2014 Publications
- Grear, A. and Gearty, C. eds. 2014. Choosing a future: social and legal aspects of climate change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781784711900)
- Rainey, B. , Wicks, E. and Ovey, C. eds. 2014. Jacobs, White & Ovey: The European Convention on Human Rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Grear, A. and Kotze, L. J. eds. 2014. Research handbook on human rights and the environment. Research Handbooks Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Adam, B. E. et al. 2014. Promise through the lens of time. Presented at: Futures in Question Goldsmiths, University of London 11-12 September 2014.
- Afionis, S. 2014. Biodiesel. In: Garrett, M. ed. Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy. SAGE Publications, Inc.. , pp.289-291. (10.4135/9781483346526.n106)
- Afionis, S. 2014. Biofuels. In: Garrett, M. ed. Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy. SAGE Publications. , pp.291-293. (10.4135/9781483346526.n107)
- Al-Ameen, H. A. 2014. Antitrust: The person-centred approach. Springer International. (10.1007/978-3-319-01724-2)
- Boukalas, C. 2014. Homeland security, its law, and its state - a design of power for the 21st century. Routledge Research in Terrorism and Law Abingdon: Routledge.
- Boukalas, C. 2014. Liberty and security by Conor Gearty [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 41 (3), pp.477-483. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2014.00679.x)
- Boukalas, C. 2014. No exceptions: authoritarian statism. Agamben, Poulantzas and homeland security. Critical Studies on Terrorism 7 (1), pp.112-130.
- Breda, V. 2014. An odd partnership: identity-based constitutional claims in modern democracy. In: Jenkins, F. , Noland, M. and Rubinstein, K. eds. Allegiance and Identity in a Globalised World. Connecting international law with public law Vol. 4.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.52-76.
- Breda, V. 2014. Constitutional patriotism: A reasonable theory of radical democracy?. In: Zagor, M. ed. Constitutional Patriotism and Identity. Canberrra: Australian National University Press
- Breda, V. 2014. How to reverse the Italian brain drain: a master class from Australia. International Migration 52 (4), pp.64-77. (10.1111/imig.12142)
- Brown, L. A. 2014. Banks and secured lending: environmental risks and due diligence. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Burke, S. 2014. 5 Pointz down: the New York District Court ruling on ‘Graffiti Mecca’. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 4 (3), pp.226-235. (10.4337/qmjip.2014.03.04)
- Butler, I. 2014. New families; new governance - voices heard and unheard. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 36 (4), pp.415-425. (10.1080/09649069.2014.967990)
- Caddell, J. R. 2014. C. Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 25 (1), pp.269-274. (10.1093/yiel/yvv016)
- Caddell, R. 2014. Platforms, protestors and provisional measures: the Arctic Sunrise dispute and environmental activism at sea. In: Ambrus, M. and Wessel, R. A. eds. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2014: Between Pragmatism and Predictability: Temporariness in International Law. Vol. 45, Springer. , pp.359-384. (10.1007/978-94-6265-060-2_14)
- Caddell, R. 2014. Pursuing the northern rights: the emergent Arctic policy of the UK. Environmental Law Review 16 (2), pp.122-128. (10.1350/enlr.2014.16.2.210)
- Caddell, R. 2014. Science friction: Antarctic research whaling and the International Court of Justice. Journal of Environmental Law 26 (2), pp.331-340. (10.1093/jel/equ018)
- Carver, N. 2014. Displaying genuineness: cultural translation in the drafting of marriage narratives for immigration applications and appeals. Families, Relationships and Societies 3 (2), pp.271-286. (10.1332/204674313X669937)
- Carver, N. 2014. The importance of being genuine. [Online].Free Movement. Available at: https://www.freemovement.org.uk/the-importance-of-being-genuine/..
- Chambers, S. J. 2014. Who is policing the police and crime commissioners?. Safer Communities 13 (1), pp.32-39. (10.1108/SC-07-2013-0012)
- Chaney, P. and Wincott, D. 2014. Envisioning the third sector's welfare role: critical discourse analysis of 'post-devolution' public policy in the UK 1998-2012. Social Policy and Administration 48 (7), pp.757-781. (10.1111/spol.12062)
- Clements, L. 2014. Caring as a human right. Legal Action 2014 (Oct), pp.8-10.
- Clements, L. 2014. Caring as a human right? the Pauline Thompson memorial lecture 2014. Elder Law Journal 4 (4), pp.375-381.
