Elections, public opinion and parties conference
The Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) group is the largest specialist group of the UK Political Studies Association (PSA) and in 2015 we hosted the annual conference.
The conference was held over three days from 11-13 September 2015 and hosted by the School of Law and Politics.
Friday 11 September 2015
Panel session one
Multi-level Direct Democracy: Explaining Processes at National and European Level
Chair: Matteo Bonotti, Cardiff University
- The Democratic Effect of Direct Democracy – Lucas Leemann, University College London
- Popular Support for Direct Democracy in Europe – Arndt Leininger, Hertie School of Governance Berlin
- The European Citizens’ Initiative and Democratic Legitimacy in the EU: The Significance of Unanticipated External and Internal Consequences – Lucy Hatton, University of Warwick
- An Interest Driven Process: The Effect of Values and Experiences on the Use of the European Citizens’ Initiative – Sergiu Gherghina, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Addressing Rival Parties, Voters, and the Media: The Role of Party Preferences in Party Competition
Chair: Judith Bara, Queen Mary-University of London
- Asking Questions in Complex Multi-Level Systems: Bringing The Party Back In – Roman Senninger, Aarhus University; Daniel Bischof, University of Zurich
- Who gets into the papers? Media Attention to Party Communication in Election Campaigns – Martin Haselmayer, University of Vienna; Thomas M. Meyer, University of Vienna; Markus Wagner, University of Vienna
- Maintaining Family Ties: Preference Divergence Between Sister Parties – Zachary Greene, University of Strathclyde; Matthias Haber, University of Mannheim
- Does Anybody Notice? How Policy Positions of Coalition Parties are Perceived by Voters – Jae-Jae Spoon, University of North Texas; Heike Kluever, University of Hamburg
Thatcher’s Legacy: Crime, Politics and Public Attitudes
Chair: Peter Dorey, Cardiff University
- Theorising and Exploring the Thatcherite Legacy on Crime and Social and Economic Policy – Stephen Farrall, University of Sheffield; Will Jennings, University of Southampton; Emily Gray, University of Sheffield; Colin Hay, University of Sheffield
- Penal Populism and the Public Thermostat: Crime, Punitiveness and Public Policy – Will Jennings, University of Southampton; Stephen Farrall, University of Sheffield; Emily Gray, University of Sheffield; Colin Hay, University of Sheffield
- Thatcherism and Political Engagement in Britain – Maria Grasso, University of Sheffield; Emily Gray, University of Sheffield; Stephen Farrall, University of Sheffield; Will Jennings, University of Southampton; Colin Hay, University of Sheffield
- Can we Detect ‘Political Generations’ in Data on Attitudes to Crime and Disorder: A Longitudinal Analysis of Age, Period and Cohort Effects – Emily Gray, University of Sheffield; Maria Grasso, University of Sheffield; Stephen Farrall, University of Sheffield; Will Jennings, University of Southampton; Colin Hay, University of Sheffield
Voting in 2015
Chair: Jennifer van Heerde-Hudson, University College London
- The 2015 General Election in Long-Term Perspective – John Bartle, University of Essex
- The Hidden Election: The 2015 Local Contests in England – Colin Rallings, University of Plymouth; Michael Thrasher, University of Plymouth
- The 2015 Election in Wales – Roger Scully, Cardiff University
- The Northern Ireland General Election Study – Jon Tonge, University of Liverpool; Jocelyn Evans, University of Leeds
- The Other Insurgency? The Greens and the Election – James Dennison, European University Institute
Gender and Politics, session one
Chair: Paul Chaney, Cardiff University
- Using All Possible Means to Win? Gender and Online Campaigning – Maarja Luhiste, University of Newcastle; Laura Sudulich, Universite Libre, Bruxelles
