Recent law publications
- McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. 2024. Research handbook on climate change and biodiversity law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781800370296)
- Probert, R. and Thompson, S. eds. 2024. Research handbook on marriage, cohabitation and the law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781802202656)
- Pekkanen, S. M. and Blount, P. J. eds. 2024. The Oxford handbook of space security. New York: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197582671.001.0001)
- Allan, J. I. 2024. Teaching environmental crises. In: Smith, H. A. , Boyer, M. A. and Hornsby, D. J. eds. The Oxford Handbook of International Studies Pedagogy. Oxford University Press. , pp.151–168. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197544891.013.7)
- Allan, J. I. and Bhandary, R. R. 2024. What's on the agenda? UN climate change negotiation agendas since 1995. Climate Policy 24 (2), pp.153-163. (10.1080/14693062.2022.2120453)
- Allan, J. et al. 2024. State of global environmental governance 2023. Project Report.[Online].International Institute for Sustainable Development. Available at:
- Aristodemou, M. 2024. Are beneficial ownership laws important? Exploring the impact of Panama, FinCEN, and Pandora Papers on beneficial ownership laws in the UK and the US. Journal of Economic Criminology 5 100082. (10.1016/j.jeconc.2024.100082)
- Arsalidou, D. 2024. Bankers bonuses: A banking regulation quandary. Journal of Business Law
- Bath, C. and Dehaghani, R. 2024. Vulnerability and Appropriate Adults. In: Peel, M. et al., Police Custody Healthcare for Nurses and Paramedics. Wiley
- Blount, P. J. 2024. Norm formation and space traffic management. In: Pekkanen, S. M. and Blount, P. J. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Space Security. Oxford University Press. , pp.650-664. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197582671.013.36)
- Blount, P. J. 2024. The discourse on space securitization. In: Pekkanen, S. M. and Blount, P. J. eds. The Oxford Handbook on Space Security. New York: Oxford University Press. , pp.61-75. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197582671.013.4)
- Caddell, R. 2024. Climate change and the international regulation of migratory species. In: McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. , pp.47-71. (10.4337/9781800370296.00010)
- Caddell, R. and McCormack, P. C. 2024. Climate change and biodiversity law: Quo Vadis?. In: McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. , pp.2-24. (10.4337/9781800370296.00008)
- Cahill-O'callaghan, R. 2024. The science of decision making – Improving decision quality. Presented at: ICCA 2024 Hong Kong 5-8 May 2024.
- Cloatre, E. et al., 2024. The object(s) of legality. Journal of Law and Society 51 (S1), pp.S30-S34. (10.1111/jols.12513)
- Cowan, D. 2024. Home: socio-legal interventions. In: Jacobs, K. et al., Research Handbook on Housing, the Home and Society. Edward Elgar. , pp.109-121. (10.4337/9781800375970.00015)
- Cowan, D. , Marsh, A. and Harris, J. 2024. Local authority intervention in private renting: From compliance to hardline enforcement. Journal of Law and Society 51 (3), pp.390-412. (10.1111/jols.12489)
- Cowan, D. and Boroumand, K. 2024. The business of Universities: A case study of halls of residence. Critical Social Policy (10.1177/02610183241249694)
- Cram, F. 2024. Fairness, relationships and perceptions of police legitimacy in the context of Integrated Offender Management. Policing and Society 34 (4), pp.250-267. (10.1080/10439463.2023.2267733)
- Davies, G. and Jones, R. 2024. The administrative disenfranchisement of prisoners in England and Wales. Prison Service Journal 270 , pp.12-19.
- Dehaghani, R. , Fairclough, S. and Pierpoint, H. 2024. Guest Editorial: The vulnerable accused. Criminal Law Review 9 , pp.587-589.
- Dehaghani, R. and Smith, T. 2024. Neurodivergence, autism and the appropriate adult safeguard in police custody. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
- Garcia, B. and Pereira, R. 2024. International environmental law in the Americas. In: Obregón, L. , Betancur-Restrepo, L. and Amaya-Castro, J. eds. The Oxford Handbook on International Law and the Americas. Oxford University Press. , (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197661062.013.27)
- Grear, A. 2024. Flat ontology and differentiation: in defence of Bennett’s vital materialism, and some thoughts towards decolonial new materialisms for international law. In: Jones, E. and Aavidsson, M. eds. International Law and Posthuman Theory. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.60-82.
