Welsh language opportunities
Since devolution, there has been a significant increase in the demand for Welsh speaking political experts in Wales. Cardiff University is responding to this demand with Welsh language opportunities in both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
Tutorial classes are available for the following optional Welsh language modules for students studying Law and Politics and Welsh and Politics joint honours undergraduate degrees. Browse our courses for further details.
Year 1
- Y Da, Drwg a’r Gwleidyddol (The Good, the Bad and the Political) (20 credits)
Year 2
- Credoau'r Cymru (The Welsh and their beliefs) (20 credits)
- O'r Groegiaid i Gymru (From the Greeks to Wales) (20 credits)
- Hanes Athroniaeth Wleidyddol (History of Political Philosophy) (20 credits)
Year 3
- Politics dissertation (20 credits)
- Cyfiawnder Byd-eang (World wide Justice) (20 credits)
- Cenedlaetholdeb, Crefydd a Chyfiawnder: Hanes Athroniaeth yr 20fed Ganrif yng Nghymru (Nationalism, Religion and Justice: The History of 20th Century Philosophy in Wales) (20 credits)
Our postgraduate students can also study through the medium of Welsh. Find out about our recent Coleg Cymraeg PhD scholarship winner Rhianwen Daniel, who will be studying under the supervision of Professor Richard Wyn Jones from the Department of Politics and Dr Huw Williams from the Department of Philosophy.
Studying politics through the medium of Welsh has opened the door to a variety of interesting and worthwhile jobs. These include elected members in the Senedd in Cardiff Bay and Westminster, prominent workers in both voluntary sector and private sectors, leaders of society and even in the pulpit. These former students have benefited greatly from studying politics through the medium of Welsh. Join them!
Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Scholarships
The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, a Welsh Assembly body which provides funding for Welsh medium Higher Education, offers several scholarships for those who intend studying their degrees through the medium of Welsh.
Main Scholarships
The Coleg offers Scholarships of £3,000 over a three year period for undergraduates who are studying at least 66% or 80 credits of their programme each year through the medium of Welsh.
Incentive Scholarships
Incentive Scholarships of £500 a year (or £1500 over 3 years) are available for students who intend studying at least 40 credits a year of their degree programmes through the medium of Welsh.
Masters Scholarships
Masters Scholarships of up to £3,000 a year are available for students studying at least 60 credits through the Welsh medium and presenting their dissertations in Welsh.
William Salesbury Scholarships
Each year two Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol students studying 100% of their course in the Welsh medium are awarded this scholarship of £5,000 from the William Salesbury fund.
For more information about the Coleg's scholarships, please visit the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol website.
From information about scholarships to staff funding, discover what our Coleg Branch can provide for Welsh medium students and staff.