- Who Supports Gender Quotas? – Peter Allen, Queen Mary-University of London; David Cutts, University of Bath
- Scrutinizing the Gender Gap in Political Interest in Europe: A Comparative Study – Marta Fraile, RSCAS European University Institute; Raul Gomez, University of Liverpool
- Doing it Wrong? Sex, Gender and Vote Choice in the 2015 British General Election – Kristi Winters, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Panel session two
Roundtable: How to Predict an Election
Chair: Susan Banducci, University of Exeter
- Predicting the Results of the United Kingdom General Election: Analysis of 2010 and 2015 – Timothy Martyn Hill, LV; Will Jennings, University of Southampton; Stephen Fisher, University of Oxford; Nick Vivyan, University of Durham
Turnout and Apathy
Chair: Laura Sudulich, Universite Libre, Bruxelles
- Compulsory Voting and Political Knowledge: Testing a ‘Compelled Engagement’ Hypothesis – Jill Sheppard, Australia National University
- The Influence of Online Social Capital on Electoral Behaviour – Javier Sajuria, University College London
- Guerilla Violence and Voter Behaviour: The Electoral Consequences of Shining Path Actions in Peru – Gabriel Katz, University of Exeter
The Scottish Independence Referendum
Chair: Richard Wyn Jones, Cardiff University
- Deprivation, Turnout and the Scottish Independence Referendum Effect – Neil McGarvey, University of Strathclyde; Heinz Brandenburg, University of Strathclyde; Stephen Campbell, University of Strathclyde
- That Losing Feeling? Referendum Voting and Satisfaction with Democracy in Scotland and the UK – Ailsa Henderson, University of Edinburgh; Chris Carman, University of Glasgow; Rob Johns, University of Essex; James Mitchell, University of Edinburgh
- Media Bias and Opinion Formation in the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum -Heinz Brandenburg, University of Strathclyde; Fraser McMillan, University of Strathclyde; Gabriela Borz, University of Strathclyde
- The 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum: A Prologue to 2015 – Kristi Winters, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences; Edzia Carvalho, University of Dundee
The Conduct of Elections
Chair: Justin Fisher, Brunel University
- Electoral Fraud: The Role of Political Parties – Eleanor Hill, University of Manchester; Maria Sobelewska, University of Manchester; Stuart Wilks-Hegg, University of Liverpool; Magda Borkowska, University of Manchester
- The Unsung Heroes of Electoral Democracy: Poll Workers and Electoral Integrity in Britain – Alistair Clark, University of Newcastle; Toby James, University of East Anglia
- The State of the Registers – Davide Tiberti, The Electoral Commission
- The ‘Exogenous Left Hook’? - Eric Joyce, Falkirk
- The Implications for Institutional Explanations of Party Funding Reform – Sam Power, University of Sussex
The Politics of the EU
Chair: Einion Dafydd, Cardiff University
- Blood is Thicker than Water: Turnout of EU Expats in EU elections – Luana Russo, Maastricht University; Yves Dejaeghere, Antwerp University; Louise Nikolic, Université Libre the Bruxelles
- A ‘Second-Order’ Issue in First-Order Elections: The Effect of Voters’ EU Orientation on National Elections – Sofia Vasilopoulou, University of York, John Bone, University of York
- Eurosceptic or Indifferent? Understanding the European Non-voters in the 2010 EP Elections – Constantin Schaefer, University of Mannheim
- It Takes Two: How Euro-sceptic Public Opinion and Party Divisions Influence Party Positions – Jae-Jae Spoon, University of North Texas; Christopher Williams, European University Institute
More Sex, More Lies, but the same number of Ballot Boxes
An informal meeting to discuss a follow-up volume to the highly successful Sex, Lies and the Ballot Box by Phillip Cowley.