- Griffiths, K. 2024. Cohabitation law reform in England and Wales: the case for reform and challenges of definition. In: Probert, R. and Thompson, S. eds. Research Handbook on Marriage, Cohabitation and the Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. , pp.322-336. (10.4337/9781802202656.00030)
- Griffiths, K. 2024. A functional approach to defining family in the High Court. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 46 (3), pp.476-478. (10.1080/09649069.2024.2382576)
- Harrington, J. and Hampton, A. 2024. Border country: health law in a devolved UK. Medical Law Review 32 (2), pp.229-247. (10.1093/medlaw/fwae011)
- Harrington, J. et al. 2024. The connection-friction axis in devolved health policy and law-making in the UK: A case study of organ donation. Modern Law Review (10.1111/1468-2230.12900)
- Horsley, T. and Hunt, J. 2024. Internal market governance by consensus rather than conflict? Common frameworks and the potential for positive harmonisation. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 74 , pp.68-90. (10.53386/nilq.v74iAD2.1083)
- Johnson, P. 2024. Criminal sanctions, counterfeiting and piracy and European Union competence. Intellectual Property Forum 135 , pp.87-89.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2024). Entertainment and Media (Music Industry) LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2024). Entertainment and Media (Film and Television) LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Enhanced distinctiveness and why “strong marks” are causing us all confusion. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 55 , pp.185-212. (10.1007/s40319-023-01400-0)
- Johnson, P. 2024. Satellite television and the home of the broadcast. Intellectual Property Forum (133), pp.117-119.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Second medical uses and supplementary protection certificates. No means no. Intellectual Property Forum 138 , pp.88-89.
- Johnson, P. 2024. The Court of Appeal of the Unified Patent Court sets a high bar for preliminary injunctions. Intellectual Property Forum (136), pp.93-95.
- Johnson, P. 2024. The 'state of the register': The admissibility and weight given to evidence of comparable trade mark registrations across five jurisdictions. European Intellectual Property Review 46 , pp.705-715.
- Johnson, P. 2024. The birth of inventor’s moral rights: the 1934 London Conference on the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. In: The Silent Peacemaker: Intellectual Property Rights and the Interwar International Legal Order, 1919–1939. Legal History Library Brill. , pp.73-90.
- Khandaker, K. and Walters, R. 2024. Turning evidence into practice: Insights from qualitative research and community radio programming with girls on SRHR in Benin. Project Report.[Online].Plan International. Available at:
- Lewis, R. and Evans, M. 2024. The law of the sea. In: Evans, M. ed. International Law (6th edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.629-666.
- Maguire, M. et al., 2024. IOM in Wales, after the refresh: Practitioner views of Integrated Offender Management. Project Report.Pontypridd: Welsh Centre for Crime and Social Justice / University of South Wales.
- Mant, J. , Newman, D. and O'Shea, D. 2024. Advising in a pandemic: The new era of ‘blended advice’ in social welfare law. Public Law 2024 (1), pp.86-108.
- Maryon, R. 2024. The role of security assistance in reconfiguring Tunisia's transition. Mediterranean Politics 29 (4), pp.478-500. (10.1080/13629395.2023.2183666)
- Memon, A. 2024. The League of Nations as an imperial assemblage: coloniality, indirect rule and the actualization of ‘International Law’. International Journal of Law in Context (10.1017/S1744552324000144)
- Moysan, E. 2024. A Marxist critique of the Soviet economy. PhD Thesis , Cardiff Univeristy.
- Nedeva, S. 2024. Environmental counterclaims in support of global environmental protection. Presented at: 11th European Environmental Law Forum Conference Groningen, Netherlands 28-30 August 2024.
- Nedeva, S. 2024. Guest lecture: Stabilisation clauses and the pursuit of certainty and predictability. Presented at: Guest lecture: Stabilisation clauses and the pursuit of certainty and predictability Cardiff University 2024.
- Nedeva, S. 2024. Individuals and NGOs vs Corporations in the pursuit of climate accountability. In the spotlight: the Italian oil major ENI. Oil, Gas & Energy Law Journal 1
- Nedeva, S. 2024. Interaction between international economic sanctions and arbitrators’ duty to maintain impartiality and independence. Presented at: European Society of International Law: Interactions between Legal Orders in International Economic Law Online 15 April 2024.
- Nedeva, S. 2024. Predictability or flexibility in oil and gas contracts? Lessons learnt from the ‘relational contracts’ theory. Presented at: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference Bristol, UK 3-5 September 2024.
