We offer the latest e-learning facilities and a library equipped with relevant resources for your course of study, ensuring that you have a first-class environment in which to study.
The Cardiff Law Library is described as 'outstanding' by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales and has over 100,000 volumes with subscriptions to over 279 current periodicals and law reports. It is conveniently located in the University's Arts and Social Studies Library, opposite the Law Building.

The collections include teaching materials for undergraduate and masters courses in law. Research collections reflect the interests of the School:
- criminal law and justice
- intellectual property
- environmental law
- marine andshipping law
- family law and justice
- medico-legal studies
- canon law
- civil legal process
In addition, electronic databases and retrieval systems such as westlaw, Lexis-Nexis and Hein On-Line facilitate access to many other major reports and journals.
Law Library staff are on hand to offer specialist research assistance, including one-to-one and workshop training in information searching and mediated literature researches.
The Law Library also has collections of UK Official Publications and UN material relating to the Law of the Sea.
The Law Library is on the first floor of the Arts and Social Studies Library.