Turning Public Opinion into a Referendum Act
- Richard Rose, University of Strathclyde (Chair)
- Geoff Evans, University of Oxford
- a representative from YouGov
Saturday 12 September
Panel session three
Roundtable: Opposition 2015: Reflections and Challenges
Chair: Mohammed Abdel-Haq, Centre for Opposition Studies
- Tim Bale, Queen Mary-University of London
- Nigel Fletcher, Kings College London
Regulating Political Actors in Old and New Democracies: Parties, Politicians, Interest Groups
Chair: Alan Renwick, University College, London
- Conflict of Interest Regulation and Asset Disclosure in Old and New Democracies: Implications for Citizens’ Trust in Parliaments and Politicians – Nicole Bolleyer, University of Exeter; Valeria Smirnova, University of Cologne; Fabrizio di Mascio, Anti-Corruption Agency, Rome; Alessandro Natalini, Parthenope University, Naples
- Rivals or Complementary Political Agents? Two Functional Models of Regulating Parties and Pressure Groups in European Constitutions – Gabriela Borz, University of Strathclyde
- ‘Comply’ or ‘Not To Comply’? Explaining GRECO´s Success in Reforming National Regulation on Political Finance – Valeria Smirnova, University of Cologne
- State Regulation and Party Membership in Advanced Democracies – Nicole Bolleyer, University of Exeter; Mariana Skirmuntt, University of Exeter
Causal Identification in Survey Research
Chair: Charles Pattie, University of Sheffield
- Surveying Public Opinion From Internet-Biased Opinion Polls – Jose M. Pavía, Universitat de Valencia; Salvador Carrasco, Universitat de Valencia; Elsa Olmeda, Universitat de Valencia, Pau Rausell, Universitat de Valencia
- Looking Beyond Electrification: Comparing the Social Impacts of On-grid and Off-grid Electricity Access for Rural Households in Bangladesh – Hadley D. L. Taylor, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
- Getting to the Bottom of the Bathtub: Using Survey Data to Trace the Mechanisms Behind Macro-level Causal Effects – Arndt Leininger, Hertie School of Governance; Lukas Rudolph, LMU Munich; Steffen Zittlau, University of Mannheim
Economic Voting, session one
Chair: Jae-Jae Spoon, University of North Texas
- The Partisan Dynamic of Economic Opinion: Results from a Multi-Wave Panel Study – Jason Reifler, University of Exeter; Gabriel Katz, University of Exeter; Thomas Scotto, University of Essex
- When the Pound in People’s Pocket Matters: How Certain Types of Income Change Affect Support for Governing Parties in Britain – James Tilley, University of Oxford; Anja Neundorf, University of Nottingham; Sara Hobolt, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- Economic Voting After a Crisis: Sociotropic and Egotropic Dimensions of Ecomomic Evaluations in Ireland – Michael Marsh, Trinity College Dublin
Influencing How we Think About Politics
Chair: Einion Dafydd, Cardiff University
- Attacking to Gain? Diversifying Effects of Negative Campaigning on British Voters’ Electoral Participation and Party Preferences in the 2015 General Election – Annemarie Walter, University of Nottingham; Cees van der Eijk, University of Nottingham
- When Does Government Listen to the Public? Interest Groups and Dynamic Agenda Representation in the United States – Shaun Bevan, University of Edinburgh; Anne Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen
- Parenthood Effects on Social and Political Attitudes – Susan Banducci, University of Exeter; Laurel Elder, Hartwick College; Steven Greene, North Carolina State University; Daniel Stevens, University of Exeter
- Apathy, Alienation and Young People in Britain – Stuart Fox, University of Nottingham
Panel session four
Roundtable: Opinion Polling in Britain
Chair: Kristi Winters, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- What the British Election Study Can Tell us about Poll-Gate – Jonathan Mellon, University of Oxford; James Morris, GQR Research; Joe Twyman, YouGov; Matt Singh, NumberCruncher Politics
The Multi-faceted Process of Candidate Selection in Contemporary Political Parties
Chair: Christopher Carman, University of Glasgow