- Nedeva, S. 2024. Summary of young-OGEMID symposium No. 17: "The role of artificial intelligence in shaping ADR practices". TDM - Transnational Dispute Management
- Nedeva, S. 2024. The neglected public interest in investor-State dispute settlement: environmental and human rights considerations.. European Energy and Environmental Law Review 33 (5), pp.214-231. (10.54648/eelr2024014)
- Nedeva, S. 2024. What ‘matters’ in a Stay of Proceedings under Section 9 of the English Arbitration Act 1996? – Republic of Mozambique v Privinvest Shipbuilding SAL (Holding) [2023] UKSC 32. [Online].Kluwer Arbitration Blog. Available at:
- Nedeva, S. and Daszko, A. 2024. Young EFILA in conversation with… Stanislava Nedeva. [Online].Young EFILA (European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration) Blog. Available at:
- Newman, D. and Robins, J. 2024. Access to justice and the role of parliamentarians: What happens to those who fall through the justice gap?. Legal Studies 44 (2), pp.221-241. (10.1017/lst.2023.19)
- Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. 2024. Introducing law and humanities. In: Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Humanities. Anthem. , pp.1-20.
- Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. 2024. Law and Humanities. Anthem.
- Park-Morton, C. 2024. Best interests and identity: A critical analysis of the extent to which the law on surrogacy guarantees the rights of the child. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Pekkanen, S. M. and Blount, P. J. 2024. International Relations theory and the evolution of "peaceful purposes" in outer space. In: Pekkanen, S. M. and Blount, P. J. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Space Security. New York: Oxford University Press. , pp.3-21. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197582671.013.1)
- Priban, J. 2024. At the garden party of moths and butterflies: a Foreword to Havel's Keywords and I3.maginaries. In: Danaher, D. and Williams, K. eds. Václav Havel’s Meanings: His Key Words and Their Legacy. Václav Havel Series Prague: Karolinum. , pp.16-28.
- Priban, J. 2024. European constitutional imaginaries: On pluralism, calculemus, imperium and communitas. In: Komárek, J. ed. European Constitutional Imaginaries: Between Ideology and Utopia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.22-43. (10.1093/oso/9780192855480.003.0002)
- Priban, J. 2024. From state politics to global societal constitutions: A review note on Scamardella’s Etsi Constitutio non daretur. [Le costituzioni civili nel mondo transnazionale Dalla politica statale alle costituzioni sociali globali: una nota sul libro di Scamardella Etsi Constitutio non daretur] Le costituzioni civili nel mondo transnazionale. Sociologia Del Diritto 50 (2), pp.199-206. (10.54103/1972-5760/22501)
- Přibáň, J. 2024. Les libertés académiques dans les sociétés démocratiques. In: Hertaux, J. ed. Pensées Captives: Répression et défense des Libertés Académiques en Europe Centrale et Orientale (et au-dela) Suivi de Trente Ans de Recherches au CEFRES de Prague. Prague: CODEX85. , pp.43-52.
- Priban, J. 2024. Postnational constitutionalism: Europe and the time of law. Jurisprudence 15 (1), pp.441-446. (10.1080/20403313.2023.2296815)
- Priban, J. 2024. Sázka na svobodu [A Gamble of Liberty]. [Sázka na svobodu [A Gamble of Liberty]]. Prague: Karolinum.
- Price, J. , Rutherford, S. and Tucker, J. 2024. A silver lining: revitalising impacts of Covid for students, staff, and the institution in higher education - a case study. Presented at: Te Puna Aurei LearnFest Conference 2022 Online 23-24 November 2022. Published in: Bowell, T. et al., Revitalising Higher Education: Insights from Te Puna Aurei LearnFest 2022. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. , pp.18-30. (10.18573/conf2.c)
- Qi, J. J. et al., 2024. Reflections on the first Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. Earth System Governance 21 100212. (10.1016/j.esg.2024.100212)
- Renaudin, M. and Saintier, S. 2024. La protection des consommateurs contre les clauses abusives en droit anglais. Presented at: Directive n*93/13 du 5 avril 1993 concernant les clauses abusives dans les contrats conclus avec les consommateurs: 30 ans après, quelle protection pour les consommateurs? Nantes, France 6 December 2024.
- Richards, H. 2024. Courtroom intimacies: Responses to everyday violence in the British military’s justice system. PhD Thesis , Cardiff Univeristy.
- Ryder, N. et al. 2024. ‘Eat, sleep and repeat?’ Corporate criminal liability and extension of the failure to prevent model. Journal of Business Law
- Sandberg, R. 2024. Law and history. In: Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Humanities. Anthem. , pp.87-100.
- Sandberg, R. 2024. Law and religion. In: Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Humanities. Anthem. , pp.159-174.
