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A number of the IR scholars featured in the online exhibition by the University of Madrid. Professor Zalewski is pictured on the bottom row, second from right.

University of Madrid profiles Cardiff academic in International Relations exhibition

16 November 2021

A Cardiff academic is currently featured in an online exhibition which showcases the work of women scientists and thinkers who have made important contributions to theoretical debates in the discipline of International Relations (IR).

The Pawb a’i farn panellists. Emily, who also worked behind the scenes on the programme, is pictured here on the far left.

BAFTA Cymru win for third year IR student

10 November 2021

A third year School of Law and Politics student has scooped a BAFTA Cymru award for a programme that made history on Welsh speaking television.

Law student secures place on scholarship programme set up in memory of Stephen Lawrence

9 November 2021

Scheme aims to encourage diversity in City institutions

Rachel Korir sits in front of her home in Kapcheboi, Kenya, 6 May 2019. Copyright Thomson Reuters Foundation/Dominic Korir.

Cardiff scholar recognised in shortlist for African book prize

3 November 2021

A book written by a Professor of Land Law at the School of Law and Politics has been shortlisted for this year’s US African Studies Association (ASA) book prize.

A Real Choices, Real Lives study participant holds hands with her mother. Photo credit: Plan International Dominican Republic.

Cardiff academic wins funds for collaboration with leading girls’ rights NGO

22 October 2021

A School of Law and Politics lecturer is collaborating with experts at a leading children’s charity on a study to support the economic and social empowerment of girls.

Professor Laura McAllister outside café

Governance expert to lead national conversation on Wales’ future

20 October 2021

Commission to consider nation’s place in Union and Welsh independence

Prestigious Irish book prize awarded to Cardiff academic

14 October 2021

The Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) has named a senior lecturer in politics as the recipient of this year’s Brian Farrell book prize.

European Union law expert appointed to Irish Journal editorial board

28 September 2021

Dr Sara Drake appointed to the editorial board of the Irish Journal of European Law (IJEL)

Creative students make their mark on the Centre for Student Life

14 September 2021

Original artwork to represent services offered in new University landmark

Flight cancellations, consumer rights and the COVID-19 pandemic

8 September 2021

An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the School of Law and Politics and Cardiff Business School are investigating consumer awareness of legal rights during the pandemic.