- Regional Candidate Selection Methods and their Influence on Top Candidates’ Profiles in Spain – Oscar Barber, University of Valencia
- Leading us up the Secret Garden Path: Informal Processes of Candidate Selection for European Elections – Camille Kelbel, University Libre, Brussels
- Candidate Selection in the British Conservative and Labour Parties: Responding to Grassroots Pressure – Agnès Alexandre-Collier, Université de Bourgogne; Emmanuelle Avril, Sorbonne Nouvelle University
- Making Sense of E-primaries: The Novelty and Challenges of Online Candidate Selection – Sergiu Gherghina, Goethe University Frankfurt; Giulia Sandri, Catholic University of Lille
Survey Experiments
Chair: Ed Gareth Poole, Cardiff University
- Expressive or Instrumental Voting? An Experiment on the Impact of Coalition Signals on Vote Intentions for the 2014 Flemish Regional Elections – Tom Verthé, Vrije Universiteit, Brussel
- Ethnicity and Religion in Shaping Threat Perceptions: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Turkey – Erdem Aytac, Koc University; Ali Carkoglu, Koc University
- Deservingness in an Ethnically Diverse Welfare State: Evidence from a Survey Experiment – Anouk Kootstra, University of Manchester; Marcel Coenders, University of Utrecht; Robert Ford, University of Manchester; Menno van Setten, University of Utrecht
- Explaining Voter Preferences for Local Legislators: Evidence from a Cojoint Analysis Survey Experiment – Markus Wagner, University of Vienna; Rosie Campbell, Birkbeck-University of London; Phil Cowley, University of Nottingham, Nick Vivyan; University of Durham
The Liberal Democrats, session one: Going well, isn’t it?
Chair: Jon Kirkup, Cardiff University
- The Liberal Democrats: Beleaguered, Battered and Broken – David Cutts, University of Bath; Andrew Russell, University of Manchester
- The Impact of Governing: The Liberal Democrats and Public Opinion – Cynthia Boyer, CUFR Champollion
- The Dilemmas of Third-Party Strategy Under Plurality Rule: The Rise and Fall of the British Liberal Democrats – Tom Quinn, University of Essex
- What Happened in the South West on May 7th? Evidence from an Exit Poll – John Ault, University of Exeter; Daniel Stevens, University of Exeter
Chair: Ben Seyd, University of Kent
- Predictors of UKIP Support in the 2014 European and 2015 General Elections – Caitlin Milazzo, University of Nottingham, Matthew Goodwin, University of Kent
- The Political Psychology of Support for UKIP – Roland Kappe, University College London
- UKIP Campaign Activity and Perceptions of Racism: Divergent Patterns Between White British and Ethnic Minority Residents – Nicole Martin, University of Essex
- Who Votes for UKIP and Who Follows Farage? The Drivers of Electoral and Membership Support for the UK Independence Party – Matthew Goodwin, University of Kent; Paul Whiteley, University of Essex
Panel session five
The British Election Study in 2015: Explaining the Fragmentation of the British Political System
Chair: Robert Johns, University of Essex
- How Coalition Government Leads to Minor Party Voting (in the absence of proportional representation): A Case Study of the 2015 British General Election – Jane Green, University of Manchester; Edward Fieldhouse, University of Manchester; Christopher Prosser, University of Manchester
- The Impact of Party Leaders on Vote Switching in the 2015 Election – Geoff Evans, University of Oxford; Jon Mellon, University of Oxford
- The Independence Referendum and Labour’s Collapse in Scotland: Evidence from the BES Panel – Ed Fieldhouse, University of Manchester; Chris Prosser, University of Manchester
- The British Multi-level Electoral System: Inter-election Dynamics – Cees van der Eijk, University of Nottingham; Hermann Schmitt, University of Manchester
- Same Party, Different Colour tie? Perceptions of Labour-Conservative Policy Difference and Support for Minor Parties at the 2015 Election – Christopher Prosser, University of Manchester
Local Campaigning, session one
Chair: David Denver, University of Lancaster