- Sandberg, R. 2024. Marriage law and education law. In: Duddington, J. ed. The Legal Legacy of the Reformation: Catholic and Protestant Approaches to Law. Routledge. , pp.177-199.
- Sandberg, R. 2024. Rethinking law and religion. E Elgar.
- Sandberg, R. 2024. Say a prayer for Article 9? R (on the Application of TTT) v Michaela School and the question of interference. Law and Justice 192 , pp.3-15.
- Sandberg, R. 2024. The Adult Intimate Relationships Bill. In: Bendall, C. and Parveen, R. eds. Family Law Reform Now: Proposals and Critique. Hart. , pp.217-234.
- Sandberg, R. 2024. The Restoration and re-establishment: 1660-1701. In: Doe, N. and Coleman, S. eds. The Legal History of the Church of England : From the Reformation to the Present. Hart Publishing. , pp.95-113. (10.5040/
- Stokes, E. and Smyth, C. 2024. Hope-bearing legislation? The well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. Transnational Environmental Law 13 (3), pp.569-587. (10.1017/S2047102524000219)
- Tarrant, A. 2024. Disability, care and family law by Beverley Clough and Jonathan Herring [Book Review]. British Journal of Learning Disabilities 52 (1), pp.177-178. (10.1111/bld.12560)
- Tarrant, A. 2024. The progressive potential of the Care Act 2014: wellbeing, autonomy and rights. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 46 (3), pp.472-475. (10.1080/09649069.2024.2381994)
- Thompson, S. 2024. A new law of family property. In: Bendall, C. and Parveen, R. eds. Family Law Reform Now: Proposals and Critique. Bloomsbury. , pp.161-183.
- Thompson, S. 2024. Cohabitation agreements and gender equality. In: Probert, R. and Thompson, S. eds. Research Handbook on Marriage, Cohabitation and the Law. Research Handbooks in Family Law series Edward Elgar
- Thompson, S. 2024. Families by agreement: Navigating choice, tradition, and law, Brian Bix [Book Review]. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 38 (1) ebae006. (10.1093/lawfam/ebae006)
- Thompson, S. 2024. Formation of the married women's association. In: Auchmuty, R. , Rackley, E. and Takayanagi, M. eds. Women’s Legal Landmarks in the Interwar Years: Not for the Want of Trying. Bloomsbury
- Thompson, S. 2024. Formation of the six point group. In: Auchmuty, R. , Rackley, E. and Takayanagi, M. eds. Women’s Legal Landmarks in the Interwar Years: Not for the Want of Trying. Bloomsbury
- Thompson, S. 2024. Is there a need to limit needs in financial remedy cases?. Child and Family Law Quarterly
- Thompson, S. 2024. Pre-nuptial agreements – A good route to autonomy?. Financial Remedies Journal 2024 (2), pp.163-167.
- Thompson, S. 2024. Prenuptial agreements in comparative perspective. In: Probert, R. and Thompson, S. eds. Research Handbook on Marriage, Cohabitation and the Law. Research Handbooks in Family Law series Edward Elgar
- Thompson, S. 2024. Who's afraid of the gold digger?. In: Briggs, M. and Hayward, A. eds. Research Handbook on Family Property and the Law. Research Handbooks in Family Law series Edward Elgar
- Thompson, S. and Probert, R. 2024. Introduction: marriage and cohabitation: global debates, challenges, and perspectives. In: Probert, R. and Thompson, S. eds. Research Handbook on Marriage, Cohabitation and the Law. Research Handbooks in Family Law series Edward Elgar
- Thurlow, C. 2024. ‘It’s just common sense’: A critical exploration of contemporary trans-exclusionary feminism. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Walters, R. , Rivett, J. and Loveday, L. 2024. “Girls can't do this alone": understanding girls’ agency during adolescence in nine countries. In: Mazzarella, S. R. ed. The Routledge Companion to Girls' Studies. Routledge Companions to Gender Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.179-189. (10.4324/9780367821890-17)
- Welsh, L. and Newman, D. 2024. Camaraderie and conflict: Developing an occupational culture typology of publicly funded criminal defence lawyers in England and Wales. International Journal of the Legal Profession 31 (1), pp.21-52. (10.1080/09695958.2023.2260747)
- Wheeler, C. H. 2024. Strange bedfellows: The relationship between the International Criminal Court and the United States. Wake Forest Journal of Law and Policy 14 (1), pp.35-84.
- Wheeler, C. H. 2024. Trial in all but name: Continuing proceedings in contravention of the right to be present at trial. Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 23 (2), pp.283-309. (10.1163/15718034-bja10116)
You can view all of our law publications in the University's institutional repository.