- Cole, M. 2014. Tying law in the European Union: theory and application. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- D'Auria, E. 2014. The use of experts in the Roman Catholic Church with particular reference to marriage cases. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Davey, J. 2014. D. Schwarcz (ed), Law and Economics of Insurance (Edward Elgar, 2012) [Book Review]. Insurance Law Journal
- Davey, J. 2014. Dial M for moral hazard? Incentives to murder and the Life Assurance Act 1774. Insurance Law Journal 25 (2)
- Davey, J. 2014. Genetic discrimination in insurance: lessons from test achats. In: Quinn, G. , De Paor, A. and Blanck, P. eds. Genetic Discrimination - Transatlantic Perspectives on the Case for a European Level Legal Response. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd. , pp.143-160.
- Davey, J. 2014. Marine insurance and general average. In: International Commercial & Maritime Law Yearbook 2014. Informa
- Doe, C. 2014. The State from the perspective of religious laws: a global approach with particular reference to Christianity. In: Balzs, S. ed. Religious Understandings of the State in Europe, Proceedings of the European Consortium for Church and State Research. Trier : Institute for European Constitutional Law, University of Trier on behalf of the European Consortium for Church and State Research. , pp.261-300.
- Doe, C. N. 2014. Religion and public schools in the States of Europe: a juridical overview. In: Cano Ruiz, I. ed. La Enseñanza de la Religión en la Escuela Pública. Granada. , pp.375-380.
- Dorey, P. 2014. The 'Stepping Stones' programme: The Conservative Party's struggle to develop a trade-union policy, 1975-79. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 2014 (35), pp.89-116. (10.3828/hsir.2014.35.4)
- Doughty, J. 2014. Care proceedings - is there a better way?. Child and Family Law Quarterly 26 (2), pp.113-131.
- Douglas, G. 2014. Family provision and family practices - The discretionary regime of the Inheritance Act of England and Wales. Oñati Socio-Legal Series 4 (2), pp.122-142.
- Douglas, G. et al. 2014. Religious divorce in England and Wales: religious tribunals in action. In: Shah, P. , Foblets, M. and Rohe, M. eds. Family, Religion and Law: Cultural encounters in Europe. Farnham: Ashgate. , pp.195-208.
- Drieschova, A. and Eckstein, G. 2014. Cooperative transboundary mechanism. In: Sanchez, J. C. and Roberts, J. eds. Water Governance: Adaptation to Climate Change. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for the Conservation of Nature. , pp.51-80.
- Giordano, M. et al., 2014. A review of the evolution and state of transboundary freshwater treaties. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law, and Economics 14 (3), pp.245-264. (10.1007/s10784-013-9211-8)
- Glass, D. 2014. Jurisdiction under CMR - a fitting swansong. Shipping & Transport International 10 (2), pp.4-9. 1.
- Glass, D. A. 2014. All tied up? The potential impact of the Rotterdam rules on shippers' obligations to carriers under bill of lading clauses in respect of goods shipped. In: Soyer, B. and Tettenborn, A. M. eds. Carriage of Goods by Sea, Land and Air: Unimodal and Multimodal Transport in the 21st Century. Abingdon: Informa Law. , pp.161-181.
- Gouldson, A. , Sullivan, R. and Afionis, S. 2014. Corporate social responsibility, sustainability and the governance of business. In: Atkinson, G. et al., Handbook of Sustainable Development. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. , pp.564-576. (10.4337/9781782544708.00049)
- Grear, A. 2014. David Bollier, Think like a commoner: a short introduction to the life of the Commons (New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, Canada 2014) 192 pp [Book Review]. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 5 (2), pp.213-219. (10.4337/jhre.2014.03.06)
- Grear, A. 2014. Series editor’s preface. In: Maloney, M. and Burdon, P. eds. Wild Law - In Practice. Law, Justice and Ecology Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.xii-xii.
- Grear, A. 2014. Towards ‘climate justice’? A critical reflection on legal subjectivity and climate injustice: warning signals, patterned hierarchies, directions for future law and policy. Special Edition Journal of Human Rights and the Environment. , pp.103-133. (10.4337/jhre.2014.02.08)
- Grear, A. and Gearty, C. 2014. Choosing a future: the social and legal aspects of climate change. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 5 , pp.1-7. (10.4337/jhre.2014.02.00)
- Gruffydd Jones, B. 2014. Africanist scholarship, eurocentrism and the politics of knowledge. In: Araújo, M. and Maeso, S. R. eds. Eurocentrism, Racism and Knowledge: Debates on History and Power in Europe and the Americas. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan UK. , pp.114-135. (10.1057/9781137292896_7)
- Gruffydd Jones, B. 2014. 'Good governance' and 'state failure': the pseudo-science of statesmen in our times. In: Anievas, A. , Manchanda, N. and Shilliam, R. eds. Race and Racism in International Relations: Confronting the Global Colour Line. Routledge. , pp.62-80.