- Recruiting and Retaining Party Volunteer Activists – Robin Pettitt, Kingston University
- All That Money and All Those Conversations: Did they Affect the Result? – David Cutts, University of Bath; Ron Johnston, University of Bristol; Charles Pattie, University of Sheffield
- Tailoring Labour’s ‘National Conversation’ to Local Issues: Innovations at the Phonebank – Duncan Thom, Paris-Sorbonne University
- Can Constituency Campaigns Affect Vote Intentions? Experimental Evidence from the Southampton Itchen Campaign Laboratory – Florian Foos, University of Zurich
Immigration and the Right
Chair: Colin Rallings, University of Plymouth
- Defusing the Threat? The Impact of Immigration and National Identity Framing on Anti-Immigration Sentiment – Lauren McLaren, University of Glasgow
- Both Sides of the Coin: Prejudice Among Majority and Minority Groups in Britain – Ingrid Storm, University of Manchester; Robert Ford, University of Manchester; Marie Sobolewska, University of Manchester
Parties, Members and Elected Representatives
Chair: Tom Quinn, University of Essex
- More Similar than Different: The Profile of Candidates and MPs in the 2015 General Election – Jennifer van Heerde-Hudson, University College London; Chrysa Lamprinakou, University College London; Rosie Campbell, Birkbeck-University of London; Marco Morucci, Duke University
- Party Members’ Attitudes and Preferences in Sweden – Ann-Kristin Kolln, University of Gothenburg, Jonathan Polk, University of Gothenburg
- Grunts in the Ground Game: UK Party Members in the 2015 General Election – Tim Bale, Queen Mary-University of London; Paul Webb, University of Sussex
Democratic Expectations and Legitimacy
Chair: Ed Gareth Poole, Cardiff University
- What makes People Accept Official Decisions? The Role of Organisational Responsiveness and Personal Control – Ben Seyd, University of Kent; Aleksandra Cichocka, University of Kent
- Talking Does Not Harm, Acting Does Hurt – Luca Bernardi, University of Leicester; James Adams, University of California-Davis
- Minding the Gap Between Expectations and Perceptions of Democracy – Jeffrey Karp, University of Exeter
Panel session six
Economic Voting, session two
Chair: Caitlin Milazzo, University of Nottingham
- Income, Wealth, and the Prospect of Upward Mobility: A New Approach to Modelling Vote Choice – Jack Vowles, Victoria University of Wellington; Tim Hellwig, Indiana University, Bloomington
- Shaping the Issue Agenda and Shaping Reputations? The British Conservative Party’s Campaign on the Economy in 2015 – Jane Green, University of Manchester; Will Jennings, University of Southampton; Jonathon Mellon, University of Oxford
- British Party Manifestos, 2015: Was it Still Only ‘The Economy, Stupid’? – Nicholas Allen, Royal Holloway; University of London; Judith Bara, Queen Mary, University of London
Online Media and Elections
Chair: Luke Sloan, Cardiff University
- Understanding Social Capital in Online Settings: A Resource-Based Approach – Javier Sajuria, University College London
- Credibility, Liking and Heuristics: The Application of Online Persuasion in the 2015 General Election – Nigel Jackson, University of Plymouth
- An Experimental Study of Online Credibility – Laura Sudulich, Universite Libre, Bruxelles
- The Impact of Twitter (or Lack Thereof) on the 2015 General Election: A Pilot Study – Ivor Gaber, University of Sussex; Paul Webb, University of Sussex
Gender and Politics, session two
Chair: Edzia Carvalho, University of Dundee
- Measuring Political Participation of Women in Spain: A Longitudinal Analysis – Elena Badal Valero, University of Valencia; Jose M. Pavía, Universitat de Valencia
- Modernisation and Government Socialisation: Considering Explanations for Gender Differences in Cohort Trends in British Voting Behaviour – Rosalind Shorrocks, University of Oxford
- Perceptions of Security Threats in the UK: The Role of Gender – Susan Banducci, University of Exeter; Sarah Bulmer, University of Exeter; Daniel Stevens, University of Exeter; Nick Vaughan-Williams, University of Warwick
