Working with Westminster

Seeing how Parliament works will help you understand the theoretical parts of your degree.
We are one of a select group of universities that work in partnership with Westminster to offer the only higher education ‘parliamentary’ module formally approved by UK Parliament.
Co-taught by tutors at the School of Law and Politics and officials from UK Parliament, our Parliamentary Studies module is currently available in the third year of our Politics degrees (single and joint hons), and examines how Parliaments and legislatures operate, in terms both of formal rules and procedures, and informal processes and relationships derived from cultures, practices and traditions. How are laws made? How do MPs hold governments to account? What backgrounds do MPs emanate from, and what does being an MP entail? How could the House of Lords be reformed?
The main focus of the module is on the House of Commons and the House of Lords, but the module also considers the National Assembly for Wales, and the Northern Ireland Assembly, the European Parliament, as well as the architecture and physical design of legislatures, and the media representation of such institutions.