- Halpern, S. W. and Johnson, P. 2014. Harmonising copyright law and dealing with dissonance: A framework for convergence of US and EU law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (10.4337/9781782544197)
- Harrington, A. and Englert, M. 2014. How much is enough? The politics of technology and weaponless nuclear deterrence. The Global Politics of Science and Technology , pp.287-302. (10.1007/978-3-642-55010-2_17)
- Harrington, J. 2014. Access to essential medicines in Kenya: Intellectual property, anti-counterfeiting and the right to health. In: Freeman, M. , Hawkes, S. and Bennett, B. eds. Law and Global Health. Current Legal Issues. Vol. 16, Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199688999.003.0007)
- Harrington, J. 2014. Of paradox and plausibility: the dynamic of change in medical law. Medical Law Review 22 (3), pp.305-324. (10.1093/medlaw/fwt036)
- Harrington, J. and O'Hare, A. 2014. Framing the national interest: Debating intellectual property and access to essential medicines in Kenya. Journal of World Intellectual Property 17 (1-2), pp.16-33. (10.1002/jwip.12020)
- Hayes, L. 2014. Law and gender by Joanne Conaghan [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 41 (2), pp.323-326. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2014.00669.x)
- Hayes, L. 2014. 'Women's voice' and equal pay: judicial regard for the gendering of collective bargaining. In: Bogg, A. and Novitz, T. eds. Voices at Work: Continuity and Change in the Common Law World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.35-55.
- Hayes, L. and Novitz, T. 2014. Trade Unions and economic inequality. Project Report.[Online].London: Institute of Employment Rights. Available at: http://classonline.org.uk/pubs/item/trade-unions-and-economic-inequality.
- Hill, M. , Sandberg, R. and Doe, C. N. 2014. Religion and law in the United Kingdom. In: Torfs, R. ed. International Encyclopaedia of Laws, 2nd edition. International Encyclopaedia of Laws Series Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International
- Hofius, M. et al., 2014. Den Schleier lichten? Kritische Normenforschung, Freiheit und Gleichberechtigung im Kontext des »Arabischen Frühlings«. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 21 (2), pp.85-105. (10.5771/0946-7165-2014-2-85)
- Hunt, J. 2014. Making the CAP fit: Responding to the exploitation of migrant agricultural workers in the EU. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law 30 (2), pp.131-152.
- Johnson, P. 2014. Federalism and localisation in intellectual property law-making. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 9 (12), pp.949-950.
- Johnson, P. and Halpern, S. 2014. When is a performance not a performance (but a copyright work)? Garcia v Google, 743 F 3d 1258 (9th Cir 2014). Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 4 , pp.236-243. (10.4337/qmjip.2014.03.05)
- Johnson, P. , Roughton, A. and Cook, T. 2014. The modern law of patents, 3rd edition. London: LexisNexis.
- Kennett, W. 2014. Studies in comparative civil and family procedure. Presented at: SLSA Conference. Exploring the Comparative in Socio-Legal Studies Oxford 16 December 2014.
- Khan, L. L. 2014. The effect of tax amnesty on anti-money laundering in Bangladesh. Journal of Money Laundering Control 17 (2), pp.243-255.
- Kwek, D. 2014. Daisy Delogu Theorizing the ideal sovereign: The rise and fall of the French vernacular royal biography [Book Review]. Canadian Journal of Law and Society 24 (03), pp.445-447. (10.1017/S0829320100010152)
- Lewis, R. K. 2014. Compensation culture reviewed: incentives to claim and damages levels. Journal of Personal Injury Law (4), pp.209-225. (10.2139/ssrn.2467110)
- Love, B. , Helmers, C. and McDonagh, L. 2014. Is there a patent troll problem in the UK?. Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal 24 (2), pp.509-553.
- Malkani, B. 2014. Voices of the condemned: a comparative study of the testimonies of death row exonerees and slave narratives. Law, Culture and the Humanities (10.1177/1743872114556435)
- Manji, A. 2014. The politics of land reform in Kenya 2012. African Studies Review 57 (1), pp.115-130. (10.1017/asr.2014.8)
- McDonagh, L. 2014. Exploring perspectives of the unified patent court and unitary patent within the business and legal communities. Technical Report.