- Exploring Attitudes towards Childcare and Gender Equality During the Scottish Independence Referendum Campaign – Craig McAngus, University of Stirling
The Administration of Elections
Chair: Alistair Clark, University of Newcastle
- The 2015 Elections: The View of the Electoral Commission – Joe Hewton, The Electoral Commission; Gemma Rosenblatt, The Electoral Commission; Phil Thompson, The Electoral Commission
- Assessing the Independence of Electoral Management Boards: A Policy Network Approach – Toby James, University of East Anglia
- Organisational Failure, Regulation and the Failure of Regulation in Electoral Administration – Ian Graham, University of Edinburgh
The UK’s Changing Electoral Geography
Chair: Rosie Campbell, Birkbeck-University of London
- A New Electoral Geography? Great Britain post-2015 – Ron Johnston, University of Bristol; Charles Pattie, University of Sheffield; David Manley, University of Bristol
- Cameron’s ‘Sweetest Victory’: A Preliminary Analysis of the 2015 Election Results – John Curtice, University of Strathclyde; Stephen Fisher, University of Oxford; Robert Ford, University of Manchester
- Political Context and Candidate-voter Geo-distance in the 2015 UK General Election – Kai Arzheimer, University of Mainz; Jocelyn Evans, University of Leeds
Sunday 13 September
Panel session seven
Local Campaigning, session two
Chair: Roger Scully, Cardiff University
- Constituency Campaigning in the 2015 British General Election – Justin Fisher, Brunel University; David Cutts, University of Bath; Edward Fieldhouse, University of Manchester
- Candidates, Local Connections and Retirement Slumps at UK General Elections – Alia Middleton, University of Newcastle
- Can Parties Influence Tactical Voting? A Randomised Field Experiment in the 2014 UK Local Elections – Kevin Cunningham, Labour Party; Florian Foos, University of Zurich; Dominic Collins, Labour Party
- Weaponising the NHS in a Constituency Campaign: the case of Ealing Central and Acton – Duncan Thom, Paris-Sorbonne University
Recession, Austerity and Political Attitudes
Chair: Einion Dafydd, Cardiff University
- Social Policy Preferences, The Great Recession and Political Awareness – Ann-Kristin Kolln, University of Gothenburg
- Environmental Recession: How Economic Circumstances Affect Support for Environmental Protection – John Kenny, University of Oxford
- The Welfare State Under Strain: A Comparative Study of Diversity, Austerity and Public Opinion Towards the Welfare State in Britain and the Netherlands – Marcel Coenders, University of Utrecht; Robert Ford, University of Manchester; Anouk Kootstra, University of Manchester; Menno van Setten, University of Utrecht
Electoral Systems
Chair: Chris Terry, Electoral Reform Society
- Going Back to the Beginning: Changing Biases in the British Electoral System – Galina Borisyuk, University of Plymouth; Colin Rallings, University of Plymouth; Michael Thrasher, University of Plymouth; Ron Johnston, University of Bristol; Charles Pattie, University of Sheffield
- Electoral Reform in the UK: The Evolution of Debate Since 1945 and Prospects for Reform Today – Alan Renwick, University College London
- Party Vote ‘Leakage’ in the 2012 Scottish Local Government Elections – James Gilmour, Electoral Reform Society-Scotland
The Politics of Race
Chair: Richard Wyn Jones, Cardiff University
- Substantive Representation of Ethnic Minorities in Parliament: Analysis of Anti-Terrorism Legislation Debates – Rebecca McKee, University of Manchester
- Playing the Race Card: a Winning Hand? – Richard Johnson, University of Oxford
- Educational Selectivity and Ethnic Minority Voting Behaviour: Explaining Patterns of Support for the Conservative Party - Nicole Martin, University of Essex
Parties and Political Elites Over Time
Chair: Tim Bale, Queen Mary-University of London
- The Vulnerability of Legislative Parties Between Elections: Defections and Party Switching in Advanced Democracies’ Parliaments – Stefanie Beyens, Vrije Universiteit, Brussel
