu, N. , Kirk, E. A. and Henriksen, T. eds. The European Union and The Arctic. Vol. 85, Publications on Ocean Development Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff. , pp.296-341. (10.1163/9789004349179_012)
- Hill, M. and Doe, C. 2017. Principles of Christian Law. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 19 (2), pp.138-155. (10.1017/S0956618X17000035)
- Hill, M. and Sandberg, R. 2017. The right to blaspheme. In: Temperman, J. and Koltray, A. eds. Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression: Comparative, Theoretical and Historical Reflections after the Charlie Hebdo Massacre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.114-136.
- Hunt, J. 2017. Devolution. In: Dougan, M. ed. The UK after Brexit: Legal and Policy Challenges. Intersentia
- Hunt, J. and Minto, R. 2017. Between intergovernmental relations and paradiplomacy: Wales and the Brexit of the regions. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19 (4), pp.647-662. (10.1177/1369148117725027)
- Jiang, T. and Jing, Z. 2017. Shipper's title to sue after the transfer of the bill of lading: A comparative study for the reform of Chinese Maritime Law. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 48 (2), pp.155-182.
- Johnson, P. 2017. Minutes of Evidence of the Select Committee on the Letters Patent for Invention Act 1835. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 7 (1), pp.99-1187. (10.4337/qmjip.2017.01.05)
- Johnson, P. 2017. Privatised law reform: a history of patent law through private legislation, 1620-1907. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315123073)
- Johnson, P. 2017. The commentators on civil and customary law and their role in the modern courtroom in Jersey: an empirical analysis. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review 21 , pp.386-392.
- Johnson, P. 2017. The (re-)emergence of the doctrine of equivalents. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 12 (10), pp.817-818. (10.1093/jiplp/jpx155)
- Johnson, P. 2017. The report of the Parker Committee on Patent Law 1916. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 7 (2), pp.156-190. (10.4337/qmjip.2017.02.02)
- Jones, I. and Malkani, B. 2017. Beastly humans: the welfare model of executions. Law, Culture and the Humanities (10.1177/1743872117739563)
- Jones, R. D. 2017. The hybrid system: imprisonment and devolution in Wales. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Kakoullis, E. , Series, L. and Tarrant, A. 2017. Comments on the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Draft General Comment No. 5 (2017) Article 19 CRPD: Living independently and being included in the community. Documentation. United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. Available at: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/WSArticle19.aspx.
- Kennett, W. 2017. Religious arbitration in North America. In: Bano, S. ed. Gender Equality and Justice in Family Law Disputes: Women, Mediation and Religious Arbitration. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press. , pp.189-214. (10.2307/j.ctv102bhb9.12)
- Kennett, W. 2017. The role of notaries in the United Kingdom and non-judicial enforcement titles. In: Marciniak, A. ed. Notarialne tytuły egzekucyjne. Między tradycją a przyszłością (Notarial Enforcement Orders. Between Tradition and the Future). Warsaw: Wydawnictwo C.H.Beck. , pp.77-99.
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- Malkani, B. 2017. Dignity and the death penalty in the United States Supreme Court. Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 44 (2), pp.145-201.
- Malkani, B. 2017. John Bessler, the death penalty as torture: from the Dark Ages to Abolition [Book Review]. Human Rights Law Review 17 (4), pp.797-801. (10.1093/hrlr/ngx033)
- Manji, A. 2017. Law and Global Justice Centre, Cardiff. [Video]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/international/meet-our-people/ambreena-manji.
- Manji, A. 2017. Property, conservation and enclosure in Karura Forest, Nairobi. African Affairs 116 (463), pp.186-205. (10.1093/afraf/adx006)
- Manji, A. 2017. Roundtable review. Land, law, rumour and research.. Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies 3 (2-4), pp.173-176. (10.1080/23277408.2017.1343007)
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- Morris, A. 2017. Tort and neo-liberalism. In: Barker, K. , Fairweather, K. and Grantham, R. eds. Private Law in the 21st Century. Hart Studies in Private Law Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing. , pp.503-526.
- Mugabi, I. 2017. Followers and failures of the disability individual complaints in the same European Union (EU) family. Presented at: 13th Annual International Conference on Law 8 Valaoritou Street Kolonaki, 10671 Athens, Greece 11-14 July 2016. Published in: Frenkel, D. A. ed. Role of Law, Human Rights and Social Justice, Justice Systems, Commerce, and Law Curriculum: Selected Issues. 8 Valaoritou Street Kolonaki, 10671 Athens, Greece: The Athens Institute for Education and Research. , pp.74-104.
- Mugabi, I. and Raletsebe, I. 2017. Corporate social responsibility in Africa: case study of Botswana: Botswana companies and global reporting initiative (GRI) as a model for sustainable reporting. Düsseldorf: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
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- Petetin, L. 2017. Precaution and equivalence - the critical interplay in EU biotech foods. European Law Review 42 (6), pp.831-847.
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- Priban, J. 2017. A sociology of Legal Distinctions: Introducing contemporary interpretations of classic socio-legal concepts. Journal of Law and Society 44 (S1), pp.1-18. 1.
- Priban, J. 2017. Anything to appreciate? a sociological view of the margin of rights and the persuasive force of their doctrines. In: Agha, P. ed. Human Rights Between Law and Politics: The Margin of Appreciation in Post-national Contexts. Oxford: Hart Publishing. , pp.89-110.
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- Priban, J. 2017. Pulling down walls of certainty [published in Czech: Bořit zdi samozřejmosti: k úmrtí Zygmunta Baumana). Czech Sociological Review 53 (1), pp.121-126.
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