- McDonagh, L. 2014. Plays, performances and power struggles - examining copyright’s ‘integrity’ in the field of theatre. Modern Law Review 77 (4), pp.533-562. (10.1111/1468-2230.12078)
- Miers, D. R. 2014. Compensating deserving victims of violent crime: the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012. Legal Studies 34 (2), pp.242-278. (10.1111/lest.12013)
- Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. 2014. England and Wales. European Tort Law Yearbook 4 (1), pp.183-212. (10.1515/tortlaw-2014-0109)
- Mugabi, I. 2014. Conflict of laws cross to public international laws: the conflicting models in the conceptualisation of disability rights under international humanitarian law and human rights law. Presented at: International Legal Conference for PhD Candidates and Young Academic Researchers Lask, Poland 29-30 November 2014. Published in: Stanek, D. et al., Scientia Nobilitat Reviewed Legal Studies. Lask, Poland: Scientia Nobilitat. , pp.52-73.
- Mugabi, I. 2014. Protection of vulnerable groups during armed conflicts. China-US Law Review 11 (10), pp.1273-1278.
- Newman, D. 2014. South Park and social research: What cartoons can tell us about sustainable mobility. Journal of Popular Television 2 (2), pp.173-188. (10.1386/jptv.2.2.173_1)
- O'Connor, A. 2014. The position of leases in voluntary company restructurings. Conveyancing and Property Law Journal 19 (2), pp.26-32.
- Ooms, G. et al., 2014. Is universal health coverage the practical expression of the right to health care?. BMC International Health and Human Rights 14 3. (10.1186/1472-698X-14-3)
- Pereira, R. 2014. The Cartagena Protocol on the transboundary movement of living modified organisms: the regulation of trade in transgenic organisms under international and European environmental law. In: Benedict, M. ed. Transgenic insects: techniques and applications. CABI Biotechnology Series CABI
- Pereira, R. and Gough, O. 2014. Permanent sovereignty over natural resources in the 21st century: natural resource governance and the right to self-determination of indigenous peoples under international law. Melbourne Journal of International Law 14 (2), pp.451-495.
- Pérez-Solórzano Borragán, N. and Smismans, S. 2014. The European Commission and political representation. A new interinstitutional perspective. In: Kroeger, S. ed. Political Representation in the European Union: Still democratic in times of crisis?. Routledge Advances in European Politics Routledge. , pp.125-142.
- Petetin, L. 2014. Frankenburgers, risks and approval. European Journal of Risk Regulation 5 (2), pp.168-186. (10.1017/S1867299X00003585)
- Pontin, B. 2014. Environmental law-making in Victorian Britain: The cross-currents of Bentham's and Coleridge's ideas. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 34 (4), pp.759-790. (10.1093/ojls/gqu015)
- Priaulx, N. and Weinel, M. 2014. Behavior on a beer mat: Law, interdisciplinarity and expertise. Journal of Law, Technology and Policy 2014 (2), pp.361-391.
- Priaulx, N. M. 2014. Giving a foetus ‘personhood’ will have serious consequences for women. The Conversation 2014 (7 Nov)
- Priaulx, N. M. 2014. Policy formation & biomaterials. Presented at: Evolution or Revolution? The Biomaterials Property Debate and Changing Ethical, Legal and Social Norms Fondation Brocher, Geneva, Switzerland 16-17 January 2014.
- Priaulx, N. M. 2014. Prosecuting mothers-to-be won't help disabled babies. New Scientist 2014 (2 June)
- Priaulx, N. M. and Jones, N. 2014. Visualising women’s reproductive biographies. Presented at: Medicine, Science and Culture Research Interest Group Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK 15 October 2014.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2014. Understanding 'understanding' in science communication. Presented at: 4S/ESOCITE Meeting 2014 Buenos Aires, Argentina 20-23 August 2014.
- Priban, J. 2014. Obrana ústavnosti aneb česká otázka v postnacionální Evropě (In defense of constitutionalism: on the "Czech Question" in post-national Europe). [Obrana ústavnosti aneb česká otázka v postnacionální Evropě]. Sociologické aktuality Prague: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON.
- Priban, J. 2014. Polity as constitutional law's community: on the expressive function and symbolism of national and transnational constitutions. In: Nobles, R. and Schiff, D. eds. Law, Society and Community: Socio-Legal Essays in Honour of Roger Cotterrell. Ashgate. , pp.95-112.