- Patterned and Predictable? Parliamentary Careers in the House of Commons, 1979-2010 – Jennifer van Heerde-Hudson, University College London; Rosie Campbell, Birkbeck-University of London; Max Gopelrud, Harvard University; Marco Morucci, Duke University
- Parties and their Durability in Government – Conor Little, University of Copenhagen
- Political Parties and the Timeline of Elections – Will Jennings, University of Southampton; Christopher Wlezien, University of Texas-Austin
Panel session eight
Issue Ownership and Issue Salience
Chair: David Cutts, University of Bath
- Setting the Agenda or Responding to the Agenda? Explaining the Degree of Responsiveness to Competitors in Parties’ Issue Agendas – Sjoerd van Heck, WZB Berlin Social Science and Humboldt University, Berlin
- The Importance of Issue-ownership and Salience for Voters’ Knowledge of Parties’ Issue Positions – Yves Dejaeghere, University of Antwerp
- How Issue Ownership Shapes Campaign Effects: A Field Experiment in the 2014 UK Local Elections – Florian Foos, University of Zurich; Kevin Cunningham, Labour Party; Peter John, University College London
Tactical and Strategic voting
Chair: Ron Johnston, University of Bristol
- Split-ticket Voting at the Combined General and Local Elections in 2015 – Michael Turner, BMG Research; Galina Borisyuk, University of Plymouth; Colin Rallings, University of Plymouth; Michael Thrasher, University of Plymouth
- Disentangling the Strategic Vote: Government and District viability at the 2014 Belgian Federal and Regional Elections – Tom Verthé, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels; Stefanie Beyens, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels; André Blais, University of Montréal; Damien Bol, University of Montréal
- Tactical Voting at the 2015 General Election – Michael Turner, BMG Research; Chris Terry, Electoral Reform Society
- Split-Ticket Voting Under AMS – Jac Larner, Cardiff University
From Niche to Mainstream
Chair: Ed Gareth Poole, Cardiff University
- From Periphery to Power: Niche Parties Between Policy, Votes and Office – Daniel Bischof, University of Zurich; Patrick Dumont, University of Luxembourg; Kaare Strom, University of California, San Diego
- Party Responsiveness on Immigration: The Role of Party Characteristics and Issue Salience – Alina Vranceanu, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
- Populist and Radical Left-Wing Parties in Europe During the Great Recession: Podemos and Syriza – Raul Gomez, University of Liverpool; Luis Ramiro, University of Leicester
The Dimensionality of Politics
Chair: Stephen Fisher, University of Oxford
- Supply-Demand Dimensionality: Mismatches of the Political Space – Berta Barbet Porta, University of Leicester; Holger Reinermann, University of Cologne
- The Impact of Social Attitudes on Electoral Behaviour: Examining the Effects of the ‘Authoritarian-liberal’ Dimension in British Politics, 1987-2015 - Paula Surridge, University of Bristol
- On the Specification and Estimation of the Directional Model of Voting – Guido Tiemann, University of Vienna
- Locating Turkey in Comparative Party Programmatic Policy Spaces – Ali Carkoglu, Koc University
The Liberal Democrats, session two: In Government 2010-2015 – Marching Towards the Sound of Gunfire
Chair: Stephen Thornton, Cardiff University
- The Liberal Democrats in Coalition: Enduring love? – Simon Griffiths, Goldsmiths, University of London
- Social Liberal Leaven in a Neoliberal Dough? The Liberal Democrat Legacy in Health, Education, and Welfare – Peter Sloman, University of Oxford
- Liberal Democrats and the World: Liberal Internationalism and Trilateralism in UK Party Politics – Tim Oliver, London School of Economics and Political Science; Ben Jones, Kings College, London
- Country Before Party: An Analysis of Nick Clegg’s Dual Role as Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Liberal Democrats – Jonathan Kirkup, Cardiff University; Thom Oliver, Oxford Brookes
Conference organisers

Dr Ed Poole
Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations
- Welsh speaking
- pooleeg@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 (0)29 2087 5574