- Renaudin, M. 2014. The law of personal property: Bridge, Gullifer McMeel and Worthington [Book Review]. International Company and Commercial Law Review 25 (11), pp.404-405.
- Richards, K. 2014. Alternative Power Solution v Central Electricity Board. Shipping & Trade Law 14 , pp.5-7.
- Roele, I. 2014. The Vicious circles of Habermas' cosmopolitics. Law and Critique 25 (3), pp.199-229. (10.1007/s10978-014-9138-4)
- Russell, R. and Villiers, C. 2014. Boardroom quotas: a review of the arguments. In: Tchotourian, I. and Malecki, C. eds. Company Law and CSR: Convergence or Divergence? A Comparative Approach about the New Challenge of Law. Bruylant
- Sandberg, R. 2014. Canon law. In: Westlaw UK Insight. London: Westlaw UK
- Sandberg, R. 2014. Defining the Divine. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 16 (2), pp.198-204. (10.1017/S0956618X1400009X)
- Sandberg, R. 2014. Religion, law and society. Cambridge Studies in Law and Society Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (10.1017/CBO9781139226356)
- Sandberg, R. 2014. Religious harassment. In: Westlaw UK Insight Encyclopaedia. London: Westlaw UK Insight
- Sandberg, R. 2014. The what, the why and the how. In: Marie-Claire, F. et al., Belief, Law and Politics. UK: Ashgate. , pp.107-116.
- Series, L. 2014. Comparing old and new paradigms of legal capacity. Elder Law Journal 4 (1), pp.62.
- Series, L. 2014. Resource allocation systems: complex and counterproductive?. In: Needham, C. and Glasby, J. eds. Debates in Personaliation. Policy Press. , pp.37-44.
- Series, L. 2014. Sex, capacity and forensic cotton wool: IM v LM [2014] EWCA Civ 37. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 36 (3), pp.317-319. (10.1080/09649069.2014.933594)
- Smismans, S. 2014. Regulating interest group participation in the European Union: changing paradigms between transparency and representation. European Law Review 39 , pp.470-492.
- Smith, M. 2014. Benedikt Pirker, Proportionality Analysis and Models of Judicial Review. Groningen: Europa Law Publishing, 2013. 434 pages. ISBN: 9789089521415. EUR 72. [Book Review]. Common Market Law Review 51 (4), pp.1292-1293.
- Smith, M. 2014. Evaluation and the salience of infringement data. Presented at: Policy evaluation in the European Union, Cardiff University Cardiff , UK 20 June 2014.
- Smith, M. 2014. Old methods, new labels: innovation or rebranding in centralised enforcement of EU law?. Presented at: New Directions in the Effective Enforcement of EU Law and Policy Cardiff Law School 8 September 2014.
- Stokes, E. 2014. New EU policy on shale gas. Environmental Law Review 16 (1), pp.42-49. (10.1350/enlr.2014.16.1.202)
- Stuttaford, M. et al. 2014. The right to traditional, complementary, and alternative health care. Global Health Action 7 24121.
- Thompson, S. 2014. Behind the veil: company or family property on divorce?. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 36 (2), pp.217-219. (10.1080/09649069.2014.916106)
- Thompson, S. 2014. What does the Nuptial Agreements Bill propose?. LexisNexis , pp.1-3.
- Trinder, L. et al., 2014. Evaluation of the Separated Parent Information Programme (SPIP Plus) Pilot. Project Report.Department for Education and CAFCASS.
- Trinder, L. et al., 2014. Litigants in person in private family law cases. Project Report.[Online].London: Crown Copyright. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/litigants-in-person-in-private-family-law-cases.
- Vaughan, S. 2014. Post-legislative guidance and European chemicals regulation under REACH. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Way, P. and Heenan, A. 2014. Pensions on divorce: the lifetime allowance and sharing pensions tax effectively. Family Law 44 , pp.326-330.
- Weinel, M. and Priaulx, N. 2014. Science communication and expertise. Presented at: Fourth Iowa State University Summer Symposium on Science Communication: Normative Aspects of Science Communication Aimes, Iowa 5-7 June 2014.
- Woodward, H. D. and Sefton, M. 2014. Pensions on divorce: an empirical study. Project Report.Cardiff: Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University.
- Woodward, H. D. and Sefton, M. 2014. Pensions on divorce: an empirical study. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
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